Martial God Asura Chapter 1474 - The Place That He Must Go To_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1474 - The Place That He Must Go To

2024-03-30 20:21:34  浏览:77  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1474 - The Place That He Must Go To

After these four appeared in the Eastern Sea Region, they created an enormous upheaval and became Chu Feng’s greatest enemies.

At the time when the four of them first appeared, Chu Feng felt an enormous pressure. The four of them were like four insurmountable walls. Before Chu Feng, they pressured him so hard that he found even breathing to be difficult.

As for the four of them, they were four of the seven personal disciples of the Cursed Soil Sect’s headmaster. Overall, the seven of them were known as the Cursed Soil Seven.

Back then, if it wasn’t for Lady Piaomiao lending Chu Feng her strength, it would have simply been impossible for Chu Feng to defeat Jiang Qisha and the others. At that time, Chu Feng had still been too small and weak.

Suddenly, Chu Feng opened his eyes and looked to Yan Gui and the other two again. At this time, the smile on his face grew even more dense.

These three people were also part of the Cursed Soil Seven. Each one of them were stronger than Jiang Qisha and the other three. Yet now, they were lying beneath Chu Feng’s feet like dying dogs. If Chu Feng wanted to kill them, it would be as easy as crus.h.i.+ng ants.

Most importantly, this time around, Chu Feng had not borrowed strength from anyone else. He had relied… on only himself.

“Yan Gui, it would seem that you’re the head of the Cursed Soil Seven, right?” Chu Feng walked over to Yan Gui and asked.

“Chu Feng, it is not that I wanted to attack you. It was Qin Lingyun, he asked us to handle you.”

“That’s right, in my Cosmos Sack are the benefits that Qin Lingyun gave us. You can take that. No, take everything in my Cosmos Sack. Please, please let us go,” Yan Gui did not dare to answer Chu Feng’s question. Instead, he started to plead for forgiveness.

It was not that Yan Gui did not have moral backbone. Rather, it was because he was extremely afraid and filled with regret.

Before, he had thought that Chu Feng was a sheep that he could easily capture. However, he now discovered that instead of a sheep, Chu Feng was a fierce tiger. Even though they were hungry wolves, they were still extremely small and weak before Chu Feng. And now, they had all become Chu Feng’s meal.

Chu Feng smiled once again. He already knew that Yan Gui and the other disciples of the Cursed Soil Sect coming to attack him might be related to Qin Lingyun. However, never did he expect that to be really the case.

Chu Feng extended his arm and made a grabbing motion. All of their Cosmos Sacks were sucked into Chu Feng’s hand. After that, he casually placed them into his own Cosmos Sack without the slightest trace of guilt. It was as if all of these were his to begin with.

However, it was clear that Chu Feng did not plan to let them go just like this. He opened his palm, and another attractive force began to spread. Yan Gui was sucked into his hand.

Chu Feng held onto Yan Gui’s neck with one hand and held onto his sword with the other. Then, he pierced the sword into Yan Gui’s waist. The sword was only several centimeters from Yan Gui’s dantian.

“I’ll ask and you’ll answer. If you dare to hesitate in the slightest, if you dare to lie in the slightest, I’ll make your cultivation that you’ve spent the last thirty two years on turn into smoke.”

“It’s best that you speak truthfully. You should know that I will be able to see through your lies,” Lightning flickered in Chu Feng’s eyes; at that moment he was like a living demon that could see through everything.

“Do you know Tantai Xue?” Chu Feng asked.

“I… I do.” Yan Gui did not dare to conceal anything.

“In that case, do you know where she is now?” Chu Feng asked.

“She… she…” Yan Gui started to hesitate slightly. However, in the end, he said, “She’s in our Cursed Soil Sect.”

“In your Cursed Soil Sect? She is not a disciple of your Cursed Soil Sect, so why would she be in the Cursed Soil Sect? Did you all capture her?” Chu Feng asked with a cold voice.

“Yes, that’s right. She was caught by my master” Yan Gui replied. [1. Yan Gui’s master is the headmaster of the Cursed Soil Sect.]

“Why did you all capture her?” Chu Feng asked.

“Not only did she steal my master’s Talismanic Soul Stealing Flute, she also killed my four junior brothers. My master will not let her get away with that,” Yan Gui said.

Hearing those words, Chu Feng’s heart trembled. Who was Tantai Xue? She was the mysterious woman who arrived in the Eastern Sea Region along with Jiang Qisha and the others.

Tantai Xue had helped Chu Feng many times in the past. She had been a great benefactor to Chu Feng. Originally, Chu Feng entered the Heavenly Road to the Holy Land of Martialism together with Tantai Xue. Unfortunately, some setbacks had emerged on the Heavenly Road. Thus, Chu Feng was unable to enter into the Cursed Soil Domain together with Tantai Xue and had instead arrived in the Cyanwood Domain.

