Martial God Asura Chapter 1726 - The Legend Of The Evil God_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1726 - The Legend Of The Evil God

2024-04-24 08:38:40  浏览:67  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1726 - The Legend Of The Evil God

“For little friend Ximen to be able to subdue the Heavenly Immortal Sword, your talent is outstanding. You are a rare genius.”

“However, weapons are still weapons. No matter how powerful they are, they’re only accessories, they’re just external powers. For you to use that sword, it seems that it is not very fair to little friend Feng Xing,” Baili Xuankong said.

“Heh… it is my ability that I possessed the Heavenly Immortal Sword. Are you suggesting that I shouldn’t use what I have?” Ximen Feixue sneered.

“That’s true, weapons have always been the greatest a.s.sistance to martial cultivators. The Nangong Imperial Clan’s Nangong Longjian was also only able to move about unhindered through the Holy Land of Martialism and become an outstanding expert of this era because of an Imperial Armament.”

“To be able to obtain a weapon is also the symbol of a martial cultivator’s strength. For what reason are you suggesting that little friend Ximen should not use the Heavenly Immortal Sword? Are you even qualified to demand that?” Mooncloud City’s City Master spoke mockingly. His words were filled with malice.

Once those words were said, the crowd burst into an uproar again. Many people began to nod. They expressed their approval of the Mooncloud City City Master’s point of view.

“Everyone, please do not misunderstand me. I am not saying that little friend Ximen should not use the Heavenly Immortal Sword.”

“Merely, I am thinking about how little friend Ximen and little friend Feng Xing are both outstanding members of the younger generations, blessed by the heavens. Originally, the two of them would be able to bestow upon us a marvelous confrontation between two people from the younger generation.”

“If the balance between them is to be smashed apart by a single Heavenly Immortal Sword, it would truly be too unfortunate.”

“Thus, I wish to lend little friend Feng Xing an Incomplete Imperial Armament to fight little friend Ximen with,” Baili Xuankong said with a smile.

“What? Lend an Incomplete Imperial Armament?” Hearing those words, many of the people present were unable to contain themselves from sucking in a mouthful of cold air. The gazes with which they looked to Baili Xuankong became even more complicated.

Incomplete Imperial Armaments, oh how precious they were! This man was actually planning to lend an Incomplete Imperial Armament to Feng Xing, how extravagant was he?!

“Mooncloud City’s City Master, what I plan to do is not a violation of the rules, is it?” Baili Xuankong asked Mooncloud City’s City Master with a beaming smile.

At this moment, Mooncloud City’s City Master started to frown slightly, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Considering his own point of view, he would naturally not wish for there to be people who would help Chu Feng.

However, when considering the general situation, there was no reason that he could use to stop Baili Xuankong. Feeling helpless, he ended up saying, “Do as you wish.”

“Little friend Feng Xing, catch this weapon,” At this moment, Baili Xuankong did not hesitate. With a wave of his sleeve, a dark red ray of light flew toward Chu Feng.

Chu Feng extended his hand and grabbed the item. Then, he immediately clasped his fist respectfully at Baili Xuankong. He said, “Thank you senior.”

At this moment, what had arrived in Chu Feng’s hand was a weapon.

Merely, upon seeing the weapon, the spectators around the stage began to hiss. In fact, there were even people who started to laugh while rocking their bodies back and forth.

Many people had been filled with antic.i.p.ation when they heard that Baili Xuankong was going to lend Chu Feng an Incomplete Imperial Armament. They all wished to see exactly what sort of Incomplete Imperial Armament this extravagant man would lend Chu Feng.

However, at this moment, the weapon that had arrived in Chu Feng’s hand was truly not up to much.

It was a sword, a longsword longer than two meters. However, no matter how much longer one looked at it, the sword did not look like an Incomplete Imperial Armament. The reason for that was because it was a wooden sword, a dark red wooden sword. Not only did it not have a blade edge, its surface was also very b.u.mpy, and appeared to be extremely shabby. It simply did not even look like a sword.

Such a sword, not to mention being an Incomplete Imperial Armament, it could not even be considered to be a real sword. To say that it was a wooden sword would be speaking highly of it. To call it a wooden stick would instead be more suitable.

“And here I thought what sort of weapon you were going to lend him. After all this, it turned out to be a shabby piece of wood.”

“Can it be that you planned to have Feng Xing use that shabby piece of wood to contend against my Heavenly Immortal Sword?”

