Absolute Resonance Chapter 1302: Foundational Spirit Treasure Acquired_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Absolute Resonance Chapter 1302: Foundational Spirit Treasure Acquired

2024-09-05 15:10:23  浏览:42  作者:管理员
Absolute Resonance Chapter 1302: Foundational Spirit Treasure Acquired

Li Zhihuo's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot at that moment. His eyes were full of fury and shock. He wasn't afraid that Li Luo would really raise the 60,000 dragon essences. It was the fact that he could help the other Guardians harvest even more Star Pearls than usual. If he was really able to do so, he would become the most popular individual within the Heavenly Dragon Five Guardian Armies!

If that happened, the other members might even think Li Luo was more important than Guardian Generals like themselves!

Li Luo kept the 60,000 dragon essences as Li Zhihuo stared at him. However, he did not stop here. He continued walking towards Li Boyuan, the Guardian General of Dragon's Horn Guardians.

"Guardian General Boyuan, there is too much work for the Falling Star Terrace this time. I am afraid I won't have much energy left when I reach your side. I can only promise you 120,000 Star Pearls but I'll only ask for 20,000 dragon essences. How about it?" Li Luo said cheerfully.

Li Boyuan was a little dissatisfied when he heard this. "Why's it only 120,000 Star Pearls for us? Do you think our Dragon's Horn Guardians cannot afford the dragon essences? Why don't I pay you 40,000 dragon essences for you to help the Dragon's Horn Guardians refine the Star Pearls first?" "Li Boyuan, do you have a death wish?!" As soon as he said that, Li Tingyue, who had always maintained a pure and gentle temperament, raised her eyebrows and glared at him with murderous eyes. Why's this b.a.s.t.a.r.d messing with the market? Just imagined what would happen if he started such a trend.

"Li Boyuan, stop messing around!" Li Jushen, the Guardian General of Dragon's Bone Guardians, also told him off sternly.

Li Boyuan pouted his mouth helplessly as the two of them pressured him. "Alright, 120,000 Star Pearls then. However, Grand Commander Li Luo will have to help our Dragon's Horn Guardians first in the next World End's River Falling Star Terrace."

"Sure, sure."

Li Luo accepted it with a grin. He received the 20,000 dragon essences payment from Li Boyuan.

Then, he turned around and returned to the side of Jiang Qing'e, Li Hongyou and Li Fengyi. They were staring at him in disbelief as he returned with the 80,000 dragon essences.

Most importantly, the gazes from the other members of the Four Guardian Armies were looking at him with pa.s.sion and complex expressions.

At this moment, Li Luo had indeed become the man of the hour within the Heavenly Dragon Five Guardian Armies.

Whether it was the members of the Dragon's Fang Guardians or the Dragon's Blood Guardians, everyone was silent when Li Luo walked back. Even Li Zhihuo had suppressed the emotions surging in him. He stared at Li Luo and watched him slowly return.

None of them had expected Li Luo to raise 80,000 dragon essences just like this. Much less in just a few simple minutes!

80,000 dragon essences!

This was something that Guardian Generals like Li Zhihuo and Li Foluo might not even earn after one whole year of hard work.

The rate that Li Luo was gaining dragon essences was shocking.

In fact, this was probably unheard of in the history of the Heavenly Dragon Five Guardian Armies.

Jiang Qing'e and Li Hongyou gradually recovered from the surprise as they blinked their eyes and smiled back at Li Luo. He was really creative at times. At the very least, she would never have spotted such a business opportunity in the World End's River Falling Star Terrace. This was so much faster compared to the dangerous missions she had been undertaking.

At the same time, Li Hongyou's eyes lit up. She was not tempted by Li Zhihuo's offer but this did not mean that she wasn't interested in the Jade Lotus Spiritual Essence. Conversely, if she managed to forge a Nine-Pillar Duke Bergfried with it, she would deal a huge blow to Li Hongque.

However, 60,000 dragon essences was really beyond her reach so rationally, she gave up on it.

Who knew that Li Luo would bring back a glimmer of hope for her?

The two ladies watched as Li Luo walked directly towards the dumbfounded Li Zhihuo. He said with a grin, "Guardian General Li Zhihuo, if I hand over the dragon essences, you will hand over the Jade Lotus Spiritual Essence right?"

Li Zhihuo's face turned extremely ugly. On his side, Li Hongque almost exploded in anger.

They didn't expect that Li Luo had the ability to raise 60,000 dragon essences at all.

Did they really have to hand the Jade Lotus Spiritual Essence over to Li Hongyou?

Li Zhihuo immediately regretted his words earlier. If he knew this would happen, he wouldn't have used this to mock them. He had shot himself in the foot this time.

