Martial God Asura Chapter 1492 - The Despair Of The Weak_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1492 - The Despair Of The Weak

2024-03-31 10:19:05  浏览:84  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1492 - The Despair Of The Weak

It was clearly Qin Wentian who had attacked earlier. Yet, why would he be the one injured? This was simply something that the crowd could not understand, something that they found to be unbelievable.

“It’s a damage reflection world spirit technique! Chu Feng has most definitely used a damage reflection world spirit technique. Otherwise, it would be impossible for this to happen.”

“Truly brilliant. He actually used such an ingenious method. Even I am unable to notice his damage reflection world spirit technique. This child’s world spirit techniques are truly divine, truly miraculous.”

A World Spiritist Alliance’s royal-cloak world spiritist was unable to contain himself and started praising Chu Feng. He knew of the existence of damage reflection world spirit techniques. However, they were generally extremely easy to discover. To be able to use it without a trace the way Chu Feng did was extremely rare. Thus, he was truly convinced by Chu Feng’s abilities.

“That fist strike of yours earlier was not an ordinary fist strike. Instead, it was a kind of martial skill. Furthermore, it was a Mortal Taboo Martial Skill on top of that. Its might is extremely fierce.”

“Qin Wentian, you deliberately used ordinary attack methods to conceal your actual attack. I know that you did so in the hopes of making me act carelessly so that you could defeat me with one strike.”

“Unfortunately, you didn’t know that I had placed a damage reflection world spirit technique around my body before I arrived here. The stronger your attack was, the greater the backlash would be.”

“If you had attacked me with only an ordinary fist strike earlier, not only would you have been able to break through my damage reflection world spirit technique, you would also not have received such a severe injury.”

“However, unfortunately, you thought yourself to be clever, but your bits of wit only ended up causing you to harm yourself,” Chu Feng said with a very ridiculing tone.

After learning the truth, Qin Wentian angrily shouted, “Despicable, you are thoroughly despicable!” He knew that he had been greatly humiliated this time around.

He had thought of scheming to obtain victory. However, never did he imagine that he would end up being the one who was played. Furthermore, he ended up doing exactly what Chu Feng wanted.

“Hahahaha…” Suddenly, Qin Wentian burst into loud laughter.

His laughter was extremely ear-piercing and strange. This was no longer a laughter of arrogance; it was more like the frantic laughter of someone going mad.

“Chu Feng, did you really think that you would be my match?”

“Earlier, I was merely playing with you. Right now, I’ll let you know what despair means.”

Suddenly, Qin Wentian spread open his arms. His shattered clothes began to rapidly flutter. Even his long black hair was dancing in the air. With him as the center, a gale surged forth.

However, soon, the crowd began to notice that Qin Wentians’s black hair was turning red. More and more of his hair began to change in color, and it also began to grow redder and redder.

In merely a short moment, his black hair had all transformed into red hair. The red of his hair was not a fiery red. Instead, it was blood red; crimson. It appeared extremely strange and frightening.


Suddenly, Qin Wentian’s body moved. He turned into a ray of red light and surged toward Chu Feng with a frightening amount of oppressive might.

Qin Wentian’s speed was too quick. In an instant, he had arrived before Chu Feng. He pushed forth his palm, and a violent martial power was shot toward Chu Feng. He was planning to crush Chu Feng to death.

However, who was Chu Feng? He was someone who had obtained absolute mastery in world spirit techniques. Furthermore, his reactions in battle were extremely fast.

Facing Qin Wentian’s frontal attack, Chu Feng did not decide to guard against the attack. Instead, he unleashed an offensive spirit formation.


His spirit formation came as an enormous hammer. The enormous hammer was so large that it appeared like a s.h.i.+eld as it completely covered the s.p.a.ce before Chu Feng when it successfully blocked Qin Wentian’s incoming attack.

However, Chu Feng’s spirit formation was actually an offensive one, and that enormous hammer was actually used for attacking. Blocking Qin Wentian’s attack was merely a trivial matter for the enormous hammer. The true purpose that Chu Feng had in using this enormous hammer was to attack Qin Wentian.

“Insignificant talent.”

However, Qin Wentian was not weak himself. After his hair color changed, all aspects of his strength were increased.

Regardless of whether it was his speed, his power or even his mental ability, they had all been increased many times compared to before.

At this moment, he had determined that Chu Feng’s enormous hammer spirit formation was not something that could be looked down on. Thus, he did not face it head-on, and instead used a movement martial skill to dodge it.

