Martial God Asura Chapter 1463 - An Expert Withdrawn From Worldly Affairs_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1463 - An Expert Withdrawn From Worldly Affairs

2024-03-30 13:14:33  浏览:75  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1463 - An Expert Withdrawn From Worldly Affairs

“Our World Spiritist Alliance has long since established this rule with the other Eight Powers, that if there are expert world spiritists among their disciples, they could become our World Spiritist Alliance’s nominal disciples. This is something that everyone knows. Furthermore, the Eight Powers also felt proud when their disciples became our World Spiritist Alliance’s nominal disciples. After all, this meant that they had the ability to nurture outstanding disciples.”

“Yet, the grand Daoist Dugu was actually this narrow-minded of a person?” Sima Ying said with an expression of displeasure.

“Hah… Miss Sima, oh you do not understand. The more fond of a disciple we are, the more we would want to monopolize that disciple. While other disciples would be one thing, Chu Feng is special.”

“As for what’s special about Chu Feng, I believe you all know very well too. Else, your World Spiritist Alliance would not try to invite him repeatedly, no?” Half Martial Emperor White Ape explained.

“This…” Hearing those words, Sima Ying and the others did not know how to respond.

It was true, Chu Feng was truly too excellent. If Chu Feng were a disciple of their World Spiritist Alliance to begin with, their World Spiritist Alliance would most definitely not want Chu Feng to be a.s.sociated with any other power either.

Thus, when thinking about it this way, they were able to understand why Dugu Xingfeng would react like that. After all, everyone possessed selfish motives. Especially toward those things that they were fond of, people would always want to monopolize them.

“However, Chu Feng, Lord Headmaster does not blame you for your actions either. Although I have been asked to come here by him today, it is actually not to question you about this matter.”

“Instead, Lord Headmaster told me to deliver this to you,” As Half Martial Emperor White Ape spoke, he handed an invitation letter to Chu Feng. It was the invitation letter for the Nine Powers Hunt.

At this moment, Lin Yezhou, Su Mei and the others all revealed a smile of relief. They had been worried that Chu Feng would not be qualified to partic.i.p.ate in the Nine Powers Hunt earlier. However, their worry had now become unnecessary. [1. Xima: Bah, I wanted to see Feng’er beat people up to earn his invitation. ]

At the instant when Chu Feng received the Invitation Letter from Half Martial Emperor White Ape, a voice transmission also entered his ears. “Chu Feng, remember, you are different from them.”

“To put it bluntly, for disciples like Lin Yezhou, even though they’re extremely outstanding, there will still be several disciples of his quality every hundred years.”

“However, for a disciple like you, not to mention a thousand years, we will likely not even be able to see another in ten thousand years.”

“I am aware of this. Thus, that is why I think so highly of you. As for Lord Headmaster, he is also fully aware of this. That is why he asked me to look after you.”

“Thus, you must not blame Lord Headmaster. He too is merely concerned about you.”

“Chu Feng understands.”

Chu Feng did not blame Dugu Xingfeng. He understood what Half Martial Emperor White Ape meant by those words. It was precisely because Dugu Xingfeng thought very highly of him that he did not wish for him to be a.s.sociated with the World Spiritist Alliance. He wanted Chu Feng to be only Cyanwood Mountain’s.

Yet, Chu Feng had already a.s.sociated himself with the World Spiritist Alliance. Thus, there was no way to change this matter anymore. Therefore, even if Dugu Xingfeng was unhappy about Chu Feng’s decision, he had no choice but to accept it.

Just the fact that he had Half Martial Emperor White Ape come to deliver the invitation letter to Chu Feng was enough to show that he had accepted this. Furthermore, it also showed that he still thought very highly of Chu Feng.

How could Chu Feng blame someone that thought so highly of him?

It was just like someone who was concerned about him and scolding him for his own good. How could he bear grudges against that person?

“Little friends, this old man still has things to do. I shall take my leave first.”

“Oh, that’s right. Tomorrow is the date of the announcement of this Nine Powers Hunt’s rules. You all must make sure to be present. Perhaps a few among you might become your power’s banner holders,” After he finished saying these words, Half Martial Emperor White Ape left with a smile on his face.

When they heard the words ‘banner holders,’ Lin Yezhou and the other disciples looked to one another, and looks of antic.i.p.ation appeared on their faces.

The banner holder was a sort of honor in the Nine Powers Hunt.

For the Nine Powers, if there were twenty people among them, each of the powers was given the option to choose two banner holders.

