Martial God Asura Chapter 1477 - Ancient Eras Organism_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1477 - Ancient Eras Organism

2024-03-30 20:24:56  浏览:78  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1477 - Ancient Eras Organism

However, right at this time, a loud sound was heard. The ancient paG.o.da they were in started to violently shake left and right. The entrance door of the ancient paG.o.da that was closed shut was actually broken apart by someone.

“Ji, ji, ji, ji~~~”

Following that, strange sounds began to be heard from the direction of the entrance. Soon, a large stream of purple gaseous flames came pouring in from the entrance, blocking it completely.

Not only did those purple gaseous flames possess life, they also possessed a frightening aura capable of devouring all of heaven and earth. Even the eight grand elders of the Cyanwood Sacred a.s.sembly, all peak Half Martial Emperor existences, started to tightly frown and s.h.i.+ver in fear when seeing these purple gaseous flames.

Before, they had been extremely upright and unafraid. Yet, at this time, they displayed expressions of fear like ordinary people.

“You all are not allowed to interfere in this matter.”

Suddenly, these words sounded from the purple gaseous flame. It was ice cold and ruthless. This was an absolute command.

Hearing those words, the expressions of the eight elders all became extremely ugly. However, they did not dare to speak. Feeling helpless, the remaining seven turned their gazes to Elder Xue.

At this moment, Elder Xue’s mouth twitched slightly. However, in the end, he summoned up his courage and spoke with a humble tone, “My lord, we are ordered by our Lord a.s.sembly Master to protect this place. Now that someone has intruded into the forbidden area, we cannot ignore that…”

“Do not speak anymore. This matter is in my hands. As for you all, you merely need to behave, stay here and pretend that nothing has happened.”

“Remember, if any one of you dares to interfere, I will not easily forgive you,” The purple gaseous flames once again let out an ice-cold and ruthless voice.


After it left those words , the purple gaseous flames shrank away from the ancient paG.o.da and disappeared into the distance. As for the direction it headed in, it was towards the Ancient Era’s Remnants.

“What do we do now?” The old lady turned around and looked to the other seven elders.

“Do as he says. Even Lord a.s.sembly Master must take him into consideration. People like us cannot afford to offend him.”

At this moment, that Elder Xue with the fiery temperament had closed his eyes. Although he was unwilling, there was nothing he could do. With his self-esteem receiving a blow, he could only close his eyes to regain his composure.

“Elder Xue, quickly, look at that!” Suddenly, an elder pointed at the golden spirit formation and cried out in alarm.

“You’re an elder of the Cyanwood Sacred a.s.sembly. At the very least, you should be able to keep your composure, no? Why are you making a big fuss? Do you know how disgraceful that is?” Being woken up by the noise, Elder Xue’s expression was extremely ugly. However, he still ended up looking toward the spirit formation.

“Heavens! How is that possible!!!” When he saw the spirit formation, an expression of astonishment appeared on his aged face.

At this moment, the flickering silhouette that used to be on the spirit formation had actually disappeared. It was as if it had never been there to begin with. It was completely and utterly gone from the spirit formation.

However, they all knew very well how powerful this spirit formation was. As long as it was triggered, it would be able to track each and every movement of the person that triggered it and ill.u.s.trate it on the spirit formation. It was impossible for the person who triggered it to escape from the spirit formation.

Yet, at this moment, the person who had triggered the spirit formation had disappeared. This meant that the person who had triggered it was no ordinary character. At the very least, it would be impossible for a disciple of the Nine Powers to undo this spirit formation.

“He has undone the tracking formation? That is definitely not something that a disciple could accomplish. That person is definitely not a disciple that’s partic.i.p.ating in the Nine Powers Hunt. An expert has intruded into the forbidden area. Elder Xue, what should we do?” The elders present all started to panic.

Even though they had experienced a lot of things and managed to become elders of the Cyanwood Sacred a.s.sembly, even though they should be able to remain calm even when facing the rupture of Mount Tai, not panic even when facing the burst of the Yellow River, the matter before them right now was simply too serious; it was impossible for them to not panic, to remain calm and to ignore it.

“All of you, stay here and guard this place. I’ll return to the Sacred a.s.sembly to inform Lord a.s.sembly Master.” As Elder Xue spoke, he stood up.

“But, didn’t that person say that we could not interfere?...” The other seven elders grew worried.

