Martial God Asura Chapter 1491 - Exactly What One Wanted_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1491 - Exactly What One Wanted

2024-03-31 10:18:02  浏览:83  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1491 - Exactly What One Wanted

“He publicly scolded them. Furthermore, his scolding was extremely unpleasant to hear. Many of the people present were unable to continue listening to his words, and the Ten Thousand Flowers Garden’s headmaster even wanted to step forward to teach him a lesson. If it wasn’t for Dugu Xingfeng stopping her, I think the Ten Thousand Flowers Garden’s headmaster would have hacked Qin Wentian in two,” Sima Ying said.

“It was actually this excessive?” Chu Feng was not present and therefore had not heard what Qin Wentian had said. However, when even a grand headmaster was unable to contain herself and was about to attack him, he could very well imagine how excessive Qin Wentian’s words of humiliation had been.

“Junior brother Chu Feng, you really must not be careless. I have heard a rumor saying that Qin Wentian and Qin Lingyun are actually blood brothers.”

“If that rumor is real, then in your fight against Qin Wentian tomorrow, he might try to avenge Qin Lingyun and attack you with the intention to kill.”

“Even though Dugu Xingfeng protected you extremely excessively today, he has also protected Qin Wentian today. Furthermore, his protection of Qin Wentian was also extremely excessive.”

“After all, Qin Wentian is a rank one Half Martial Emperor. Someone like him is also a rarely seen talent. In fact, the talent that he has displayed right now even yours.”

“If Qin Wentian truly plans to attack you with killing intent tomorrow, it is uncertain whether Dugu Xingfeng would stop him.”

“Thus, you cannot rely on anyone in the battle tomorrow. The only person you can rely on will be yourself,” Lin Yezhou warned.

“Thank you, senior brother Lin for your warning. I understand,” Chu Feng patted Lin Yezhou’s shoulder. He then looked to the crowd that had worried expressions across their faces and smiled. He said, “If I were to tell you all that I will certainly win tomorrow, would you all believe me?”

The next day. A lot of people were gathered at the Cyanwood Mountain’s largest and most luxurious plaza.

It was not only the Cyanwood Mountain’s elders and disciples who were gathered at the plaza. The other eight powers’ headmasters and management elders were also present.

What was about to happen could be said to be a feast for the eyes. Merely the amount of grand characters that were present at the plaza was enough to feast the eyes of the Cyanwood Mountain’s disciples.

However, all of these grand characters had their gazes focused on one person -- Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian had arrived at the plaza extremely early. It could be said that he had arrived when the sky was still dark. After he had arrived, he had stood there motionlessly the entire time.

However, his eyes were s.h.i.+ning with excitement. Qin Wentian was extremely excited. He had been in closed-door training for so long because he wanted to prove himself. And now, his day had finally arrived.

Compared to Qin Wentian, Chu Feng’s arrival was relatively late. It was only when the appointed time arrived that Chu Feng slowly walked into the line of sight of the crowd.

“I had thought that you would not dare to come,” Qin Wentian said.

“Not dare? Heh…” Chu Feng smiled, “Qin Lingyun told me the same thing once. As a result, he died.”

“You…” Hearing those words, Qin Wentian’s eyebrows creased downward, and his blue veins started to bulge forward. Regardless of whether the rumor that Qin Lingyun was his brother was true or false, it was evident that Qin Wentian cared deeply about him.

As for the reason why Chu Feng said such a thing, his intention was actually also very obvious. He was planning to attack Qin Wentian psychologically.

Qin Wentian pointed at Chu Feng and said, “Chu Feng, I wish to conduct a life and death battle with you. Do you dare to accept?” Sure enough, his anger had been evoked by Chu Feng.

However, before Chu Feng could answer, Dugu Xingfeng from the viewing platform spoke first. “You cannot.” His expression was very serious. With a very serious tone, he said, “Qin Wentian, listen carefully. Today, you and Chu Feng are only allowed to spar and swap pointers. Neither of you are allowed to kill one another.”

“Lord Headmaster, I know what you are thinking. However, I might as well speak honestly with you.”

“Today, either Chu Feng dies or I die. Between the two of us, only one shall remain. You cannot stop us,” Qin Wentian said arrogantly.

“That guy, he actually dares to speak to his headmaster in such a manner?”

Hearing those words, the crowd began to discuss this spiritedly. None of them had expected that Qin Wentian would be this arrogant and daring enough to speak to his headmaster in such a manner.

