Martial God Asura Chapter 1897 - Capture All_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1897 - Capture All

2024-05-12 17:42:21  浏览:60  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1897 - Capture All

“Indeed, it was nine. She has triggered four more Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles than Xian Yuyin, and five more Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles than me.”

“Back when my little sister triggered the Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles, even the Elders were shocked. The reason for that was because she had created the abnormal sign of nine lightnings soaring into the sky,” Princess Lingyue said.

“Nine lightnings soaring into the sky?” Chu Feng revealed a curious gaze.

“Yes, nine streams of lightning soaring into the sky. Not only did they illuminate the entire region, they also appeared to have lives, and were extremely magnificent,” Princess Lingyue said.

“They were not magnificent. It was inferior to the sight of you triggering the Ancient Era’s Immortal Needle back then,” Xian Miaomiao said.

“Oh, that’s right. Chu Feng, I’ve heard from Miaomiao that you gave rise to an unprecedented abnormal sign when you triggered the Immortal Needle. According to Miaomiao, it was even more magnificent than the nine lightnings soaring into the sky. Is that true?” Princess Lingyue asked curiously.

“That abnormal sign was caused by my breakthrough,” Chu Feng said.

“It’s true then. In that case, I truly wish to see what sort of abnormal sign you’ll cause when you reach a breakthrough,” Princess Lingyue had an expression of antic.i.p.ation.

“In that case, I’ll inform you to let you come watch the next time I reach a breakthrough,” Chu Feng said with a smile.

“It’s a deal!” Princess Lingyue said.

“Definitely,” Chu Feng nodded.

“I also want to watch,” Xian Miaomiao said.

“Okay, okay, okay. I’ll bring you too,” Princess Lingyue said with a smile.


At the moment when Chu Feng and the others were journeying to the Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles, Xian Yuyin’s father arrived beside Xian Yuyin and handed him a special medicinal pellet.

“Mn?” After secretly receiving the medicinal pellet from his father, Xian Yuyin revealed a puzzled expression.

As for Xian Yuyin’s father, he sent a secret voice transmission to Xian Yuyin, “Back then, you were only a bit away from triggering six Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles. That’s why I requested for the Avaricious Immortal to refine this medicinal pellet for you. As long as you are to use it, you will definitely be able to trigger six Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles.”

“The Avaricious Immortal spent a total of three years to concoct this medicinal pellet. He finally managed to successfully concoct it and deliver it to my hands. I truly never expected that you’d be able to use it this quickly.”

“Thank you father,” Hearing what his father said, Xian Yuyin’s expression changed to one of joy. Originally, he was absolutely confident that he would be able to defeat Chu Feng.

However, with this medicinal pellet, he would be able to widen the disparity between them. Furthermore, he would be able to be held in greater value by the Elf Kingdom. As for Chu Feng, he would end up being despised by others.

He was certain that Chu Feng was destined to become his stepping stone.

After journeying for some time, Chu Feng and the others finally arrived at the Ancient Era’s Immortal Pond.

Atop the multi-colored water’s surface were nine golden pillars that soared straight into the sky. The nine golden pillars appeared to be extremely magnificent.

The nine pillars stood in an orderly manner like nine guards protecting the area. They were the Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles.

“Chu Feng, watch carefully,” After Xian Yuyin finished saying those words to Chu Feng, he leapt directly into the Ancient Era’s Immortal Pond.

He felt that he had to be the first one to enter the Ancient Era’s Immortal Pond. The reason for that was because he would be able to bring an enormous pressure to Chu Feng after triggering six Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles.

Furthermore, he felt that Chu Feng was simply incapable of triggering the Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles. Even if he were able to, he would, at the very most, be able to trigger a single Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needle. At that time, he would be able to form a clear contrast to show how incompetent Chu Feng was.

“Chu Feng, the nine Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles here are indeed different from the ones in the Cyanwood Domain. What percentage of certainty do you have in successfully triggering them?” Eggy asked.

“If I said I could trigger all nine, would you trust me?” Chu Feng asked.

“Haha, it’s precisely your confidence that I like,” Eggy said.

