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Shadow Slave

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Shadow Slave Chapter 417 Shipwreck

Shadow Slave Chapter 417 Shipwreck

Chapter 417 s.h.i.+pwreck

The chain leading to the s.h.i.+pwreck Island was about four kilometers long, which was on the shorter side by the Chained Isles standards. As a swift shadow, Sunny would have been able to ride it all the way to his destination in just a few minutes. Sadly, the heavenly chain was currently drawn taut and nowhere near the Sky Below, which meant that its links weren't covered by a thick layer of shadows.

He was going to have to cross it on foot.

As the ground behind him started to move, announcing the approach of something far more hungry and terrifying than the swarm of gluttonous maggots, Sunny slid out of his hiding spot, dashed toward the edge of the island, and jumped down.

Falling through the vast expanse of the blue sky, he landed on the iron surface of the heavenly chain, rolled down a few meters, and then finally caught his balance.

The chain stretched far into the distance, rising higher and higher until it connected with the slowly descending s.h.i.+pwreck Island. Unlike how it was with the other pieces of land Sunny had seen in this strange region of the Dream Realm, the chain didn't simply disappear into the soil, but instead led to a tall stone structure that resembled a castle gate. Two ma.s.sive pillars rose high into the sky, overgrown by vines and moss.

The gate itself had been broken a long time ago, and now, the s.p.a.ce between the pillars was empty, the wind pa.s.sing freely through its vast opening.

...Further away, the corpse of the iron giant continued to sway in the air, his one remaining hand pointed at the Sky Below.

Summoning the Cruel Sight, Sunny turned it into the spear and cautiously moved forward.


The further he walked, the lower the s.h.i.+pwreck Island descended, until finally the heavenly chain became almost horizontal. In about an hour, Sunny crossed the abyss separating two isles and approached the stone structure he had noticed from afar.

Up close, it was even more monumental. He found out that he had been wrong, though: the pillars did not seem like they had ever served to house a ma.s.sive gate. Instead, they just reached for the sky, built for some unknown purpose. There were weathered steps cut into each of the pillars, leading all the way to the top.

Sunny frowned.

'Who would be crazy enough to climb that high?'

Even now that the island had descended, up there on top of the monumental pillars the Crus.h.i.+ng must have been suffocating. With a shrug, he used the Dark Wing to glide upward and climbed onto a wide stone platform between the pillars.

From here, the remains of an ancient road led further into the island. Following it to reach the top of a low hill, Sunny stopped and looked down, at the sight of the peculiar landmark that gave this place its name.

At the very heart of the desolate island, a large wooden s.h.i.+p lay broken on the ground. It must have been beautiful and magnificent once, but now, all that remained of its former glory were the fluid lines of the graceful and narrow hull. The ancient wood somehow remained untouched by the pa.s.sage of time, but the bow of the s.h.i.+p was completely shattered. There were also large breaches here and there along the length of the wreck, and green vines covering large sections of it.

What was a s.h.i.+p doing at the heart of a land that had no rivers and no seas remained a mystery, but Sunny became hypnotized by the sight of a crushed vessel for a completely different reason.

A triumphant spark appeared in his eyes.

'I guess I am in luck today!'

With a dark smile, he s.h.i.+fted his gaze and looked at the tall mast of the s.h.i.+p.

A dead, withered tree coiled around it, its naked branches stretching into the sky like bones. Sunny recognized that tree, even if it looked very different from how it was depicted on the reverse side of the mysterious coins, full of life and in bloom.

This was the same s.h.i.+p he had seen before.

…Which meant that the coin might have come from inside the wreck, or at least was connected to it somehow.

Initially, Sunny had only planned to scout the vicinity of the island and search for the traces left by the dead Chain Worm. But now, he felt as if this scouting expedition could actually lead him directly to the treasure he so desperately wanted to find. What were the chances that the coins depicting the strange s.h.i.+p came from somewhere else?

Close to zero, most likely.

Now, he only had to sneak into the wreck, explore it, and return in one piece.

…Which was not an easy task, considering how close to the Tear the island was. Sunny could not see any Nightmare Creatures moving across its surface, but he knew that there had to be some, and that they were going to be of the truly dreadful kind.

Still, he wasn't going to turn back now.

'It's worth it…'


Sunny spent some time observing the island. No matter how hard he looked and how much his shadows roamed around, he couldn't see any abominations anywhere near the ancient s.h.i.+p.

…That didn't mean there were none, though. It just meant that they were better at hiding than he was at looking.

After a while, Sunny frowned and summoned Saint. The taciturn demon stepped out of his shadow a few hundred meters down the slope of the hill and indifferently looked around. Then, she dismissed her bow, and instead summoned a melee weapon.

The Midnight Shard appeared in her hands, its austere blade reflecting the black onyx of the Shadow's armor.

…The two suited each other very well.

Saint turned her back to Sunny, raised the long tachi, and calmly headed toward the distant wreck. After thirty seconds or so, he left his shelter and followed, keeping to the shadows.

Minute after minute pa.s.sed in tense silence. Despite his expectations, they didn't meet any powerful abominations. The island was quiet and deserted, covered only by overgrown ruins, vines, and piles of broken wood.

When they were halfway to the s.h.i.+p, however, something finally changed.

As Saint approached one of the piles of debris, it suddenly moved.

…And then a.s.sembled itself into the shape of a tall, menacing humanoid creature, its hands ending in long jagged blades.

As countless similar piles of splintered wood began to move all around them, Sunny breathed out a curse.

It had started so well!
