Martial God Asura Chapter 1476 - Intrude Into The Forbidden Area_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1476 - Intrude Into The Forbidden Area

2024-03-30 20:23:56  浏览:84  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1476 - Intrude Into The Forbidden Area

“There’s no need. Let’s go,” The Cursed Soil Sect’s headmaster gnashed his teeth in anger. At this moment, he no longer had the grace of a grand headmaster. He actually stood up and prepared to leave.

“White Ape, Crazed Killer, quickly, have people come and heal the Cursed Soil Sect’s little friends,” Dugu Xingfeng said.

“No need. Our Cursed Soil Sect is not so weak that we cannot even heal our own injuries. Farewell,” The Cursed Soil Sect’s headmaster was not grateful at all. He lead his men and directly left.

“Congratulations brother Dugu. It would appear that a heavenly genius has appeared in your Cyanwood Mountain,” After the Cursed Soil Sect’s headmaster left, the Eight Desolate Mountain Ranges’ headmaster immediately expressed his congratulations.

“That’s right. That child truly concealed his strength well. He actually defeated twenty people alone. This cannot be looked down upon. I fear that the Ten Thousand Flowers Garden’s little friends Nie Wan’er and Nie Xi’er will meet their match in this year’s Nine Powers Hunt,” The other headmasters also started to echo the praises in succession.

Dugu Xingfeng faced the crowd’s praises with a smile on his face. It could be seen that he was extremely happy. He already knew that Chu Feng was a dragon amongst men. However, he never expected that Chu Feng’s progress would be even faster than he imagined. This time around, he was feeling extremely pleased.

However, the Ten Thousand Flowers Garden’s headmaster had an expressionless face. She was feeling extremely dejected. That was because she already knew that her Ten Thousand Flowers Garden’s Nie Wan’er and Nie Xi’er were no match for Chu Feng.

As long as nothing unexpected happened, Chu Feng would definitely be the victor in this Nine Powers Hunt.

Meanwhile, inside the Ancient Era’s Remnants, Chu Feng did not know about what had happened outside. He was following the map in his mind and searching for the treasure filled with cultivation resources.

Chu Feng had long surpa.s.sed the range limit that the Cyanwood Mountain had designated for the disciples. He had entered a desolate and eerie region.

This place was covered with yellow mist. Even Chu Feng’s Heaven’s Eyes could only see a limited distance around him. Furthermore, strange roars could be heard in the distance nonstop. Those roars were like the howls of wolves, the snarls of tigers, the cries of birds, and the sounds of bugs. Essentially, they were very strange.

In short, a very dangerous aura filled this region. It was as if danger could descend at any given time. This… was the true Ancient Era’s Remnants.

In this place, ordinary people had to be extremely cautious. They had to put forth two hundred percent focus. Else, if they were to lower their guard, they would end up losing their lives.

However, Chu Feng had a very calm appearance. Just like before, he was still rapidly proceeding.

The reason why he was not worried at all was because there was… a map in his mind.

When Chu Feng had first arrived in the Holy Land of Martialism, Chu Feng had encountered one Grandpa Luo. This Grandpa Luo had not had a very high cultivation. However, he was a traveler who had traveled to many places in the Holy Land of Martialism throughout his life.

As for his many years of travel, they had not left him empty-handed. He had once obtained a treasure box in the western region of the Holy Land of Martialism.

There had been three treasures in that treasure box. The first was a fruit that contained natural energy. The second was a dark golden item that appeared like a dagger or a cane. As for the last item, it was a map.

As for that map, it not only recorded the treasure contained in the Cyanwood Mountain’s Ancient Era’s Remnants, it also recorded the locations of dangers and traps.

Chu Feng immediately knew how precious this map was. Thus, he remembered the contents of the map in his mind and then destroyed the map itself.

Right now, all of the contents of the map were in Chu Feng’s mind. Even though dangers were lurking on every side, Chu Feng was still well aware of how he should proceed.


However, suddenly, following a step, Chuy Feng’s pupils shrank and his body started to tremble. Even his complexion had slightly changed. In his mind, he shouted, “Oh no!”

Although the map in Chu Feng’s mind recorded the Ancient Era’s formations, the various traps and the locations the Ancient Era’s beasts would frequently rest in, it did not record the situation that Chu Feng had just encountered.

There was a formation here. It covered a very vast region and was very well hidden. It was most definitely not something that an ordinary world spiritist had set up. Else, it would have been impossible for Chu Feng to not discover it.

