Martial God Asura Chapter 1552 - The Furious Heaven_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1552 - The Furious Heaven

2024-04-09 22:47:38  浏览:84  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1552 - The Furious Heaven

“Zhao Shaoqiu, scram, get the h.e.l.l out of here. There will not be anyone from my Luo Family who will marry into your Zhao Family. Lil Ru will not do that, and Lian’er will not do that either. Get out! Get out of my Luo Family!” Grandpa Luo was so angry that he started s.h.i.+vering. He walked over and prepared to push Zhao Shaoqiu and the others out of his courtyard.

“No, you get h.e.l.l to the side,” However, Zhao Shaoqiu only needed to wave his arm lightly. “Putt.” Grandpa Luo was pushed several meters away. He rolled in the ground until he collided with the fence.

“You d.a.m.ned old fart. Did you really think that you were still a Martial King? You’re nothing more than a cripple. Yet you dare to touch me? You’re truly one to refuse the face given to you.”

After pus.h.i.+ng Grandpa Luo away, not only did Zhao Shaoqiu not feel any shame, he even began to mock Grandpa Luo as he patted his clothes. It was as if Grandpa Luo were merely a servant whom he had hit.

“Zhao Shaoqiu, you actually dare to attack my Grandpa. I'm going to kill you!” At this moment, Luo Lian was enraged. She released Lil Ru and charged toward Zhao Shaoqiu.

Her lily-white hands shot forth in an eagle claw shape. As her claws grabbed onto the air, lotus flowers formed. Although the lotus flowers appeared to be beautiful, they contained mortal danger.

This was a martial skill. It was a rank seven martial skill, the Eagle Claw Lotus Flower Hand. To use a rank seven martial skill right away, this Luo Lian was really angered.

“Lian’er, you are truly heartless. Back then, you said that you would marry no one other than me. Yet now, you have come to attack me. How could you treat me this way?”

Although Luo Lian’s attack was very sharp and fierce, it remained that Zhao Shaoqiu was a rank two Heaven Realm cultivator. Thus, it was extremely easy for him to dodge Luo Lian’s attack.

However, he did not only dodge the attack. Instead, while dodging, he pretended to be heartbroken and started to mock Luo Lian for being unfaithful.

“Enough of your bulls.h.i.+t. You dared to attack my grandpa, I’ll definitely teach you a lesson,” Luo Lian grew more and more angry, and her attacks became sharper and fiercer. With charging hands and sharp palm strikes, she was pressing on toward Zhao Shaoqiu with every step.

“f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, you’re the same as that old fart. Like him, you refuse the face that I’ve given you,” Suddenly, Zhao Shaoqiu’s expression changed. He waved his sleeve. “Paa.” A slap landed on Luo Lian’s face.

This slap to the face was not light at all. Not only did it knock Luo Lian to Grandpa Luo’s side, causing her to ruthlessly drop to the ground, it had also left behind a b.l.o.o.d.y palm on her fair-skinned face.

“Fight with me? Do you think that you’re capable?” After injuring Luo Lian, not only did Zhao Shaoqiu not feel any shame, he instead mocked her proudly. He did not have the slightest bit of protective feeling toward the fairer s.e.x, and even ignored all of the love they had had for each other.

“Zhao Shaoqiu, you are lower than pigs and dogs. Other than beating women and the elderly, you know nothing else.”

“Back then, when the Occult Blood Church laid their murderous hands on Lil Ru, why didn’t you have the spirit that you do now? You are nothing more than a spineless coward, a spineless coward who only knows about bullying the weak and being scared of the strong. If Chu Feng were here, how would you still dare to treat us like this?” Extremely angry, Luo Lian gnashed her teeth and cursed while pointing at Zhao Shaoqiu.

“Chu Feng? Who’s Chu Feng? Are you talking about that poor brat from the Southern Sea Region?”

“Oh, it seemed that he was pretty powerful. Sure, go ahead and call him over. See if I’ll beat him to death or not,” Zhao Shaoqiu said extremely complacently.

“Just you wait. I’ll go and find Chu Feng from the Southern Cyanwood Forest right away,” Luo Lian was extremely enraged. She stood up and actually really planned to go to find Chu Feng.

“Find? I’ll let you f.u.c.king find him!” However, Zhao Shaoqiu stepped forward and arrived before her and then ,“Pa, pa, pa,” gave three powerful and resounding slaps to Luo Lian’s face.

After being slapped three times, Luo Lian did a turn on the spot before falling to the ground and laying motionless. Not only was her face all bloodied, her mouth was also filled with blood. It was a very tragic sight.