The Qin Wentian from before did not have this sort of arrogance. The current him was like a completely different person, someone who did not place anyone in his eyes.

“Chu Feng, do you dare or not dare to accept my challenge?” Qin Wentian asked again.

“There is nothing that I Chu Feng do not dare. Since you wish to die, I shall help you attain your goal today,” Chu Feng said with a smile.

“Haha, brat, you are truly arrogant. I know that your cultivation is very weak. You’re merely a rank six Martial King. The only reason why you dare to act this arrogant is because of your world spirit techniques.”

“I too know a bit about world spirit techniques. However, I am no expert in them. That said, I shall use my weak point to fight against your strong point today. I’ll let you know that even when using the thing that I am least proficient in, I will still be able to defeat you in what you are most proficient in,” After Qin Wentian spoke, he flipped his palm, and a mastered Royal Armament appeared in his hand.

“Heh… is this what you meant by world spirit techniques?” Seeing that Royal Armament, Chu Feng laughed.

“Ignorant fool, you’re a royal-cloak world spiritist, yet you do not even know about this? I am merely using my Royal Armament as a primer. However, it will be spirit power that I will be using with it.”

As Qin Wentian spoke, golden spirit power surged forth from his body and covered the mastered Royal Armament in his hand.

At the same time, his other hand began to rapidly change as he formed hand seals. In this sort of situation, the spirit power that covered his Royal Armament began to transform. He had managed to create a spirit formation.

Sure enough, Qin Wentian was using his Royal Armament as the primer for his world spirit techniques. Although he did not use any martial power, he had made use of his spirit power to increase the power of his Royal Armament. As a result, his battle power was also increased.

“Listen carefully, this technique of mine is called the World Spirit Weapon Control Technique. Relying only on this technique, I will defeat you,” Qin Wentian said.


Right at this time, Chu Feng’s body suddenly moved. Like a phantom, he arrived before Qin Wentian. With a beautiful roundhouse kick, his leg landed on Qin Wentian’s spirit formation-covered Royal Armament.

“Clank!” The Royal Armament was kicked flying by Chu Feng.

“World Spirit Weapon Control Technique? You should first learn how to hold on to your weapon,” Chu Feng sneered.

“Hahahaha~~~~~” Hearing those words, the crowd burst into loud laughter.

Qin Wentian had exhausted so much effort to prepare this technique. Yet, with a single kick, it was defeated by Chu Feng. This was truly extremely funny, so funny that the crowd was unable to contain its laughter.

“Courting death!” Qin Wentian realized that his world spirit technique was too inferior to Chu Feng’s. Thus, he no longer bothered with superfluous words and began to activate his martial power and release his rank one Half Martial Emperor’s aura.

In an instant, Emperor-level martial power filled the air, creating many shockwaves that pounded toward Chu Feng.

Sure enough, this Qin Wentian was not weak at all. While he was a rank one Half Martial Emperor, Qin Wentian also possessed heaven-defying battle power capable of surmounting three levels of cultivation. Thus, he was capable of fighting against ordinary rank four Half Martial Emperors.

“Yoh, a rank one Half Martial Emperor, oh how mighty you are.” Chu Feng stood before Qin Wentian. Although the shockwaves and gales from Qin Wentian’s martial power bombarded him, they were unable to injure him in the slightest. In fact, even Chu Feng’s hair was unmoved by the shockwaves and gales.

It was a spirit formation. A layer of spirit formation was s.h.i.+elding Chu Feng. Naturally, mere martial power would not be able to injure Chu Feng. After all, Chu Feng’s world spirit techniques had reached a superb level of mastery and could be said to be miraculous.

“Arrogance!” Qin Wentian clenched his five fingers into a fist and shot a fist strike toward Chu Feng. Although this fist strike appeared to be ordinary, it contained enormous power and was actually capable of cleaving mountains and splitting rivers. The might of his attack was exceedingly devastating.

However, Chu Feng was smiling when facing such a devastating fist strike. Without dodging, he allowed Qin Wentian’s attack to come toward him.


The fist landed. Energy ripples immediately began to sweep through their surroundings. However, in the center of the violent energy ripples, Chu Feng was not damaged in the slightest. Instead, it was Qin Wentian who was knocked several meters away.

At the moment when Qin Wentian managed to steady himself, many people present were startled.

That was because the left portion of Qin Wentian’s clothes had been shattered. As for the arm attached to the fist that he had used to attack Chu Feng, it was so badly mutilated that even his eerie white bones were showing.


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