Not only did he dodge Chu Feng’s enormous hammer, he had also seized the opportunity to arrive behind Chu Feng in a flash. He was planning to launch a surprise attack at Chu Feng from behind.

Unfortunately, Chu Feng’s reactions were truly too strong. Even if Chu Feng had closed his eyes, he would still be able to see each and every action of Qin Wentian. A surprise attack like the one that Qin Wentian used was simply unable to injure Chu Feng in the slightest.

Right at the moment when Qin Wentian was about to approach Chu Feng, Chu Feng suddenly turned around and dodged Qin Wentian’s attack. At the same time he dodged the attack, he clenched his hand, and a spirit formation spear appeared within it. Pointing that spear toward Qin Wentian’s throat, Chu Fent thrust it forward.


This attack came too suddenly. Qin Wentian was unable to hide from or dodge Chu Feng’s spear. Thus, he could only meet it head-on and try to break it. He grabbed onto the incoming spear with his hands and began to instill martial power into them to activate a martial skill. “Bang,” Chu Feng’s spear was shattered by Qin Wentian.

However, at the moment when the world spirit spear shattered, a dagger had appeared in Chu Feng’s hand. With a speed even faster than before, he thrust toward Qin Wentian once again.

“You dare to continue your attack, do you not fear that I’ll crush your hand?” A flash of coldness shone through Qin Wentian’s eyes. He formed a claw with his hand and grabbed toward Chu Feng.

This time around, what he planned to grab was not the dagger, but Chu Feng’s hand. He was planning to shatter Chu Feng’s hand in front of all these people to avenge the humiliation he had received earlier.


However, right at the moment when Qin Wentian’s claw hand moved by Chu Feng’s dagger and was about to grab onto Chu Feng’s hand, Chu Feng’s footsteps suddenly moved, and his entire body s.h.i.+fted backwards. At the same time, the dagger in his hand turned into a ray of light and was shot toward Qin Wentian’s dantian like an arrow.

“d.a.m.n it!”

In an instant, Chu Feng had attacked with countless changes. Chu Feng knew extremely well when to advance and when to retreat. Although Qin Wentian managed to react, his reaction was too slow.

“Puuu,” scarlet blood sprayed down from the sky. Chu Feng’s world spirit dagger had pierced into Qin Wentian’s body.

Although Qin Wentian had managed to avert his dantian from being pierced, he was still injured by Chu Feng; a large hole had been pierced through his waist.

“Qin Wentian was actually injured again?!”

“What amazing techniques! This Chu Feng has practically perfectly calculated all his attacks and defenses. But, a fight between experts is rapidly changing. How did this Chu Feng manage to think of all this in such a short period of time?”

“That’s why… this child is a true demon level character.”

The bout between Chu Feng and Qin Wentian lasted only an instant. Ordinary disciples were unable to see anything at all. They only managed to discover that Qin Wentian was injured. However, the true experts present were able to see the battle extremely clearly.

Qin Wentian was not weak. It could be said that his battle power was not at all inferior to Chu Feng’s. However, in such a short period of time, he had been injured by Chu Feng. He had not been defeated by Chu Feng in terms of battle power. Instead, he had been defeated in terms of wits.

Chu Feng’s battle intelligence was simply off the charts. He had managed to calculate each and every attack, defense, dodge, retreat and even which body turns and footsteps he should use. With each movement, he had already thought about what his next movement should be.

Chu Feng’s calculation ability was something that even all the headmasters present found themselves to be inferior to.

They had only managed to see through Chu Feng’s movements and attacks because they possessed high levels of cultivation. If they were at the same level of cultivation as Chu Feng, it was likely that they would not be a match for him.

“Qin Wentian, I finally understand what you meant by despair. Indeed, you have given me great despair. I feel so much despair at how weak you are,” Chu Feng looked to Qin Wentian with a beaming smile. It was as if he was looking at a joke.

Chu Feng admitted that Qin Wentian was very strong, strong enough to be able to defeat Nie Wan’er and Nie Xi’er.

Unfortunately, his current opponent was Chu Feng. Before Chu Feng, no matter how strong Qin Wentian might be, he would still be weak.

Among those of the same cultivation, there had yet to be anyone capable of matching Chu Feng.

“You…” Hearing those words, Qin Wentian’s veins started to bulge explosively in anger, and his complexion turned a deep red.

“Haha…” As for Chu Feng, the smile on his face grew even denser and became filled with mockery.



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