These two banner holders possessed the power to lead the other disciples. As for who the banner holders would be, that was determined by the headmasters of the Nine Powers.

However, regardless of who it was, everyone wished to obtain this rare honor. Becoming a banner holder was a verification of one’s strength and, for someone like Lin Yezhou, a verification of one’s confidence.

In fact, Lin Yezhou had been the first choice for the World Spiritist Alliance’s banner holder the entire time. However, it was slightly different this year around. With Su Mei here, he knew that he was no longer the first choice anymore.

However, even if Su Mei was the first choice, it remained that there were two banner holder positions. He was confident that the second person would be him.

However, he had to thank Chu Feng for that. He was glad that Chu Feng would be representing the Cyanwood Mountain and not the World Spiritist Alliance.

If Chu Feng was to represent the World Spiritist Alliance, it was very clear that he would not have any relations.h.i.+p with the position of the second banner holder.

“I truly wonder what this year’s Nine Powers Hunt will be like?”

“I’ve heard that this year’s Nine Powers Hunt will be held in an Ancient Era’s Remnant. You must know that all the Ancient Era’s Remnants are extremely dangerous places.”

The rules of the Nine Powers Hunt had been different every single time it'd been held before. Thus, when they thought about how the rules for this Nine Powers Hunt were about to be announced, Sima Ying and the others all became curious and excited.

When Sima Ying saw that the others were all discussing this with one another intensely, while Chu Feng was not speaking and appeared more like a spectator, she asked curiously, “Chu Feng, it seems like you’re not interested in the rules of this Nine Powers Hunt. Could it be that you’re really this confident that you’ll be able to obtain first place?”

“First place? I don’t really care about that,” Chu Feng smiled. What he had said was the truth. Chu Feng’s main purpose in partic.i.p.ating in the Nine Powers Hunt was the treasure contained in the Ancient Era’s Remnants.

The only thing in Chu Feng’s mind was how to obtain the treasure, and not how to obtain first place in the Nine Powers Hunt.

Thus, the rules of the Nine Powers Hunt or who would be the banner holder were all meaningless to him. The only thing he cared about was whether he would be able to obtain the treasure successfully. After all, to him, obtaining first place in the Nine Powers Hunt was only meaningless fame, whereas obtaining the treasure and increasing his cultivation was most important. After all, that was the reason why Chu Feng had joined the Cyanwood Mountain in the first place.

And now, Chu Feng’s destination was finally before his reach.

Suddenly, Fang Tuohai said, “Oh, that’s right. Senior brothers and sisters, you’ve all just arrived here today. So you must know that an amazing person has come to our Cyanwood Mountain, right?”

“Amazing person? Who?” Fang Tuohai’s words managed to perk the interest of the crowd. As they were very youthful, they were filled with curiosity and loved this sort of gossip.

“Amazing person? When even the Nine Power’s headmasters are present, who can be considered even more amazing than them? Could it be that a Martial Emperor-level expert has come?” Lin Yezhou asked in a disdainful manner.

He knew that the Nine Powers all possessed Martial Emperors. However, they were all very high up and out of touch with the common people. They would wholeheartedly train and pursue even more strength. Very few among them would actually bother with worldly matters. Thus, they would naturally not bother to partic.i.p.ate in something like the Nine Powers Hunt.

Other than Martial Emperors, very few people would be able to draw Lin Yezhou’s interest. Thus, compared to the others, Lin Yezhou was not interested in this matter.

“He’s neither a Martial Emperor nor someone from the Nine Powers. However, this man has beaten up a management elder from the Nine Powers,” Fang Tuohai had clearly not noticed the disdain contained in Lin Yezhou’s words. Thus, he continued.

“An outsider beat up a management elder of the Nine Powers? What sort of nerve does he have?” Hearing those words, some people came to a realization.

Although the Nine Powers were always the leading roles in the Nine Powers Hunt, they would always invite other powers to join in the fun. In fact, some of the disciples from the other powers would even join the compet.i.tion.

Hearing what Fang Tuohai said, they were all able to guess that it must be someone from another power that had beaten up someone from the Nine Powers.

However, when compared to the Nine Powers, all of those powers were very small and weak, simply incomparable to the Nine Powers. Even their disciples would not dare to provoke the disciples of the Nine Powers. Thus, how could there be someone daring enough to beat up a management elder of the Nine Powers?

“Exactly what happened? Quickly, tell us.” At this moment, Sima Ying and the others grew even more curious. Even Lin Yezhou who was feeling disdainful grew curious and stuck his ear over to hear the story.


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