Absolute Resonance Chapter 1304: The Big Daddy That Lifts Everyone Up_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Absolute Resonance Chapter 1304: The Big Daddy That Lifts Everyone Up

2024-09-05 15:12:36  浏览:53  作者:管理员
Absolute Resonance Chapter 1304: The Big Daddy That Lifts Everyone Up

When the Dragon's Fang Guardians broke out in celebratory cheers, the other members from the Dragon's Scales Guardians, Dragon's Bones Guardians and Dragon's Horn Guardians looked over without batting an eye. There were dozens of gigantic World's End River Meteor hovering in the sky above them. All their strength had been used to keep these meteors at bay. After all, they were produced from the extremely dense World End's River water. As a result, a tremendous amount of energy was required to keep these meteors in the air which would otherwise crash into Heavenly Dragon City below.

Unfortunately, this also meant that their energy was getting depleted at a really fast pace.

"How're you all feeling?" Li Foluo landed and looked over towards Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e. After they're done with the refinement for Dragon's Fang Guardians, the waves of resonant power coming from the two of them had diminished considerably.

This was especially true for Li Luo, who was still in the Greater Heavenly Resonance stage.

Li Foluo was a little worried when he saw the two of them. From the looks of things, it seemed like the two of them might not be able to hold up until they finished refining for the other three Guardians.

From afar, Li Tingyue, Li Jushen and Li Boyuan had also noticed this with their sharp senses. They frowned immediately. Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e had really used up quite a lot of resonant power.

Was it really too much for the two of them to refine Star Pearls for all four Guardian Armies?

Li Zhihuo secretly heaved a sigh of relief as well.

However, Li Luo simply gave Li Foluo a bright smile as everyone watched. He focused his mind and immense resonant power radiated from him. It expanded in the air above into an exquisite Heavenly Resonance Diagram.

The Heavenly Resonance Diagram began to activate as it sucked in worldly natural energy and transferred it into Li Luo.

The members from the Five Guardian Armies were stunned when they saw the Heavenly Resonance Diagram.

"This Heavenly Resonance Diagram is at 96,000 feet?!" One of them exclaimed in surprise.

A 96,000 feet Heavenly Resonance Diagram. This was a dream for many at a similar stage.

"What shocking speed of cultivation." Li Tingyue uttered. When Li Luo first came to the Falling Star Terrace, his Heavenly Resonance Diagram was only 60,000 feet. That was just a few months ago. Besides, everyone knew how much more challenging it became once the Heavenly Resonance Diagram reached 90,000 feet. His talent and cultivation resources must have been truly exceptional to keep it constantly increasing. Just as everyone was stunned by the majestic Heavenly Resonance Diagram, a thunderous roar suddenly rang in the air. A thundercloud suddenly appeared in the sky and an enormous dragon manifestation could be seen within it.


The dragon gave out a guttural draconic roar. It opened its maw and frenziedly swallowed up the worldly natural energy in the surroundings.

At the same time, the waves of resonant power coming from Li Luo grew stronger rapidly.

The ancient and mighty dragon roar echoed throughout the World End's River Falling Star Terrace.

All the faces on the other members of the Heavenly Dragon Five Guardian Armies changed immediately.

Even Guardian Generals like Li Foluo, Li Zhihuo and Li Tingyue were squinting their eyes. When they heard the dragon roar, the dragon resonance in their body trembled a little.

They couldn't believe it themselves. With their level of strength, how would they feel any fear coming from Li Luo's dragon resonance?

With Li Luo's current strength, they shouldn't be frightened even if he had a ninth-grade dragon resonance.

What's happening?!

Their eyes turned towards the Heavenly Resonance Diagram as quickly as a bolt of lightning. The thundercloud was gradually thinning out and a majestic violet golden dragon emerged.

The faces on all the Guardian Generals, as well as all other Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Li members with a dragon resonance, changed drastically when they saw the violet golden dragon.

At the same time, a sharp cry rang out in the air.

"Is that... the Heavenly Dragon resonance?!"

As the gigantic Heavenly Resonance Diagram from Li Luo unfurled, the numerous different kinds of resonant power he possessed appeared as it transformed into a wondrous depiction of his resonances.

What made everyone shocked was the emergence of a violet gold gigantic dragon from the thunderclouds. It emanated an archaic majesty that allowed everyone to instantly identify it.

It's the Heavenly Dragon resonance!

The emperor of all dragon resonances!

This was a sight that caused everyone from Li Foluo to Li Zhihuo to stare in complete disbelief.

They all possessed their own dragon resonances and they could keenly sense the pressure this violet gold dragon gave off. It was a qualitative difference which one would feel when facing a progenitor.

