Martial God Asura Chapter 1511 - Learning The Flame Sea Technique_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1511 - Learning The Flame Sea Technique

2024-04-04 10:15:41  浏览:90  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1511 - Learning The Flame Sea Technique

“However, you all should know that one must use a special method to unlock the Item Storage Vine before placing something into it, right? That special method is something that Lord Elf King personally set. He said that he would only tell me what it is after I became a Half Martial Emperor. Thus, I also do not know how to open this Item Sealing Vine,” Xian Kun said.

“Brother Xian Kun, you’ve said all this, but in the end, you still cannot open the Item Sealing Vine. In that case, exactly what do you want us to look at then? Aren’t you just playing with us?” Yan Lei’s brows were narrowed. Evidently, he was very displeased.

“My, Brother Yan Lei, I have yet to finish speaking. Don’t be so anxious.”

“I believe that you will definitely be interested once I finish my words,” Xian Kun smiled.

Then, he said, “I shall give you a chance to try opening this Item Storage Vine. As long as you all open it, I will not only allow you all to see the treasure in this Item Storage Vine, I will instead present it to you.”

“Xian Kun, is what you said for real?” Yan Lei asked. In his eyes was a trace of happiness.


“However… there’s a condition to it. The time that I will give you to open this Item Storage Vine is limited. As for the duration of that time, it will depend on you,” Xian Kun said.

“I understand now. You mean to say that the duration of the time that I will be allowing you to see the Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique will be the duration of the time that I have to try to open this Item Storage Vine, is that right?” Yan Lei asked.

“Brilliant. That is precisely my intention,” Xian Kun smiled and nodded.

“Very well, in that case, let’s do it. It is fate that brought all of us here today. I might as well not keep it to myself. I’ll take out the Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique for everyone to see.”

“If any of you have the ability to learn it, then go ahead and do so. If anyone manages to successfully learn it, I, Yan Lei, will definitely not say anything about it. All I will have will be deep admiration for that person.”

“In the future, if you are to use our Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique, our Yan Clan will definitely not make things difficult for you,” Yan Lei said loudly.

Once those words left Yan Lei’s mouth, the crowd was immediately overjoyed. Originally, this had been a deal between Yan Lei and Xian Kun. However, to the crowd’s surprise, they were now able to partic.i.p.ate in it too. Furthermore, they were given this chance free of charge. This truly caused them to be overjoyed by this sudden turn of events.

“Very well! Since Brother Yan Lei has said it like this, I too shall be frank. Later on, not only can Brother Yan Lei attempt to open the Item Sealing Vine, you can also request the help of anyone of our same generation,” Xian Kun said.

“Truly?” Yan Lei asked.

“I, Xian Kun, have never gone back on my words,” Xian Kun said.

“Very well. I’ll go and get the Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique right now. Everyone, please wait a moment, I will return immediately.” Yan Lei immediately left after saying those words.

Sure enough, not long afterward, Yan Lei returned. Furthermore, he was holding a special scroll in his hand. That scroll was emitting radiance all over. From a glance, one could tell that it was extraordinary.

When Yan Ru saw this scroll, the expression on her little face changed. She hurriedly said to Yan Lei through voice transmission, “Big brother, are you truly planning to let him see it? You must know that this is our Yan Clan’s martial skill that we do not teach outsiders.”

“Foolish sister, I have already asked father about this and he has agreed.”

“Furthermore, both you and I have learned this Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique. We both know that it is an extremely difficult martial skill to learn even among Earthen Taboo Martial Skills.”

“As for the most difficult aspect of this Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique, it’s that the scroll alone does not tell you its cultivation method in detail. You must comprehend the method to learn it from its contents. That is something very time-consuming. Back then, it took me an entire month to comprehend this Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique in order to grasp the cultivation method.”

“I am only going to allow them to see it this once. Not to mention learning it, they will not even be able to comprehend its contents. Thus, what use is there in seeing it?” Yan Lei said.

“Big brother, while that is true, we know from a glance that Xian Kun’s Item Storage Vine is not something that is easy to open. If that weren’t the case, Xian Kun would’ve opened it himself long ago.”