“I truly do not know whether you are trying to help him or harm him,” Ximen Feixue laughed mockingly. His laughter grew louder and louder. He was not intentionally laughing. It was just that the wooden sword Baili Xuankong had given Chu Feng was truly too amusing.

“And here I thought that he was an extravagant individual who was willing to lend Feng Xing an Incomplete Imperial Armament.”

“It turns out he’s just trying to make us laugh, hahaha…”

At this time, more and more people from the crowd began to burst into loud laughter. Not only were they laughing at Baili Xuankong, they were also laughing at Chu Feng.


However, Baili Xuankong was not angered by the laughter from the crowd. Instead, he also started to laugh. Then, he said, “Here I thought that everyone present was a peak level character. Never would I have expected that there would be this many ignorant people. I am truly disappointed.”

“Humph, it’s clearly a lousy piece of wood. Yet you still insist on saying that we’re ignorant. Do you really take us for fools?” The crowd scoffed at Baili Xuankong’s words. They all felt that Baili Xuankong was babbling nonsense.

After all, many of them possessed exceptional world spirit techniques. As world spiritists, they had carefully observed the wooden sword in Chu Feng’s hand, and were unable to discover anything peculiar about it. Thus, they were certain that it was nothing more than a wooden stick.

“Compa.s.s Immortal, the way I see it, among the crowd present, you are the one who is most learned.”

“Since you know about the story of the Heavenly Immortal Sword, I presume that you’ve also heard of the Evil G.o.d Sword, right?” Baili Xuankong asked the Compa.s.s Immortal.

“Evil G.o.d Sword?” The crowd were all startled upon hearing those words. From their shocked expressions, it could be seen that the majority of them had never heard of the Evil G.o.d Sword before.

In fact, even the Compa.s.s Immortal was startled upon hearing the words ‘Evil G.o.d Sword.’ His expression changed. Then, with a smile on his face, he said, “Haha, Evil G.o.d Sword, I have indeed heard of it before. However, it is not a story, but rather a legend.”

At this moment, the shocked expressions on the crowd grew even more p.r.o.nounced. Regardless of their gender or age, the people of the Holy Land of Martialism were all fond of listening to the legends of the Holy Land of Martialism. After all, hearing about legends would be able to increase their knowledge.

“The Evil G.o.d Sword is a very ancient legend…”

“According to legend, it was from a very far gone time. It was after the Ancient Era had just pa.s.sed. At that time, the world was slowly recovering. It happened in the era when the deteriorated martial cultivators were just starting to emerge in power again.”

“In that era, overlords had yet to be born. However, in that era, an existence who could be qualified to be known as an overlord was born. However, that being was not a human. Rather, he was a monstrous beast.”

“No one knew what sort of monstrous beast he was. The reason for that was because he only showed himself in the guise of a human. What the humans remembered of him is that he had a long crimson sword in his hand. That sword of his was extremely bloodthirsty. To drink blood was its second nature. All of the people who died by that sword would have their blood sucked dry by it.”

“Thus, that sword brought about great fear to countless people. As for that sword, it was the Evil G.o.d Sword.”

“It was precisely because of that Evil G.o.d Sword that there were people who began to address that monstrous beast as the Evil G.o.d. According to legend, at that time, the Evil G.o.d was an existence that no one other than the Ancient Era’s Elves were capable of controlling.”

“Some people say that the Evil G.o.d possessed overflowing strength. If he had held an Imperial Armament, even the Ancient Era’s Elves would not have been a match for him. He would have become that era’s overlord.”

“However, with the strength that the Evil G.o.d possessed back then, it would also not have been a difficult task if he wanted to obtain an Imperial Armament.”

“Thus, another saying came to be. That was, that it was not that the Evil G.o.d did not want to switch his weapon. Rather, he was unable to switch his weapon. The reason for that is because he was only able to attain his accomplishments at that time because of that Evil G.o.d Sword. If the Evil G.o.d didn’t have the Evil G.o.d Sword, then he wouldn’t be that powerful.”

“Afterwards, the Evil G.o.d suddenly disappeared. Some people said that he had decided to retire from the world of martial cultivators. Some said the Evil G.o.d had been killed by the Ancient Era’s Elves. There were even people who said that the Evil G.o.d had been unable to control the Evil G.o.d Sword, and had ended up being devoured and refined by it.”

“With this many different theories, it is very difficult to determine the truth. In fact, no one knows whether or not the legend of the Evil G.o.d is even real.”


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