This formation was the masterpiece of at least a Snake Mark Royal-cloak World Spiritist. Furthermore, it should be something that the Cyanwood Mountain had set up. That was because Chu Feng was able to sense that this spirit formation had been placed here for at least several thousand years. However, several thousand years was a period of time very far away from the Ancient Era. Thus, this was not a spirit formation from the Ancient Era. Therefore, it would most definitely be a spirit formation set up by the Cyanwood Mountain.

Furthermore, Chu Feng was able to sense that this spirit formation was not a killing formation. Instead, it was merely a detection formation. Now that Chu Feng had triggered this formation, the people from the Cyanwood Mountain would’ve detected that he had come to this place.

Furthermore, this was not an ordinary detection formation. This spirit formation was also capable of ‘soul-locking.’ Now that Chu Feng had triggered the spirit formation, regardless of whether he flew in the sky or dove into the ground, he would still be detected by the people from the Cyanwood Mountain.

All of Chu Feng’s following actions would be under the scrutiny of the Cyanwood Mountain. Unless.. Unless Chu Feng was capable of undoing the tracking formation that had hidden itself within his body.

“Woosh, woosh, woosh~~~”

Chu Feng did not continue onward. Instead, he sat cross-legged in midair and began to form hand seals nonstop. Layer upon layer of spirit power began to overwhelmingly surge out of his body. He was planning to break the tracking formation inside him.


At the same time. In the most mysterious location of the Cyanwood Mountain. There were many ancient paG.o.das there. Within one of the ancient paG.o.da's was a golden spirit formation, and that spirit formation was currently s.h.i.+ning brightly.

Flowing within that golden spirit formation were snake marks. In other words, the person who had set up this spirit formation was a Snake Mark Royal-cloak World Spiritist.

As this spirit formation flickered with light, a vague silhouette began to appear within it. As the spirit formation continued to flicker, the silhouette became more and more clear.

Surrounding this spirit formation were eight aged figures. There were both men and women among them. However, they were all old and white-haired. From their facial appearances, one could tell that they had lived for countless years.

Most importantly, when their ages were not mentioned, their auras were all that of peak Half Martial Emperors. Each and every one of them was not weaker than the Nine Powers’ headmasters. Furthermore, they were all royal-cloak world spiritists.


Suddenly, one of the eight old people opened his eyes and revealed a sharp eagle-like gaze. As he saw the flickering silhouette in the formation, he was enraged, “d.a.m.n it, someone intruded into the forbidden area.”

“Who is this daring?” Hearing those words, the remaining seven old people also opened their eyes. As they saw the silhouette in the spirit formation, more and more murderous desire began to appear in their gazes.

“The Nine Powers Hunt should be underway right now. I presume that it’s some power’s disciple who did not understand the rules and intruded into that place.”

“There’s no harm. Let him continue onward. That place is not a place that he can intrude in as he wishes. If he continues onward, the only thing waiting for him will be death. No one will be able to save him,” said an old lady.

“No, we can’t do that. The rules are the rules. That is our Cyanwood Mountain’s forbidden area. Regardless of who it might be, we cannot allow anyone to enter it. Not to mention disciples from the other powers, even if it’s our Cyanwood Mountain’s disciple, it’s still a capital offense to enter that place.”

“We were told to watch this place by the Lord a.s.sembly Master. Thus, we should uphold our responsibility. How could we just allow that intruder to do as he wishes just because he’s small and weak?” The old man that spoke first spoke again in a very strict manner.

“This…” That old lady became a bit speechless. The order from the Lord a.s.sembly Master was indeed something that they ought to obey unconditionally. Else, why would the eight grand elders of the Cyanwood Sacred a.s.sembly not train in the Cyanwood Sacred a.s.sembly and instead guard a place like this?

“What Elder Xue says is correct. I’ll go and capture that ignorant little demon right now,” As the old woman spoke, she suddenly stood up and prepared to leave.

“There’s no need to capture him. Lord a.s.sembly Master has ordered that all those who dare to trespa.s.s into the forbidden area shall be killed. You only need to kill him on the spot,” Elder Xue said.

“What if he’s a disciple of our Cyanwood Mountain?” The old lady asked.

“No difference, kill him,” Elder Xue said with an ice-cold voice. There was not the slightest trace of sentiment.

“Understood,” After hearing those words, a cold murderous gaze appeared in the old lady’s eyes.

The Lord a.s.sembly Master was the true ruler of the Cyanwood Mountain. The orders given by him were things that none of them dared to go against.



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