“Is it more serious to offend him or or is it more serious to offend Lord a.s.sembly Master? Don’t tell me that you’re uncertain about this!”

As Elder Xue spoke, he had already flown out. By the time his voice reached the ears of the seven other elders, he was already thousands of miles away.

The faster his speed was, the more it meant that he was feeling extreme unrest...

Inside the Ancient Era’s Remnants. Chu Feng suddenly opened his eyes. He had managed to use his outstanding world spirit techniques to eliminate the tracking formation within him. The people from the Cyanwood Mountain could not detect where he was anymore.

However, Chu Feng was not rejoicing because of this. Instead, he was frowning. He turned his cautious gaze to his surroundings.

Several miles away, in that vast mist, numerous pairs of lantern-like red glows appeared. They were Ancient Era’s Organisms.

“I had already deliberately concealed my aura. However, my scent was still detected by you all. It would seem that I have underestimated you all.”

“Since I cannot escape anymore, allow me to see exactly what sort of ability you Ancient Era’s Organisms possess,” Chu Feng’s gaze turned sharp.

Chu Feng knew beforehand that there were Ancient Era’s Organisms in the surroundings area. However, the location where Chu Feng was at, was not in the range of the Ancient Era’s Organisms’ dwelling. Chu Feng thought that as long as he concealed his aura, they would not be able to discover him, even if he were to stay motionless for a short period of time.

However, it would appear that Chu Feng had been mistaken. These Ancient Era’s Organisms possessed an an extremely keen sense of smell. It was simply even stronger than spirit power. Even though Chu Feng’s ability to conceal his aura was already extremely high, he was unable to escape their detection.

Right now, the only option for Chu Feng was to confront them. Fortunately, although these Ancient Era’s Organisms were not weak, they were only at the level of rank one Half Martial Emperors. This level of strength was something that the current Chu Feng could handle with his world spirit techniques.


Suddenly, many low roars began to sound unceasingly. As the roars approached, Chu Feng was finally able to clearly see their appearances.

Over three meters tall and ten meters in length, these Ancient Era’s Organisms were even larger than adult elephants. However, when compared to Monstrous Beasts of the same tier, they were not at all large.

Although their sizes were not very large, their appearances were a bit peculiar. While they looked like wolves, they did not have the slightest bit of fur on their bodies. Instead, they were covered with scales.

Furthermore, there were no eyes nor noses on their heads. There was only a single mouth filled with sharp teeth.

Although they had neither eyes nor noses, this did not mean that they were blind and could not smell. Merely, the locations of their eyes and noses were in different places.

Their eyes were actually on their shoulders; one on each shoulder. In place of their noses were fish-like gills that grew on the sides of their ribs. There were two rows of gills on each side. They were breathing using those gills.

At this time, a total of forty-eight such Ancient Era’s Organisms appeared around Chu Feng, surrounding him completely.

“Everyone, I am only pa.s.sing by this place. I did not have the intention to offend you all,” Chu Feng did not fight them right away. Instead, he actually cautiously opened his mouth and tried to communicate with them.

“Aouuu~~~” However, at this time, wave upon wave of snarls sounded in succession. The forty-eight Ancient Era’s Organisms all opened their mouths in unison and, while brandis.h.i.+ng their blade-like claws, charged to attack Chu Feng.

They had all ignored Chu Feng and decided to directly attack him. Furthermore, they were using the most primitive method of attack.

“d.a.m.n it,” At this moment, Chu Feng shouted in his heart.

He discovered that these Ancient Era’s Organisms not only possessed the cultivation of rank one Half Martial Emperors, they also possessed heaven-defying battle power capable of surmounting three levels of cultivation. They had hidden their heaven-defying battle power extremely well. Before they started attacking, even Chu Feng did not detect that they possessed this sort of heaven-defying battle power.

In other words, what Chu Feng was facing right now was not merely forty-eight rank one Half Martial Emperor-level Ancient Era’s Organisms. Instead, it was forty-eight rank four Half Martial Emperor-level Ancient Era’s Organisms.

Danger. It was the first time Chu Feng realized how dangerous this Ancient Era’s Remnant was. He never expected the Ancient Era’s Organisms here to be this frightening.

“No matter what, I can only fight with all of my strength,” With danger approaching and no way to escape, Chu Feng had no choice but to go all-out.



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