“That man is very cunning. Even if you are to let him see the Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique, you will likely be unable to open the Item Storage Vine,” Yan Ru said.

“Foolish sister, while we might not be able to open it, but don’t forget that Brother Tian Liang is also here. In this world, is there anything that world spiritists cannot open? Furthermore, Brother Tian Liang is no ordinary world spiritist. Instead, he is a world spiritist that is soon to become a royal-cloak world spiritist.”

“With Brother Tian Liang’s help, I possess at least fifty percent certainty in being able to open this Item Storage Vine. Even if he is unable to open the Item Storage Vine, Xian Kun will also not be able to learn the Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique. Thus, we will definitely not lose out on this,” Yan Lei said.

“Okay then,” After hearing what Yan Lei said, Yan Ru nodded her head. She felt that what her older brother said was indeed very reasonable. This was simply a deal that they would never lose out on. Thus, why not go for it?

“Have you two siblings finished discussing?” Xian Kun was no fool. He was able to guess that Yan Lei and Yan Ru were secretly discussing with one another.

“We’re done, we can start now. Everyone, enjoy to your heart's content,” As Yan Lei spoke, he opened the scroll in his hand. In an instant, a red ray of light soared into the sky. Soon after, it turned into a sphere of light that descended from the sky and covered everyone.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes started to s.h.i.+ne. After that, their gazes became serious. They gathered all of their focus to earnestly observe and comprehend what was before them.

At this moment, countless characters, runes and sentences were flying through the area covered by the red light and floating around them like b.u.t.terflies and birds. They would even emit sounds that entered the hearts of the crowd.

This… was the cultivation method for the Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique.

“It would seem that this trip has not been made in vain,” At the moment when the crowd were busily concentrating all of their focus to comprehend this martial skill, Chu Feng was smiling.

Chu Feng’s reputation as a martial cultivation genius was definitely not undeserved. To him, even making a breakthrough to the next level of cultivation was a simple and easy task. Thus, there was no need to mention learning martial skills.

Furthermore, not only was he a martial cultivator, he was also a royal-cloak world spiritist and possessed the Heaven’s Eyes, that most powerful technique.

His comprehension ability surpa.s.sed that of ordinary people by countless times.

At the moment when the majority of the crowd were exhausting all of their energies and abilities to try to comprehend the contents of the Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique, Chu Feng had already managed to grasp the cultivation method for the Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique.

Thus, Chu Feng closed his eyes. What he needed to do not was not to comprehend the cultivation method of the Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique, but rather to cultivate and learn the Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique

Having reached Chu Feng’s level, learning a martial skill no longer required actual physical trials. Using only his mind, he would be able to learn it equally as well.

Chu Feng was able to feel that this Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique was indeed a very difficult Earthen Taboo Martial Skill to learn.

However, when compared to the Earthen Taboo: Firmament Slash and Earthen Taboo: Firmament s.h.i.+eld that Chu Feng had already learned, learning this Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique was simply child’s play. Using only his mind, Chu Feng was able to completely grasp this Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique.

“What’s going on with Chu Feng? The others are all earnestly looking, why is he closing his eyes and not bothering to look anymore?” Yan Ru was observing everyone, and soon discovered that Chu Feng had closed his eyes and appeared to have fallen asleep. This puzzled her greatly.

Compared to the rest of the crowd, whose eyes were s.h.i.+ning brightly, Chu Feng was very different.

“I think Brother Chu Feng is the wisest among them. He knew very well that he could not grasp the cultivation method for the Earthen Taboo: Flame Sea Technique in a short period of time, and thus decided to not bother wasting time by looking at it,” Yan Lei explained.

“But, this is still a rare opportunity. Without even trying, isn’t it a waste?” Yan Ru said in a slightly regretful manner. She seemed to want Chu Feng to be able to obtain some harvest in this short period of time; even if it was only a tiny bit.

“Sister, you don’t understand. This is wisdom.”

“Brother Chu Feng is worthy of being a disciple of the Cyanwood Mountain. Among everyone present, only he managed to display this sort of wisdom,” Compared to Yan Ru, Yan Lei admired Chu Feng’s action.


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