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Shadow Slave

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Shadow Slave Chapter 465: Subjective Value

Shadow Slave Chapter 465: Subjective Value

Chapter 465: Subjective Value

After a white, Sunny a. Effie returned to his home —Just in time to receive the dcevery of the refrigerator. Two tall antl broad-shouldered store workers unloaded it from the cargo hoLd of their delivery vehicte and placed the big box down wife a bit of strain After that, one of .em smiled a. asked

"Good day Where should we put it?" Sunny waved a hand_ "Ah, . need I'LL do it myself" The Loaders Looked at him doubtfuLly, then simply shrugged and Left after getting his signature_

After the vehicte drove off, Sunny Looked around, then ea.,/ Lifted the heavy box antl carried if inside the house without any effort wha.oever.

Soon, the refrigerator was standing in the place where his ofd one used to be, the synthwood panels covering its doors Mending in with the minimalist design of the kitchen Effie and Sunny stared at rt.r a white, satisfied Then, he said

"I Like it. a lot" Effie smiled_ "Yeah_ Beatty ties the whole room together.- doesn't it, Welt V any case, I hope you won't break if again" After that she yawned and said in a fired voice "Ugh- I'm beat lime. refire to the Dream Realm. What about you," Sunny thought fora few moments_ Suddenly, a wide smite appeared on his face "I have an errand to run, but after that, I am going in, too Oh _ wait Where are going to steep,"

Effie shrugged 'Your guest room, where else] He blinked. "Don't you need a steeping pod," The former huntress giggled.

"I have one In your guest room_ What? Why are you staring at me Like that, Was I supposed to shutle between the Academy antl your comatose body every day,"


Sunny Lingered fora bit then sighed_

"Make sense I guess I shot. have put one .ere, to begin wit. What are the chances of me having mundane humans as guests,"

Then, he waved Effie goodbye and headed for the door as she tumed her wheelchair around antl rotted toward the guest bedroom

He was very exerted about what he was going to do

Some time Late, Sunny was in a beautifully Lit store, pus.h.i.+ng a shopping cart forward and slowly fitting it to the brim wrth all kinds of food, as well as some other things_ He was quietly whs.-Ring a cheerful tune, imagining alt this stuff going into his new fridge

The contents of the cart would have cost more than he couttl ever dream to make, back when he had been Living in the outskirts But now, he could not only afford if, b. even do so without having to count his money or feet apprehensive about the cost He route! l.u.s.t_ buy as much he wanted of any quality that he wanted antl bring it back home his own home.

Life had changed so much_

After a white, he felt as though he got enough Now that he had the Covetous Coffer, he cotttl not only bring soul shards out of the Dream Realm_ but also bring stiff from the real. woad to the Chained IstesiThat meant so much_ an unlimited amount of spices, all kinds of snacks to make the Long days of exploring Less dreadful various Little things to make hceseff more comfort.,

h.e.l.l, if he wanted to, he couLd even bring a tent antl steep in if Like a king,

'Incredible_. oh, this is simply incrediffiet

Of course, not all of these things couLd be bought in a general store But he coutd visit other places or simply order stuff on the network

As he was heading for the registers, a familiar voice suddenly putted him out of his thoughts " _MonniCan we get ice cream," Sunny froze fora moment, then slowly turned his head and Looked. his Left, down a Long aisle he was pa.s.sing_ There, a pate girl of around fourteen years was standing near a tan, graceful woman in her forties_ An eight-year-old boy with Monde hair antl a bright scele was pus.h.i.+ng a tub of ice cream into her hands_ Sunny watched Rain and her family for a .w moments, then turned away antl continued on his way, Leaving them behind A quiet sigh escaped from his lips

At Least she's doing fine_ Well, of course she is. I W only been gone for a month. Why would anything happen simply because I wasn't here,'

He reached the register, then heceated for a bit antl turned back

When he returned,.ere were several tubs of delicious ice cream added to his cart

As the Light of dawn s.h.i.+ned on the Chained Isles, Sunny appeared on the Attar Island of the Sanctuary of Noces He stared at the sky, grimaced at the absence of the moon, and headed toward his room

Some time Late, though, he emerged from there wrth a peculiar wooden box following him wrth the help of eight small iron Legs With the Covetous Coffer in tow, Sunny walked into the garden, found a facet!. rock, Lifted the toothy box, antl carefully ptaced if near hceseff

Then, he took out a single soul shard antl put it where everyone coutd see

Soon, one of the Awakened noticed him a. approached_ "Ah, Sunny, You're back, Looking to sell some shards again?" Sunny smiled. "Oh_ yes, sure_ But hey! That's not alt Brabant Emporium has some new merchandise," The Awakened Looked at him with doubt, then asked "Really? Like what," Sunny's grin grew wider. "How Lucky that you happened to ask Let's see_" He put his hand inside the coffer, which then somehow disappeared into the comparativ Then, Sunny began taking outvarious items, speaking as he did so


maLL box up to the shouLder.

"What do I have A store] Take a Look for yourself- toothpaste, Solt dean underwear, Salt Poppet and all ',In., spices! Personal hygiene products! Are you a woman, No? Have a female friend, then? What really, Well, with the stuff I have here, .at can be fixed Oh, what is ffis? Woutd you Look at that"

As more and more people gathered antl stared at the absolutely mundane, b. precious items that affiost none of them had access to in the Dream Realm with something resembling l.u.s.t in their eyes, Sunny's own gleamed with greed

"By the way, Brilliant Emporium is also proud. announce the opening of a conveyance sercece _ want our dedicated staff to bring something specific from the real. world, No problems Want. se. something to the real woad in.ead? That's not a problem, either_ For just a small commission "

'I am going to get rich So, so ricer Yes, soul shards were a rare commodity in the real. woad. But a good pair of underpants in the Dream Realm was, perhaps, even more valuable.