Moreover, the 60,000 dragon essences that Li Luo paid would not fall into their hands. It would be pa.s.sed to the Heavenly Dragon Treasury.

Li Zhihuo really wanted to turn around and walk off without further ado. However, he knew that he would become the laughing stock of the Five Guardian Armies if he chose to do so. Everyone was watching this commotion after all.

This would only ruin the reputation and name that he had worked so hard to establish over the years.

He struggled hard internally. In the end, he took out the Jade Lotus Spiritual Essence with an extremely glum face.

At this moment, one of the managers from the Treasury walked up. He took the 60,000 dragon essences from Li Luo before he pa.s.sed the Jade Lotus Spiritual Essence over.

Li Luo accepted it with smiling eyes. He pa.s.sed it directly over to Li Hongyou. "Senior Hongyou, here's a gift for you."

The spectators in the surrounding stared with envy. He had just given 60,000 dragon essences away. Such generosity was unbelievable. If Jiang Qing'e wasn't standing beside them, they would have thought that the two of them possessed a special relations.h.i.+p.

Li Hongyou was a little stunned as she looked at the Jade Lotus Spiritual Essence. However, she didn't say much more. She lightly nodded her head and accepted the gift.

There was no reason for her to turn down Li Luo's kind intentions. Besides, it would be a great help to Li Luo if she managed to breakthrough into the Duke stage successfully.

"Thank you." She whispered back.

Li Luo waved his hands with a laugh. "You should thank Guardian General Li Zhihuo. If they hadn't found such a compatible upper grade Foundational Spirit Treasure, there is nothing I can do even if I had the dragon essences in hand."

Li Zhihuo's face turned even uglier when he heard Li Luo's words. He knew that this guy was laughing at him.

"Grand Commander Li Luo is quite sharp to come up with such a method to earn dragon essences. However, you're using the whole Dragon's Fang Guardians for your personal gains. This may not be such a good thing for the Dragon's Fang Guardians." Li Zhihuo responded with a cold voice, as expected of a Guardian General.

Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e might be the main force in refining Star Pearls but they still needed to borrow the strength of the Dragon's Fang Guardians. This meant that they weren't the only one tired out from all the hard work. The other members from the Dragon's Fang Guardians, who were supplying them with the power, would also be exhausted.

Li Zhihuo hit the nail right on the head as he pointed out the most critical point straightaway.

Li Luo smiled back at him casually. Then, he turned towards Li Foluo and asked, "Guardian General, I have 20,000 dragon essences left. I'm planning to give it to the Dragon's Fang Guardians members who will be helping us with the refining process. It's can be considered to be a small form of compensation for them, will that alright?"

Li Foluo took a glance at him. "You brat, you've really thought it through."

Regardless, it was true that Li Luo was acting magnanimously.

He was willing to give away 20,000 dragon essences without any hesitation. This wasn't something that anyone ordinary would be able to do. As soon as Li Luo finished his words, cheers broke out from the members of the Dragon's Fang Guardians. They celebrated happily and thanked Grand Commander Li Luo.

It would definitely be tiring for them to help Li Luo refine Star Pearls for the other 3 Guardian Armies. However, it was a bonus to learn that they would be rewarded with some dragon essences for it. Li Luo responded cheerfully, "This may be a long-term business. If you all trust me, there will be more benefits in the future. No one will be left out."

After having a taste of receiving more Star Pearls, the other Guardians would definitely ask for more. As such, this business should continue over the subsequent months. Over the next year, just how big would this business become?

Even if Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e were getting the majority of the perks, the amount left for the other Guardians would still be a considerable sum.

The eyes of all the Dragon's Fang Guardians members lit up as soon as they thought about it.

Even Li Foluo gave a dry cough. "If you need my help, I'm all ears."

He had suddenly realized that if Li Luo kept this up, he would very likely become the richest person in the Heavenly Dragon Five Guardian Armies.

"Of course! We have to share the meat as one." Li Luo gave a pat on Li Foluo's shoulders.

The whole area had turned excited and lively. Everyone was elated... except the Dragon's Blood Guardians.

Many of their members were uncomfortable over this development. Their Dragon's Blood Guardians had become the strongest amongst the Five Guardian Armies because they always refined the most Star Pearls in the World End's River Falling Star Terrace. If Li Luo continued to help the other 3 Guardian Armies, they would gradually catch up with them. This meant that their lead would significantly lessen in the coming days.

This would completely change the dynamics of the Five Guardian Armies.

Furthermore, Li Luo would definitely not help them given the strained relations.h.i.+p he had with Li Zhihuo. This meant that they could only watch in envy as the others enjoyed greater benefits.


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