Absolute Resonance Chapter 1315: Separate Squads_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Absolute Resonance Chapter 1315: Separate Squads

2024-09-15 15:24:58  浏览:53  作者:管理员
Absolute Resonance Chapter 1315: Separate Squads

However this would also mean that the squad would be split into two.

As the strongest experts slaughtered their way into the depths, the weaker ones would stick with the original plan, slowly clearing out the Other Dominions from the perimeter.

This was because the Treasure Domain was riddled with Other Dominions and the corruption formed a sort of sealing barrier from penetrating deeper easily. Even sixth-grade Dukes couldn't force their way through.

Moreover, medium sized Other Dominions also contained large amounts of Foundational Spirit Treasure and that also included high grade ones. This was a considerable amount of resources which they couldn't easily let go.

Li Jiluo and Li Qingpeng, the two leaders quickly reached a resolution. The others could only look at each other and obey the orders. After all, they could see the terrifying fluctuations of corruption and even the rogue cultivators were beginning to take swift action.

Everyone knew that this change to the large Other Dominion meant incredible opportunities.

Being able to obtain a top grade Foundational Spirit Treasure would allow their stagnant cultivation to once again take a step forward.

Li Luo was filled with envy. Such an opportunity excited him but he also understood that even the Guardian Generals didn't qualify to enter that elite group.

Thus he could only stay behind with the group that advanced forward slowly.

Getting some high grade Foundational Spirit Treasures to start wouldn't be bad either. He could eventually exchange a few for a top grade one.

This was how he consoled himself.

Furthermore a large sized Other Dominion was not easy to take down. Perhaps they might be unsuccessful and miss the opportunities within. With this in mind, he relaxed slightly. At the same time, his eyes were directed towards the depths of the Treasure Domain. The void seemed to distort continuously, and countless strange scenes appeared from time to time.

He seemed to fall into a trance as a trace of worry surfaced in his heart.

There were too many strange developments going on within the World End's River Treasure Domain.

Hopefully things would all turn out alright in the end.

The depths of the World End's River Treasure Domain suddenly began to emanate strong waves of corruption. It immediately ruined all of the plans of the numerous powers who had entered within. All of their strongest experts had both solemn and avaricious gazes as they looked into the distance.

A few of the strongest rogue cultivators also got ready to move.

Everyone knew that this sort of development with a large Other Dominion would indicate that there would undoubtedly be top grade and possibly even peak grade Foundational Spirit Treasures.

These were treasures that upper grade Dukes would salivate over.

Thus when they could sense the disturbance within the Treasure Domain, they couldn't restrain the greed in their hearts, directly rus.h.i.+ng ahead.

This also included the Heavenly Emperor powers who had very quickly completed their internal rea.s.signments. Without exception, almost every squad was divided into two. The strongest experts of each squad directly broke through the layers of the Other Dominion's barriers whilst the other group opted to push ahead slowly, planning to regroup in the depths. Thus in just a few moments, numerous figures giving off immense resonant power fluctuations rushed into the sky. As their majestic Duke Bergfrieds towered in the void, Divine Mist flowed and wrapped around their bodies, allowing them to pierce through the void.

It was a spectacular sight to behold.

On the Bloodline of Heavenly Emperor Li's side, with Li Jiluo and Li Qingpeng at the lead, they quickly made arrangements.

"Why don't I stay behind and accompany Li Luo and Qing'e." At this point Ox Biaobiao suddenly spoke up.

The World End's River Treasure Domain was a den of dragons and snakes. No one knew just how many Dukes were present and even if Jiang Qing'e had a Ten-Pillar Duke Bergfried, it wasn't sufficient to keep her safe.

Additionally, there was also the fact that Li Luo had been attacked in the past and it gave him a sense of unease.

Li Luo heard his words and smiled as he shook his head. "Uncle Biao, you can rest and relax. They're so many Guardian Generals here. All of the high grade Dukes have already gone running into the depths and the outer region is much safer as a result."

"Uncle Biao, you don't have to worry either. With me here, I'll make sure nothing happens to Li Luo." Jiang Qing'e similarly nodded her head and chimed in.

The disturbance of the large Other Dominion was also an opportunity for Ox Biaobiao. After all, he also needed to obtain high grade Foundational Spirit Treasures for himself as well.

All those years ago in the Xia Kingdom, Ox Biaobiao had quietly hidden himself away in House Luolan's Headquarters, always watching over the duo. If not for the rumors of him being a powerful Duke, Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo might not have been able to hold on until the Housemeet. Ox Biaobiao had done a lot for them all these years and at this point, he should be thinking for the sake of his own cultivation now.

He looked at the two and he was a little dazed. Unknowingly, the two children he had taken care of had blossomed into magnificent youths. They had already stretched their wings and were now independent.

There was no need to keep watching over them like in the past.

A heartened smile surfaced on his slightly ferocious face before he replied lightly, "Alright. It's good that you wish to stand on your own. I'll wait for you in the deeper areas of the Treasure Domain then."

Li Luo nodded his head and smiled. "Take care Uncle Biao."

After which the group made of the strongest members of the squad left with Li Qingpeng and Li Jiluo in the lead. Their Duke Bergfrieds all appeared, protecting their bodies as they pierced through the void.

Now as those Dukes left hurriedly, the worldly natural energy in the outer region seemed to have calmed down quite a bit. However in terms of sheer numbers of people, there wasn't a significant change as the group that had left were the minority.

The squad for the Bloodline of Heavenly Li was now being led by the five Guardian Generals.

"We will act as per orders, forming smaller squads to operate in." Li Zhihuo was the first to speak.

There were simply too many Other Dominions within the Treasure Domain, especially the small ones. The entire area was practically packed with them and for the purposes of obtaining as many Foundational Spirit Treasures, it was best to split up. The fact was also that it was difficult to share the spoils of combat with many people.

Everyone expressed their support.

Li Foluo then directly looked at Li Hongyou. A gentle smile appeared on his usually serious face. "Thousand Guardian Hongyou, would you like to travel with me? If we obtain any high grade Foundational Spirit Treasures, i'll let you have the first pick." Li Foluo was literally dangling a fragrant meat bun before her. Additionally he was one of the strongest here and thus he would choose to fight against more difficult and hence lucrative dominions. Yet he took the initiative to seek out Li Hongyou and gave her first dibs on any treasures, clearly indicating how much he wished to team up with her.

There was no other choice. After she broke into the Duke stage, her quasi ninth-grade Pharmacist Jade Dragon resonance meant that she was an excellent supportive teammate. Li Foluo was fully willing to clash against Li Zhihuo for her sake.

When faced with Li Foluo's earnest invitation, Li Hongyou gently fluttered her long eyelashes before courteously declining. "Thank you for your good intentions Guardian General, but i'll be going along with Li Luo."

She then made her way beside him.


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