Therefore, Chu Feng had been worried about Tantai Xue the entire time. He did not know whether or not she was safe when returning to the Cursed Soil Domain by herself.

And now, after hearing what Yan Gui said, Chu Feng was naturally even more worried. It was clear that Tantai Xue was not safe right now.

“You all haven't killed her yet? Why haven’t you?” While Chu Feng came to know that Tantai Xue had been captured, he was able to tell from Yan Gui’s words that Tantai Xue was only captured and not yet killed.

“That’s because she has hidden away my master’s Talismanic Soul Stealing Flute. Before we find the Talismanic Soul Stealing Flute, she cannot die,” Yan Gui said.

“Talismanic Soul Stealing Flute, what is that?

“It’s an Incomplete Imperial Armament, our Cursed Soil Sect’s most valuable inherited treasure,” Yan Gui said.

“In that case, if Tantai Xue was to refuse to tell you all the location where she has hidden the Talismanic Soul Stealing Flute, what will you all do then?” Chu Feng asked.

“If she refuses to tell us even when facing death, then, with my master’s personality, he will make her wish she was dead. She will definitely end up telling us the location,” Yan Gui said with honesty. He really did not dare to conceal anything from Chu Feng because he was extremely afraid of Chu Feng crippling his cultivation.

Suddenly, Chu Feng burst into loud, joyous and crazed laughter. “Hahaha… good, very good. Tantai Xue, never would I have imagined that you would have such a day too.”

Chu Feng had done that deliberately. Yan Gui and the others were the disciples of the Cursed Soil Sect. While Chu Feng could cripple the cultivation of a few of them, he could not really kill them. Otherwise, it would create an enormous upheaval and might even lead to the two enormous powers, the Cyanwood Mountain and the Cursed Soil Sect, going to war.

In order to prevent a war, it was possible that the Cyanwood Mountain might hand Chu Feng over to the Cursed Soil Sect.

Thus, Chu Feng could not kill Yan Gui and the others. However, since he could not kill them but instead asked them these sorts of questions, it was unavoidable that Yan Gui would think about why he was asking them.

If he were to ponder on it, they would inevitably take precautions against Chu Feng. If precautions were to form in their hearts, they would definitely inform their Cursed Soil Sect’s headmaster about this matter upon their return. As for that, it would be a major crisis for Chu Feng. Tantai Xue would either have her location transferred or be killed directly.

In order to prevent that, Chu Feng deliberately laughed out loud. He wanted Yan Gui to think that Tantai Xue was his great enemy.

He wanted Yan Gui to think that he had asked about Tantai Xue not because he was worried about her, but rather because he wished to know whether or not she was still alive.

Like this, Yan Gui and the others would not take precautions against Chu Feng’s questioning. In fact, they probably would not even mention this matter to their headmaster. After all, what they had done was leaking cla.s.sified information to Chu Feng. If their headmaster were to find out about this, they would end up suffering a major calamity.

“Junior brother Chu Feng, could it be… that you also have a deep hatred against that Tantai Xue?” Sure enough, Yan Gui was fooled by Chu Feng’s performance and thought that Chu Feng was also someone with hatred for Tantai Xue.

“Indeed I do. It’s quite an enormous hatred too. However, it’s alright. As long as she’s not living her life in peace, I am rea.s.sured.”

“Taking into consideration that you all have the same enemy as myself, I’ll spare your lives today.”

As Chu Feng spoke, he waved his sleeve and released the cloud formation in the sky. The pressure that bound Yan Gui and the others to the ground was also released.


Even though he had his liberty returned to him, Yan Gui was still unable to stand up straight. Instead, like clay, he sat onto the ground. [2. Chu Feng had been holding Yan Gui by the neck earlier.]

At this moment, his eyes were lifeless and his expression absent-minded. He was drenched with sweat and gasping for air. He was deeply and severely frightened.

Even though Chu Feng had only interrogated him with a couple questions, even though it had only been a very short period of time, this period of time was akin to being in h.e.l.l to him. It was extremely difficult to bear.

Suddenly, Chu Feng said, “All of you, take out all your teleportation talismans given to you by the Cyanwood Mountain,”

The Cursed Soil Sect’s disciples did not dare to go against Chu Feng’s order. One by one, they took out their teleportation talismans and held it in their hands.

“Junior brother Chu Feng, what do you want from this?” Yan Gui asked in a confused manner.

“Earlier, you all came to attack me. This is not something that I can just forgive.”

“However, taking into consideration that your Cursed Soil Sect is also an enemy of Tantai Xue, I am letting you all live.”

“While I can forgive your capital offense, I cannot let you go without punishment. All of you, break your teleportation talisman and return,” Chu Feng said.


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