Absolute Resonance Chapter 1311: Experts Plentiful as Clouds_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Absolute Resonance Chapter 1311: Experts Plentiful as Clouds

2024-09-13 17:05:26  浏览:39  作者:管理员
Absolute Resonance Chapter 1311: Experts Plentiful as Clouds

Li Jinpan's expression turned serious as well. "The World End's River Treasure Domain is the most dangerous region within the World End's River Region. In a normal situation, there would be an endless flood of Others that hide within. At the same time, they would

consume and devour each other, forming all sorts of creatures of all shapes and sizes. Gradually, many terrifying Others were born as a result. If I were to put it bluntly, half of the Others within the entire World End's River Region can be found here."

Li Jinpan then pointed towards the void a distance away. "Look there."

Li Luo turned in that direction as he squinted his eyes. What he saw surprised him. Floating in the void was a golden talisman which exuded a faint light.

This golden talisman seemed ordinary but for some inscrutable reason, Li Luo could feel as though the entire world was being suppressed by it.

He felt an indescribable sense of respect from the depths of his soul just looking at it.

"Is that a Heavenly Emperor Talisman?" Li Luo lightly sucked in a breath of air as he asked.

This pressure was something he didn't even sense from Li Jingzhe and that was a Quasi-Triple Crown King! The only ones who were even stronger than him were the heaven defying Heavenly Emperors.

"Mm, you have good eyes." Li Jinpan smiled as he nodded his head. "The golden talisman contains a trace of power from the four Heavenly Emperor power's Heavenly Emperors. It seals off the World End's Sea and prevents it from expanding outwards whilst imprisoning the Others within."

Li Luo was amazed. It was no surprise how it could seal this entire area. It seemed that even Heavenly Emperor Li had also taken action? "Because the World End's River Treasure Domain is at the point beneath where the World End's River penetrates our world, a large amount of its water pours into this location. At the same time, it also means that numerous Others are brought along. They cannibalize each other and in the end, the strong survive and thus the corruption here is much more oppressive. It gradually erodes the sealing talisman and thus whenever the World End's River Treasure Domain opens up, it serves as an opportunity to clean up the Others. Li Jinpan continued.

"Only by continuously getting rid of these strong Others can we prevent the birth of more King stage Others, getting rid of a hidden danger during the Stygian Rain of Calamity." Li Luo finally understood why they were truly here. It wasn't just a looting fiesta, it was a great spring cleaning!

It was no wonder why the four Heavenly Emperor powers had chosen to allow strong experts from the outside to take part in this instead of keeping a tight monopoly over it. It was all for the sake of borrowing their power to cleanse the World End's River Treasure Domain.

"Actually the World End's River water has not fully receded and we still need to wait for a bit more." Li Jinpan continued.

Li Luo nodded his head and was about to speak when his expression changed. Turning his head, he saw majestic fluctuations of energy in the distance as numerous groups of figures rushed in their way.

A few of these groups whose size was no less than theirs immediately made their way towards other mountains not far away.

He instantly knew that the other three Heavenly Emperor powers had arrived.

As the majestic energy undulations filled the skies, countless figures pierced through the void to arrive here. At the fore of the group were four individuals who landed atop a mountain not far away with a momentum that struck awe into the crowd.

They seemed no weaker than the Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Li.

In the Heavenly Origin Divine Continent, only the other three Heavenly Emperor powers were comparable.

Li Luo's eyes first swept across the Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Qin. As he looked at them, he first noticed Qin Yi's eye-catching figure. Although her strength did not stand out, her appearance and temperament stood second to none.

Qin Yi seemed to have noticed his gaze as the two glanced at each other, giving him a slight smile as a greeting. The truth was that there was not much enmity between the two. They had even cooperated to slay an Other within the Spiritual Resonance Cave. Unfortunately the grievances from the previous generation had forced a situation where they could not interact as friends and kept them wary of each other.

Just as their eyes met, an aggressive gaze from behind her swept across Li Luo's side, seemingly looking for the source of her smile.

Li Luo's eyes s.h.i.+fted towards the source as he noticed that right behind Qin Yi stood a green robed male. His features seemed slightly feminine and his eyes were long and narrow. He also had a head of disheveled long hair.

His gaze made one feel uncomfortable, as though a poisonous snake was lurking in the dark, causing one's hair to stand on ends.

