Martial God Asura Chapter 1529 - What Sort Of Situation_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1529 - What Sort Of Situation

2024-04-06 17:41:32  浏览:83  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1529 - What Sort Of Situation

“Rank two Half Martial Emperor. However, his true battle power is that of a rank five Half Martial Emperor. Is Chu Feng still able to contend against him?” The World Spiritist Alliance’s Alliance Master, Miao Renlong and Hong Qiang all started to worry.

“It would seem that I have miscalculated. I have underestimated this Yan Xie,” Dugu Xingfeng was also worried. The way he saw it, this battle had surpa.s.sed his expectations.

If Chu Feng and Yan Xie were of the same cultivation, then, with Chu Feng’s techniques, he would definitely be able to win against Yan Xie. Unfortunately, the two of them were not of the same cultivation.

With that being the case, they had no choice but to be prepared to accept defeat. After all, Chu Feng had revealed his final trump card already.

“You are the first to force me to this extent,” Yan Xie spoke.

“You are indeed very powerful,” Chu Feng praised. Chu Feng was saying those words from the bottom of his heart. Ever since he had come to the Holy Land of Martialism, Chu Feng had encountered a lot of Divine Bodies and had even fought with them.

However, Yan Xie was the first Divine Body that could give him this sort of oppressive sensation. So far, of all the Divine Bodies Chu Feng had encountered, Yan Xie possessed the greatest control over his Divine Power.

“No, I am not as powerful as you are. Although my Divine Power is capable of increasing my cultivation by one level, and also increasing my battle power, compared to your lightning that increases your cultivation by two levels, my Divine Power is greatly inferior.”

“Chu Feng, the person who is powerful is you. If we were both rank one Half Martial Emperors, I would definitely be no match for you.”

“With your talent, I believe that you will, sooner or later, catch up to me. Thus, the person that has lost today is me. Today, I, Yan Xie, have lost to you.”

As Yan Xie spoke, he dissolved the purple flames and withdrew his Divine Power. He had actually admitted defeat before the crowd and conceded to Chu Feng.

“No, I did not win. In our first fight, I won. However, this time around, you have won. The two of them have canceled out one another. Thus, we have drawn.” Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng knew that he had exhausted an enormous amount of strength to unleash his Firmament Slash’s ninth slash. He also believed that Yan Xie had also exhausted an enormous amount of strength. However, Yan Xie possessed Divine Power. Not only did it replenish his strength, it also increased his battle power.

Even though Chu Feng possessed heaven-defying power capable of surmounting three levels of cultivation, Yan Xie’s battle power was on par with his own. Thus, with a cultivation of rank one Half Martial Emperor, it was impossible for him to defeat Yan Xie with a cultivation of rank two Half Martial Emperor and increased battle power.

Thus, regardless of whether Chu Feng might be willing to accept it, he had no choice but to admit that he had been defeated in this second round. That was because, if Yan Xie had not stopped the fight and continued to fight against him, he would not have been able to contend against Yan Xie. Thus, the best outcome would be that neither side won.

“Very well. Today, we have drawn. However, Chu Feng, I will not be discouraged. I will continue to put forth effort so that my control over my Divine Power will be even stronger, so that my Divine Power can match up with your lightning, so that my Divine Power can also increase my cultivation by two levels.”

“At that time, we shall fight again, and determine who will be the victor,” Yan Xie said.

“Very well. I will catch up to you as quickly as possible. I will fight against you again with the same cultivation as you.”

A smile of antic.i.p.ation was on Chu Feng’s face. It was very rare for him to encounter an opponent this powerful. Thus, his blood was racing.

As the battle had ended, Chu Feng and Yan Xie both descended from the sky and returned to the ravine.

“Lil Bro Yan Xie, never would we have imagined that you have concealed your strength this well, and you’re actually a Divine Body,” The Yan Clan’s third brother, fifth brother, ninth sister and Yan Lei all rushed to Yan Xie.

To them, Yan Xie was already a very powerful person with immeasurable potential. After they came to know that Yan Xie was not only a person who possessed heaven-defying battle power, but was also a Divine Body, the reverence they had toward Yan Xie had evidently increased once again.

“Chu Feng, never would I have imagined that you were this powerful. You’re truly amazing. The battle between you and big brother Yan Xie earlier was simply not something that people our age could accomplish. The two of you are simply abnormal! No no no, you two are simply inhuman!”

Unlike the others, Yan Ru went over to Chu Feng and grabbed onto Chu Feng’s clothes with her little hands. A gaze of adoration flickered in her pair of large eyes.