The Heavenly Dragon was the undisputed king amongst all of the dragons that roamed the world.

As a result, they could feel a pressure weighing down upon them.

Both Li Foluo and Li Zhihuo had strength that far surpa.s.sed Li Luo and thus the pressure wasn't too obvious. However, amongst those within the Five Guardian Armies who had dragon resonances, especially those in the Greater Heavenly Resonance stage had their faces turn pale. Obviously they felt sheer fright at this scene.

In a battle of life and death, they might very well have lost almost 30 to 40 percent of their combat strength in such a situation.

In the Dragon's Blood Guardians, Li Qingfeng, Li Hongli and the rest had complex expressions. They could still remember that just two years ago, the recently arrived Li Luo was just a country b.u.mpkin who had spent his entire life in the outer divine continent. Everyone had thought that he had wasted countless years of his life languis.h.i.+ng in a barren wasteland and thus had been indirectly crippled, unable to demonstrate his full potential.

Yet those who had thought that way were humbled very quickly.

Even today, this country b.u.mpkin had once again taken another step forward, evolving his resonance into the most almighty of resonances in the Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Li, the Heavenly Dragon resonance. This sight instantly reminded them of Li Luo's father, Li Taixuan.

He had wielded the quasi ninth-grade Heavenly Dragon resonance and unceremoniously suppressed all of the geniuses of his generation. Even the one acclaimed to most likely reach the King stage, Li Jiluo of the Dragon's Blood Lineage, had lived under his shadow.

It was clear why the Heavenly Dragon resonance was thus acclaimed to be the emperor amongst them all!

"How could this be..."

"How did he obtain a Heavenly Dragon resonance? Wasn't it an ordinary dragon resonance previously?" As they were still sh.e.l.l shocked by this revelation, Li Hongque couldn't help but to remain speechless. Her expression was warped as if she could not accept the sight before her. "He had secluded himself for two months previously. I'm afraid it was precisely to evolve his resonance. I've once heard that if you possess a dragon resonance and an extremely pure Heavenly Dragon bloodline, you could use certain secret arts to stimulate it and evolve it." Li Zhihuo sighed deeply as his voice fell.

"However those who were capable of this feat of evolution amongst the entire history of the Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Li could be counted with the fingers on one hand.

He glanced at Li Luo's figure from afar as his expression turned serious. Li Luo brought him an incredible sense of pressure, one that even exceeded that of Jiang Qing'e. Although she had a Ten-Pillar Duke Bergfried and triple ninth-grade Light resonances, she didn't have a Heavenly Dragon resonance at the end of the day.

Only those who possessed a dragon resonance would be aware of the suppressive effects of the Heavenly Dragon resonance.

Li Luo was currently at a much lower stage compared to him but once he entered the Duke stage, he would very likely be affected as well. Meanwhile amidst the gazes of idolatry and surprise, Li Luo remained calm and collected. He was keenly sensing the resonant power which was rapidly restoring within his body as he flashed a smile at Li Foluo. "I should be able to hold on for quite a bit more now."

Li Foluo could only nod his head with a complex and dumbfounded look on his face.

It was no wonder why Li Luo dared to magnanimously accept the requests of the other three Guardian Armies. It turned out his Heavenly Resonance Diagram had leaped forward to 96,000 feet and he had obtained a Heavenly Dragon resonance.

This brat was still in the Greater Heavenly Resonance stage and yet even the Guardian Generals were already feeling the heat.

The bright side to all this was that Li Luo still belonged to the Dragon's Fang Guardians.

Jiang Qing'e who was beside him continued to watch silently as a trace of amus.e.m.e.nt appeared in her golden eyes. In the past, everyone had always felt that she was simply too outstanding, but yet they didn't realize that Li Luo's talent and potential wasn't any worse than hers. "Everyone, please follow me to earn the dragon essences." Li Luo grinned as he spoke to the Dragon's Fang Guardians behind him.

The Guardians glanced at each other before agreeing with new found respect after seeing Li Luo's display of might.

They then made their way to the Dragon's Scale Guardians first with 8000 Guardians in tow.

The remaining 2000 continued to wait and rest. If anyone within the group had overdrafted their strength, they could swap out.

"Grand Commander Li Luo, Dragon Fang Envoy Jiang, the Dragon's Scale Guardians look forward to the bountiful harvest." Li Tingyue gave a slight smile. Her beautiful gaze swept across Li Luo's body curiously. After all, the Heavenly Dragon resonance was a rare sight.

"Guardian General Tingyue, let us begin then."

Li Luo didn't waste words considering that the Dragon's Bone Guardians and Dragon's Horn Guardians were awaiting him as well.


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