At the same time, Li Luo could feel a slight sense of pressure emanating from him.

"Imperial Beast Hall, Shen Yunge." Li Luo instantly recognized the individual.

He had come from a Heavenly Emperor power from another inner divine continent. Li Luo was honestly quite curious about him as this was the first time he had met another expert borrowing the power of a spirit beast like himself.

In these years, the Heavenly Wolf had provided him with much needed support and aid, tiding over numerous dangerous situations and thus he knew just how amazing it was to fuse with the power of a spirit beast.

Meanwhile this Shen Yunge was already a Duke and with the aid of his spirit beast, should possess power that he could not look down upon.

Just as Li Luo was lost in thought over this, he could feel an icy glint filled with pressure shooting towards him. He could feel intense hatred radiating from it and without even looking over, he knew who it was. Who else could it be, other than Qin Lian herself?

He then glanced at the source of the hatred and flashed a warm smile.

Seeing Li Luo's smirk caused Qin Lian's expression to turn chilly. She knew that he was provoking her as she turned towards Chu Qing and Shen Yunge. "If you encounter that brat within the Treasure Domain, beat him to death. I want to see if Li Jingzhe actually dares to avenge him and tear apart all pretenses of age."

She was older than Li Luo and it would be a case of the old bullying the young. Thus she had incited Li Jingzhe's retribution previously, being beaten one-sidedly whilst only being able to clench her teeth and swallow all her grievances. However if Li Luo was to be killed by Chu Qing or Shen Yunge's hands, then it would only mean that Li Luo was incapable. If Li Jingzhe wanted to take revenge, they could see if the Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Qin or the Imperial Beast Hall was worth provoking. Chu Qing silently nodded. He had no enmity with Li Luo but his side's history meant that they were destined to be life and death enemies. Shen Yunge's gaze flickered. The Imperial Beast Hall and the Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Li possessed incredibly deep enmity between the two parties. That said it was the Heavenly Origin Divine Continent and Li Jingzhe, a Quasi-Triple Crown King was standing guard over Heavenly Dragon City. If he buried Li Luo here, wouldn't that also doom him as well? He might have a powerful background but the fury of a Quasi-Triple Crown King was not easily sated.

If the opponent wanted to kill him, to pay for his grandson's life, would Qin Jiujie actually be able to stop him? He was no more than an ant in the eyes of Li Jingzhe. Thus the way Shen Yunge saw it, if the opportunity arose, he could possibly cripple him, but his life would be left to the Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Qin to be dealt with.

That said, he still had to give Qin Lian face as he had gotten more and more attracted to Qin Yi over time. He had repeatedly demonstrated his intentions to pursue her but they were stonewalled, leading him to feel a little depressed. Shen Yunge understood that since he couldn't get through from Qin Yi, he had to get Qin Lian's help.

Thus he smiled and nodded his head. "If the chance arises, I'll definitely help Aunt Qin teach that brat a lesson."

Meanwhile Li Luo had already turned away from them, looking towards the fore of the squad from the Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Qin. At the front stood a silver haired middle aged man standing proudly with his hands behind his back, giving off an extraordinary aura.

"That is Qin Baiyan, the strongest Duke in the Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Qin. He's quite old and has been in the eighth-grade stage for quite some time. In fact, it's suspected that he has already reached the ninth-grade." Li Luo was reminded of this piece of information which he had seen earlier.

Qin Baiyan was renowned throughout the Heavenly Origin Divine Continent and could be considered to be one of the mightiest amongst those below the King stage. As a result, the Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Qin had dispatched him during this opening of the World End's River Treasure Domain.

That said such peak experts weren't for him to deal with. It was the job of Li Jiluo and Li Qingpeng.

He then s.h.i.+fted his gaze towards the other two Heavenly Emperor squads whom possessed experts like clouds, the entire formation seemingly rather ostentatious and overbearing.

In the end, his gaze finally lingered on the final squad. The lineup was no weaker than the rest of the Heavenly Emperor powers and he also saw Lu Shuanglu within.

They were the group dispatched by the Golden Dragon Bank.

The Golden Dragon Bank clearly wanted to partic.i.p.ate in the Treasure Domain as well since it was a rare opportunity. That said, their goals here were unique. Whilst everyone else was planning to fight for resources, they were here to barter instead.


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