Although this girl had long since surpa.s.sed the age of a young girl, she was still very innocent. She was not someone who advocated solely for the interest of her clan. Thus, her actions were very laid-back.

The Yan Clan’s Ancestor suddenly said, “Xingfeng and Chu Feng can remain. The rest of you can all withdraw.”

Hearing those words, the crowd looked to one another. Although they were filled with reluctance, they still left, one after another. Even Yan Xie was no exception.

In a blink of an eye, only Chu Feng, Dugu Xingfeng and the Yan Clan’s Ancestor remained in the ravine.

“Chu Feng, which clan might you be from?” The Yan Clan’s Ancestor asked.

“Reporting to senior, Chu Feng does not know who his actual parents are, and was brought up by his adoptive father.”

“However, back when I was young, I offended someone, which led to my family being ma.s.sacred. My adoptive father is no longer with us.” When mentioning this matter, Chu Feng appeared to be sad. This was a pain that he would never forget.

“So you’re actually a pitiful child. However, I believe that your biological parents are most definitely not ordinary people.”

The Yan Clan’s ancestor smiled lightly. Even though his att.i.tude toward Chu Feng had been pretty decent to begin with, his current att.i.tude toward Chu Feng was even more amiable than before.

This sort of att.i.tude from the Yan Clan’s Ancestor was something that Chu Feng had won over using his strength.

“Xingfeng, it is your Cyanwood Mountain’s blessing to be able to obtain a disciple like Chu Feng.”

“Go ahead, tell me, what is it that you need my help with?” The Yan Clan’s Ancestor asked.

“Senior, regarding that, it’s…”

Dugu Xingfeng did not try to conceal anything, and told the Yan Clan’s Ancestor everything in full details. However, he actually did not know much either. All he knew was that Chu Feng wanted to save someone. However, he did not know who it was that Chu Feng wanted to save. However, that was not the important aspect. The important aspect was that they would have to go to the Cursed Soil Sect to save this person.

After hearing what Dugu Xingfeng said, the Yan Clan’s Ancestor turned to ask Chu Feng, “Chu Feng, what is the name of this person who you want to save?”

“Reporting to senior, junior’s friend is called Tantai Xue. Like junior, she is a person of the younger generation,” Chu Feng replied.

“What did she do that caused her to be caught by the Cursed Soil Sect?” The Yan Clan’s Ancestor asked.

“She has stolen an item from the Cursed Soil Sect’s headmaster, Sang Kun.” Chu Feng said.

“Sang Kun? He is a truly demented person. Yet, your friend actually dared to steal an item from him and has been caught by Sang Kun. Likely, her fate is sealed,” The Yan Clan’s Ancestor said.

He was implying to Chu Feng that there was no need for him to go and try to save his friend because his friend was likely already dead.

“That item is extremely important to Sang Kun. That Sang Kun has only managed to capture my friend, and has yet to retrieve the item. Thus, for the time being, he will not kill my friend.”

“However, I believe that Sang Kun will use every means available to extort a confession from my friend. I am uncertain whether my friend can continue to persist, as well as whether or not Sang Kun will still allow her to live after finding out that all his extortions are ineffective,” Chu Feng said.

“It seems that you insist on saving that friend of yours,” The Yan Clan’s Ancestor was able to tell how determined Chu Feng was.

“This junior will definitely not refuse to save his friend. Even if she is dead, I must still go and recover her corpse and avenge her death,” Chu Feng said resolutely.

“Mn, your courage deserves praise. However, the Cursed Soil Sect is no ordinary place. After all, it is one of the Nine Powers.”

“Truth be told, my current Yan Clan is no match for the Cursed Soil Sect. If we were to be exposed, it would not only be me that would be out of luck; instead, my entire Yan Clan will be implicated.”

“This matter is extremely important. Thus, it is unsuitable for me to involve myself. However… I do not wish to not help you either. After all, you are a rare sapling.”

“Chu Feng, how about this? I’ll give you a chance. You go and help me do one thing. Whether or not I’ll help you will depend on how well you accomplish what I want you to do.” The Yan Clan’s Ancestor said.

“Senior, what might you want ChU Feng to do?” Chu Feng asked.


The Yan Clan’s Ancestor took out a wooden box and threw it onto the ground. Immediately, runes and symbols began to flicker, and a golden light surged forth from the box. As the golden light rotated around the box, it turned into a world spirit gate.

“Enter there and place your hand onto the oval shaped stone. Do what you can do. When you come back out, I’ll tell you whether or not I’ll help you.” The Yan Clan’s Ancestor said as he pointed at the world spirit gate.

“Junior understands,” Chu Feng did not hesitate in the slightest, and directly entered the world spirit gate.



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