“Zhao Shaoqiu, you are a f.u.c.king animal. I was truly blind to have fallen for you.”

Luo Lian was so angry that she nearly pa.s.sed out from anger. She hated herself. After all, this man who was violently beating her was the man that she used to love deeply.

“What? Are you regretting? Let me tell you, it’s too late!”

“f.u.c.king h.e.l.l. You f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h. I offered you a toast, yet you refused it only so that you would be forced to drink.”

“Your daddy, I, wanted to wed you officially, yet you refused. Very well. Your daddy, I, has had a change of plans now. I’m not going to marry you. However, I’ll f.u.c.k you. After I’m done with you, I’ll throw you away and sell you to a low-grade brothel.”

As Zhao Shaoqiu spoke, he extended his palm and grabbed Luo Lian’s neck. Then, ‘rip,’ he tore apart a large portion of Luo Lian’s skirt, revealing her long, snow white legs.

“Animal, release my granddaughter!” Seeing that, Grandpa Luo immediately threw himself at Zhao Shaoqiu.

“Scram!” However, before Grandpa Luo could get near him, Zhao Shaoqiu waved his sleeve and created a large burst of wind. The wind blew Grandpa Luo several meters away, throwing him into his straw house.

The strong power had caused Grandpa Luo, with his weak and frail body, to smash apart his straw house.

Although Grandpa Luo used to be a Martial King, he was only an ordinary person now. As such, how could he possibly endure this sort of pounding? At this moment, his body was covered with blood and he was unable to move at all. All he could do was watch as Zhao Shaoqiu laid his malicious hands on his granddaughter.

“Release my big sis, release my big sis!” At this moment, Lil Ru actually ran over. She raised two fists and began to pound on Zhao Shaoqiu with all her strength.

“d.a.m.ned brat, you actually dare to attack me? Watch as I tidy you up later,” Using only one hand, Zhao Shaoqiu pushed Lil Ru to the ground. Then, he grabbed with force. “Rip,” he actually tore apart Lil Ru’s clothes.

“Zhao Shaoqiu, what are you planning to do?” Seeing this scene, Luo Lian’s eyes were wide open with shock and fear. She was completely stunned.

“Do what? I’m going to f.u.c.k both of you sisters at once today,” As Zhao Shaoqiu spoke, he pounced onto Lil Ru.

“Zhao Shaoqiu, you d.a.m.ned animal! Lil Ru is only a child!” Luo Lian threw herself onto Zhao Shaoqiu with all her might.

“Scram! It’ll be your turn later.” Zhao Shaoqiu slapped Luo Lian again and knocked her flying to the side. Then, without caring about the wailing from Lil Ru, he continued to tear apart the rest of her clothes. Furthermore, as he tore her clothes apart, he burst into a loud laughter. He was extremely deranged.

“Zhao Shaoqiu, I’ll make it so that you wish you’re dead!!!!!!!!!!!”

Right at this moment, a voice filled with killing intent suddenly sounded from the distance.

“Who, who is it?” When this voice was heard, Zhao Shaoqiu and the others were all deeply frightened.

That was because when that voice sounded, heaven and earth began to tremble, violent gales surged forth everywhere, lightning flashed, thunder rolled, and black clouds were surging everywhere.

In merely an instant, the bright and beautiful sky had turned dark and gloomy. It was as if doomsday had arrived.

It was as if… the heavens were furious.



I’ve finally finished writing the first of this month’s nine chapters. Even though I have a headache, I still wrote. It is truly difficult.

However, I’m certain that there will be people asking where is the second of this month’s three chapters?

Don’t worry. I will quickly make up those three chapters. I will definitely make up for them within this week.


The dusky sky grew darker and darker. The rolling thunder grew louder and louder. The frightening oppressive might grew stronger and stronger. Being enveloped by it, it was as if the entire earth were going to be pulverized.

Under this sort of pressure, Zhao Shaoqiu and the others were extremely terrified and started to p.i.s.s their pants. How could they even dare to do any illicit things anymore? Instead, the only focus in their minds was fleeing this place.

“Zhao Shaoqiu, don’t think you can leave.”

Right at this moment, a figure landed from the sky. Like the descent of a G.o.d, he landed in the courtyard. This person was none other than Chu Feng.

“Chu Feng, it’s act, actually yo, you?” When Zhao Shaoqiu saw Chu Feng, he acted as if he had seen the King of h.e.l.l. He was so afraid that he lost strength in his legs, landed on his b.u.t.t and began to s.h.i.+ver nonstop.


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