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Shadow Slave

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Shadow Slave Chapter 512 Unburdened

Shadow Slave Chapter 512 Unburdened

Sitting on the very edge of the Sanctuary island with his feet dangling above the abyss of the Sky Below, Sunny was enjoying the view of the clear streams falling down into the darkness and turning into clouds of water dust.

After a while, he lowered his eyes and looked at the item laying on his palm with a bit of confusion.

'So… that's it?'

This was one of the two Memories he had exchanged for the contribution points given to him for helping Master Jet deal with Shadow Blade Kurt. It looked like a long, narrow needle forged out of black steel, with gold wire wrapped around one of its ends — sort of like an antique acupuncture needle, but much st.u.r.dier.

The needle's name was Heavenly Burden… a very ironic name for a Memory, here on the Chained Isles. He had just received it this morning, and this was his first opportunity to properly study the thing.

Very curious, Sunny summoned the runes:

Memory: [Heavenly Burden].

Memory Rank: Awakened.

Memory Tier: III.

Memory Type: Tool.


Memory Description: [To be free of a burden, one has to let go of all attachments they hold in their heart. Only those who untethered themselves from everything can become truly free.]

'Sounds wonderful...'

At first glance, the Memory wasn't too outstanding. Its Rank wasn't high, and neither was its tier. With the amount of money Sunny was making, he could probably buy something like this after a week or two of collecting soul shards in the Dream Realm.

But that was why contribution points were more valuable than credits. The government had access to things that were exceedingly rare or simply impossible to get on the market. Heavenly Burden was one such thing, and it was due to the enchantment the needle possessed:

Memory Enchantments: [Unburdened].

Enchantment Description: [Those pierced with this needle will rise to the skies.]

…Indeed, it was a Memory that could allow him to fly.

Sort of.

Flight enchantments were extremely rare and tremendously valued. In all honesty, Sunny had no business being able to get his hands on a Memory such as this — he was already incredibly lucky to have the Dark Wing, which, while not capable of true flight, was pretty close to it.

Usually, only Masters or Saints were able to purchase decent flight Memories. That was why Kai was so lucky… but Master Jet pulled some string, and as the result, Sunny was currently holding the Heavenly Burden in his hands.

Well… from what he understood about the black needle, calling it a decent flight Memory was a bit of a stretch. Still, it was indeed capable of gifting him the ability to fly.

He grimaced a little, then thrust the needle into his forearm. However, nothing happened… well, of course it didn't. The thing failed to pierce the soft, but adamantine fabric of the Puppeteer's Shroud.

Sunny thought for a bit, and then enhanced the Heavenly Burden with one of his shadows. This time, the needle went through, and buried itself in his flesh.


The pain was sharp, but not too bad. More than that, Sunny had no time to think about it… and that was because as soon as the Heavenly Burden pierced his skin, his body floated up.

…And continued doing so.

Sunny was steadily rising into the sky, be it at a slow speed. It was as though he had suddenly turned into a balloon. The feeling would have been rather funny, if it wasn't so terrifying — mostly because a sudden gust of wind threw him slightly to the side, and now, there was nothing but the darkness of the Sky Below beneath him.

Both amused and slightly tense, Sunny summoned the Dark Wing. He also summoned the Prowling Thorn, just to be on the safer side. After both Memories manifested themselves, he hesitated for a moment, and then wrapped the black needle in his second shadow, too.

Immediately, the speed with which he was rising into the air increased.

Sunny allowed himself to float upward for a few moments, and then commanded the Dark Wing to activate. With its help, he changed the direction of his flight, and slowly moved back toward the island. Making sure that there was solid ground under him, he then dismissed the Heavenly Burden and smoothly glided down.

'...Not bad!'

Now, he had two Memories to deal with what Ca.s.sie had seen in the vision of their supposed death. One Memory could only move him upward, while the other allowed him to glide in any direction except up. Together, they gave him the ability of true flight. Even if it was slow and not nearly as effective as what Kai could do, it was still flying.

The point was, he was not going to fall endlessly into the Sky Below again… not unless he wanted to.

Sunny returned to the edge of the Sanctuary, sat down, and stared at one of the chains leading to a neighboring island.

It was early morning, and he was waiting for someone.

'They're still not here…'

With a sigh, he looked down and summoned the second Memory he received from the government. A piece of beautiful ember that looked like solidified flame appeared on his palm, inlaid in a frame made out of dull metal.

He summoned the runes:

Memory: [Memory of Fire].

Memory Rank: Ascended.

Memory Tier: I.

Memory Type: Charm.

Memory Description: [...And then, there was nothing but flame.]

'Huh… short and sweet.'

Memory Enchantments: [Scorching Heat.]

Enchantment Description: [This charm provides the wearer with moderate resistance to fire.]

And that was that. With these two Memories, Sunny felt more or less ready to plunge into the dark abyss below the Chained Isles once more, when the time came. With Dark Wing and the Heavenly Burden allowing him to fly… or rather, float… and the [Underworld Armament] of the Mantle enhancing the protective effect of the Memory of Fire, his next trip to the Ebony Tower would be less perilous.


His thoughts were suddenly interrupted. Looking at the chain, he noticed a row of black dots moving across it, far in the distance.

Straining his vision, Sunny sighed.

'They're here…'