“I’m just joking. The Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles here are extremely extraordinary. They have caused the pressure in the depths of the pond to be extremely powerful. Even the current me, although my strength greatly my strength before, does not possess much certainty in being able to trigger all nine Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles. However, since I’ve come here, I must do everything I can. If I am really able to trigger all nine of them…”

Chu Feng did not finish his words. The reason for that was because it was only a guess. Back when he triggered the Ancient Era’s Immortal Needle in the Cyanwood Domain, he had obtained quite a harvest from it. It allowed him to break through to the Martial King realm on the spot.

If the Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles in this place were also able to bring benefits to Chu Feng, then the harvest which he would obtain should be much better than that what he had been able to obtain from the Silver Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles.

Chu Feng did not have any extravagant hope like being able to reach a breakthrough to Martial Emperor. However, he hoped that he would be able to make progress with his cultivation. At the very least, he hoped that the harvest here would serve as the foundation for his future breakthrough to Martial Emperor. As long As Chu Feng became an actual Martial Emperor, he would be able to save Yao’er in the Cyanwood Mountain.

At the moment when Chu Feng was pondering, the majority of the crowd had their eyes cast on the nine Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles.

The reason for that was because they knew that Xian Yuyin would definitely be able to trigger the Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles. The only question was the time it would take and how many he could trigger.


Sure enough, not long afterward, a Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needle started to blossom with dazzling radiance. Merely, this was no silver light. Instead, it was a golden light. At the same time, countless runes and symbols began to scatter all over the place as if they were alive.

“This fast?”

At that moment, Chu Feng’s eyes started to s.h.i.+ne. He did not expect for Xian Yuyin to be able to trigger the first Ancient Era’s Immortal Needle this quickly.


Immediately afterward, an ear-piercing thunder exploded from the top of that Ancient Era’s Immortal Needle. The enormous rumble caused s.p.a.ce itself to tremble. That sound was truly too ear-piercing. Not only that, it brought great intimidation to one’s heart. Practically everyone present was intimidated by that thunder.


Right after the extremely imposing thunder sounded, a dazzling green bolt of lightning shot out from that Ancient Era’s Immortal Needle’s peak.

That green lightning was incomparably thick, and looked extremely magnificent, like an enormous dragon made of countless lightning bolts. With a impressive display of unparalleled power, it conquered everything before its path and covered the sky.

The densely packed lightning bolts formed an enormous net of lightning. Furthermore, that net was still increasing in size nonstop. It was as if it was planning to seal off the entire sky.

Wild and overbearing. At that moment, everyone was able to feel an incomparable might from that green lightning.


Soon, another loud explosion was heard from another Ancient Era’s Immortal Needle, and another lightning bolt soared into the sky. When that second bolt of green lightning soared into the sky, the net of lighting in the sky became even more dazzling and imposing.

If ordinary people were to see this scene, they would definitely be filled with endless amazement and awe. However, the crowd present seemed to have all grown used to this sort of spectacle. Even though they possessed joyous smiles on their faces, they were not very shocked by it.

After the first two Golden Needles were triggered in succession, the third, fourth and fifth Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles were also triggered in succession. The speed at which they were being triggered could be said to be extremely fast.

At that moment, the Ancient Era’s Elves that knew Xian Yuyin’s talent well all nodded in a satisfied manner, for Xian Yuyin had not disappointed them. Of course, they all knew that being able to trigger five Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needles was Xian Yuyin’s limit.

Suddenly, the Avaricious Immortal pointed to another Ancient Era’s Immortal Needle and shouted in shock, “Quickly, look, another Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needle is lighting up,”

In response, the crowd all turned their gazes over to that Ancient Era’s Immortal Needle. At that moment, the eyes of practically all of the Ancient Era’s Elves present started to s.h.i.+ne with amazement.

The sixth Golden Ancient Era’s Immortal Needle had been triggered. Xian Yuyin had broken his previous best record. As for this new record, it was also the best record that the current Elf Kingdom’s Elf King had managed to obtain.

At that moment, the Ancient Era’s Elves’ Elders and Protectors all involuntarily took a glance at the Elf King. It was as if they were indicating that Xian Yuyin’s cultivation would be able to reach the same height as the current Elf King.

“d.a.m.n it, that guy, how did he…” At the moment when the majority of the Ancient Era’s Elves were feeling joy over the matter, Xian Miaomiao and her sister Xiang Lingyue were frowning with expressions of unease.


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