Absolute Resonance Chapter 403 - The Storm Demon's Spear_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Absolute Resonance Chapter 403 - The Storm Demon's Spear

2024-03-02 08:48:02  浏览:161  作者:管理员
Absolute Resonance Chapter 403 - The Storm Demon's Spear

Chapter 403: The Storm Demon’s Spear


The moment Gong Shenjun accepted, lightning resonant power burst out of Liang Kui’s body, flying up into the sky. Dark clouds began to form out of nowhere, and lightning leaped like fish between them.

One mighty bolt of lightning crashed down suddenly, but it was not aimed at Gong Shenjun. It landed on Liang Kui instead.


Struck by lightning, Liang Kui’s six heavenly pearls were agitated, becoming even brighter than before. They now formed a large lightning snake that hissed and coiled.

Liang Kui took a deep breath, s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g his face up in utter concentration as his eyes sparked with power.

The little threads of electricity were now joining up into thick, roiling tendrils as they flowed in full strength towards the black spear. The six heavenly pearls had entered the black spear as well, and the air around it was distorted from the concentrated energy.

It was all too plain to see that Liang Kui was charging up for the ultimate attack of the century.

On the other hand, Gong Shenjun stood his ground, not interfering. He was happy to give Liang Kui the time he needed to prepare. One could see it as weak and pa.s.sive, or absolute confidence.

If Gong Shenjun won in the end, he would not only win the battle, but also the hearts and praise of everyone present. Even Blue Abyss Sage College would have nothing to say.

That Gong Shenjun was aiming for that outcome spoke volumes of his ambition.


In a short time, Liang Kui had already charged up an epic attack. He was funneling every last bit of lightning he could into his weapon. He was at the limits of his control, and bits of electricity that escaped from him leaped away to the ground.

Even the other Seven Astral Pillars members shuddered at the lethality of the attack that was incoming, while the normal students could not even begin to imagine what would happen to them.

This attack would have eviscerated them into a puff of smoke.


Through gritted teeth, a lazy wisp of white gas escaped. Liang Kui’s black spear was heavy with power, criss-crossed with lightning and a figure of lightning appearing behind him in the air.

The figure was several dozen meters wide and had four arms. Although its features were hidden in shadowy darknesses, the savage aura it radiated left no doubt that it was demonic.

“This attack… I call it the Storm Demon’s Spear.”

“But I know that even this amount of power is not enough to deal much damage to you,” Liang Kui rasped.

“And so…”

The hand that gripped the black spear suddenly exploded, his fingers disappearing into a mist of bone and blood. It too was sucked into the spear, which suddenly changed colors from black to dark red.

The lightning on it had also changed from blue-white to a demonic red.

The aura around the spear doubled sinisterly.

Things took a sudden and wicked turn, and the level of fear among the spectators rose as well. The Seven Astral Pillars were looking worried.

As he sacrificed his fingers, the storm demon behind Liang Kui reached out one monstrous limb to grip the spear, keeping it upright. And then it gradually drew back its hand in a pitching motion.

Time and s.p.a.ce itself seemed to freeze.


A thunderous sizzling sound filled the air as the bolt of blood lightning zipped through the air.

It moved at blistering speed, and few of the spectators could actually track its movements. For most of them, a streak of red was all they could detect.

The soot-covered battlefield was divided into two by the attack zipping forwards.

Of course, the lightning bolt destroyed everything in its path. This was the one shot that Liang Kui had mustered, even sacrificing his hand for it.

Gong Shenjun stood his ground. He watched the blood spear streak through the air towards him, and he nodded with approval as he noted the energy aura around the bolt. “Truly the strongest spear of Blue Abyss Sage College,” he said softly to himself.


“Not enough.”

Gong Shenjun’s own eyes gleamed with silver power, and his irises contracted into the serpentine eyes of a scaled-dragon. In his hands, his silver spear seemed to melt into liquid power, reforming as a mini silver scaled-dragon that coiled itself around his arm before finally sinking under his skin as a spear tattoo.

The tip of the spear was at his finger.

Gong Shenjun lifted that finger, which gleamed with silver light.

“Dragon Soul Claw.”


A dragon’s defiant roar accompanied a burst of silver light from Gong Shenjun’s finger, and a scaled-dragon burst out of his fingertip, swimming forwards with scales s.h.i.+mmering and fangs bared.

The soul of the dragon met the blood spear square on.


The impact was colossal. The already tattered battlefield was ravaged anew, with deep gouges cutting through fallen tree and broken rock alike. The aftershock radiated outwards like a spider’s web, leaving symmetrical, radial gouges on the ground.

So strong was the aftershock that it would have reached the spectator stands, but the Violet Vibrance mentors were on hand to negate the shock before that happened.

All of them watched the field anxiously.

As silver and red energy burned out against each other, it was the silver dragon soul which gave out first.

The Astral Sage College students gasped in dismay.

Had Gong Shenjun failed to defend against this attack?

After bursting past the silver dragon soul, the blood spear continued forwards, aimed straight at Gong Shenjun. The man in white watched it come with a faint smile on his face.

He stood his ground quietly, arms loosely at his sides.

As the spear neared him, its energy was also being depleted, and when it was within a few meters of Gong Shenjun, the red tint was completely gone. The spear was now black again.

Even so, it was a powerful attack that was on track to punch into Gong Shenjun’s brow.


A faint white spot appeared on Gong Shenjun’s brow, and the black spear clattered downwards.

Gong Shenjun reached out to grab it, then casually flicked it with a finger. It flew through the air to land in front of Liang Kui, buried point-down in the ground. He bowed his head slightly.

“I admit defeat.”


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