Martial God Asura Chapter 1478 - Firmament Flower Queen_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1478 - Firmament Flower Queen

2024-03-30 20:26:16  浏览:77  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1478 - Firmament Flower Queen

Thus, with a thought from Chu Feng, boundless spirit power began to emit from his body like a whirlwind. With enormous power, it swept toward the forty-eight Ancient Era’s Organisms.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang~~~”

However, at the time when Chu Feng’s world spirit attack was about to reach those forty-eight Ancient Era’s Organisms, their bodies suddenly changed. They became perfectly straight like sharp swords and actually penetrated past Chu Feng’s spirit formations.

“What a th.o.r.n.y problem. Seems like I can only take care of them one at a time,” Seeing that his group attack was useless, Chu Feng flipped his palm and took out the Demon Sealing Sword.

He then covered the Demon Sealing Sword with his spirit power. In an instant, the might of the Demon Sealing Sword doubled.

This was a special method that borrowed the power of a Royal Armament to increase the might of a spirit formation. Chu Feng wasn’t using his Royal Armament as the main attack source, he was still relying on his world spirit techniques.


Chu Feng raised the Demon Sealing Sword and charged toward the Ancient Era’s Organism closest to him.

Chu Feng’s speed was extremely fast, faster than even lightning. In the blink of an eye, he had arrived before this Ancient Era’s Organism, and the Demon Sealing Sword, strengthened by the spirit formation, was thrust toward that Ancient Era’s Organism’s head.

Chu Feng was able to sense that the Ancient Era’s Organism’s body composition was very extraordinary and that their heads were their greatest weakness.

Although Chu Feng’s attack might appear to be simple, it was actually a fusion of Chu Feng’s movement technique, strength, speed and battle power, as well as many strengthening world spirit techniques.

It could be said that this thrust possessed boundless power, that this single thrust was capable of enormous destruction.

Chu Feng had practically gone all-out in this one thrust. This thrust had to succeed, or Chu Feng would die trying to make it work.


A m.u.f.fled sound was heard, and green blood began to spray all over the place. Not only did Chu Feng’s thrust managed to pierce into that Ancient Era’s Organism’s head, he had also managed to completely split that head into pieces, exploding away in the process. Chu Feng had succeed in killing that Ancient Era’s Organism.

“Forty-seven more,” Immediately after Chu Feng landed on the ground, he turned his gaze to his surroundings. He was trying to determine which Ancient Era’s Organism was still charging to attack him, which among them was the closest to him and which among them he could kill with a single strike.


However, at this moment, the remaining forty-seven Ancient Era’s Organisms did not charge to attack Chu Feng. Instead, they all began to run toward a single direction.

When the forty-seven Ancient Era’s Organisms all gathered in one location, their bodies started to emit a faint green light. Those faint green lights were growing brighter and brighter. In the end, the many faint green lights fused into one enormous monster, over thirty meters tall and a hundred meters long.

Most importantly, the aura being emitted by this enormous monster was no longer that of a rank four Half Martial Emperor. Instead, it was now that of a rank five Half Martial Emperor.

“f.u.c.k, are you kidding me?”

At this moment, even Chu Feng was dumbstruck. He had an expression of disbelief all over his face.

“Everyone, everyone, please listen to me.”

“Truly, I have only pa.s.sed by here. I have no malice at all. Let’s talk it out, okay?”

Holding the Demon Sealing Sword that was filled with the blood of the Ancient Era’s Organism and with a smile on his face, Chu Feng tried to speak to the enormous monster.


The enormous monster’s reply to Chu Feng was a snarl and spraying out a faint green light wave from its mouth.

Seeing that, Chu Feng immediately jumped away and began to dodge toward the distance. That light wave ended up landing on the place that he had previously stood.


In an instant, gales sprung up everywhere and black soil exploded all over. An enormous crater measuring several tens of thousands of meters in diameter appeared at the region where Chu Feng had previously been standing. No, that was not a crater, it was a valley.

A single light wave from this enormous monster actually created a valley. Furthermore, the soil in this Ancient Era’s Remnant was completely different from the soil outside. It was as hard as metal and impossible to be moved by ordinary people. Yet, this enormous monster’s attack created a crater the size of a valley.

From this, one could imagine how devastating this attack would be and how many living things would be killed if it were to be unleashed outside of the Ancient Era’s Remnants.

Having reached this level of cultivation, to have the power to destroy the world was no joke. It was something that one could actually accomplish.

“d.a.m.n it, this thing doesn’t understand human speech,” Chu Feng realized that the situation was extremely bad. He turned around and began to flee.

He had already discovered that although these Ancient Era’s Organisms were very powerful and possessed a certain amount of intelligence, they did not have any human nature at all.

In other words, they were much more similar to ferocious beasts. Even though they possessed great power and abilities, they only knew about hunting, eating and killing. They possessed no intention to contest for the rights to rule the world.

However, upon further thought, Chu Feng was able to understand that too. If these Ancient Era’s Organisms were to possess the intelligence that humans and monstrous beasts possessed and were capable of cooperating with one another, the Cyanwood Mountain would have long since tried to exploit them. How could they possibly have decided to trap them here like this? After all, they possessed a very strong battle power that was many times stronger than that of some of their elders.

However, this was not important. The important matter was that Chu Feng was no match for these Ancient Era’s Organisms right now. As such, he had to find a way to escape.

“Ji, ji, ji, ji~~~~”

At the time when Chu Feng was putting forth all of his energy to escape, strange sounds could be heard from behind him.

Those sounds were like the crying of birds, and yet also sounded like a bunch of demons. Just hearing the sound would cause one’s hair to stand on end and s.h.i.+ver.

Chu Feng turned his head around to look. Upon seeing the scene behind him, his eyes immediately shrank and his brows became tightly creased together.

Behind him was that enormous monster, and behind that enormous monster were purple gaseous flames.

The eerie and frightening sound was coming from those purple gaseous flames. Chu Feng was able to sense how frightening those purple gaseous flames were. It was a Martial Emperor-level existence.


Before Chu Feng could react, the purple gaseous flames caught up to the enormous monster. In an instant, the enormous monster started to wail desperately like a wild animal.

However, that wailing lasted only an instant. Chu Feng saw with his own eyes that by the time the purple colored gaseous flames arrived before him, the enormous monster formed by forty-seven Ancient Era’s Organisms was turned into a thick pile of bones.

Not only was there not a single trace of flesh or blood, even the remaining bones were all ruptured, and forcibly shattered.

Savage. This was true savageness, true cruelty. In an instant, the forty-seven Ancient Era’s Organisms had been devoured. From this, it could be seen how frightening the purple gaseous flames before Chu Feng were.

“I’m doomed now. There’s actually a Martial Emperor-level monster in the Ancient Era’s Remnants; could it be that I, Chu Feng, will die here?” At this moment, Chu Feng also started to feel apprehensive.

However, he was unwilling to accept death like this. He felt that these purple gaseous flames were extraordinary. Even if it was an Ancient Era’s Organism, it must possess some sort of human nature. Thus, he decided that he should try communicating with it.

“Chu Feng, why would you be here?” Suddenly, a voice was heard from those purple gaseous flames.

“You… you know me?” Chu Feng was overwhelmed with shock. This person actually knew his name.

“You cannot continue onward. This place is too dangerous,” An advising voice sounded from the purple gaseous flames. Furthermore, to Chu Feng’s surprise, this voice was actually extremely gentle.

“Who are you?” Chu Feng managed to tell that the opposing party did not have any malice toward him. Thus, he wanted to find out exactly who this person was. He clearly did not recognize someone of this level in his memories.

“I…” The purple gaseous flames started to hesitate and became quiet. As for Chu Feng, he was quietly observing this change. He did not try to urge, because he knew that the purple gaseous flames were hesitating as to whether or not to reveal their true appearance before Chu Feng.

“Fine. After all, I would have to meet you sooner or later.” The purple gaseous flames started to spin. Like a purple vortex, they rapidly grew smaller. In the end, a girl in the prime of her youth appeared before Chu Feng.

This girl was wearing very simple and unadorned clothing. Her appearance was also very ordinary. However, her skin was extremely good; it was white like jade and awfully exquisite.

“Yao’er, why would it be you?” Chu Feng uttered a cry of alarm.

Chu Feng was able to recognize this girl instantly. This girl’s name was Yao’er. She was the girl who Chu Feng had encountered when doing his mission in the Firmament Medicinal Garden. At that time, she was being bullied and Chu Feng had saved her.


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