Martial God Asura Chapter 1496 - Asking The Headmaster For Help_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1496 - Asking The Headmaster For Help

2024-04-01 20:09:42  浏览:82  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1496 - Asking The Headmaster For Help

As for the reason why Chu Feng was able to accomplish such a feat, it was because of the flash of enlightenment from earlier. When he had broken through to rank eight Martial King, Chu Feng had seized a chance opportunity and obtained enlightenment. Thus, his control over the Divine Lightnings was now a bit more unconstrained.

However, Chu Feng knew very well that although he had managed to grasp the power of the Divine Lightnings, he had only managed to grasp a small portion, akin to the tip of the iceberg.

The Divine Lightnings in his body were extremely powerful, unimaginably powerful, incomprehensibly powerful. If Chu Feng were to be able to completely grasp them, it would be a trivial matter for him to destroy the entire Holy Land of Martialism.

Although a power like this was extremely frightening, Chu Feng was not afraid. Instead, he was excited.

“Sure enough, you all are very powerful, so powerful that I am simply unable to control you all.”

“However, I like that you all are this powerful. The more powerful you are, the more I want to control you all.”

“Right now, I have only managed to grasp the tip of the iceberg. However, one day, I will completely grasp you all and make you mine.”

Chu Feng opened his eyes and said those words. He was speaking to the Nine Colored Divine Lightnings in his body.

Chu Feng was not at all humble when he said those words. At the same time, he did not display any arrogance. The att.i.tude that he had was completely different from before.

Before, Chu Feng was uncertain about the origins of the Divine Lightnings. Thus, he felt that they were extremely frightening and ended up fearing them.

Yet now, he no longer thought of them that way. That was because he had came to a realization, and understood that the Divine Lightnings were not a foreign power. Instead, they were the power of his bloodline.

In other words, he was the Divine Lightnings and the Divine Lightnings were him. Regardless of how powerful the Divine Lightnings might be, they would still have to live within his body. As they were the power of his bloodline, they were one with Chu Feng.

This time around, Chu Feng had exhausted a lot of his power. It took him four entire hours of recuperation for the King-level martial power, as well as his spirit power, to mostly recover. At the same time, his psychological condition had also become much better.

However, before Chu Feng could recover completely, he hurriedly got up. That was because a grand character had arrived in his palace. As for this person, it was none other than the headmaster of the Cyanwood Mountain, Dugu Xingfeng.

A personal visit from Dugu Xingfeng was the greatest honor to a disciple. Furthermore, to Chu Feng, this was also a very good opportunity to ask Dugu Xingfeng to help him.

Chu Feng left his bedroom and arrived in the guest room. He discovered that Dugu Xingfeng was sitting in the guest room. However, he was not sitting on the master’s seat, and was instead sitting on one of the side seats. Dugu Xingfeng was holding a tea cup and gently pursed his lips against it to drink the tea.

He was very free and at ease; it was as if this place were his home. There was no trace of seriousness to him at all. Furthermore, he was also not displaying the imposing might of a headmaster. Thus, he appeared to be very amiable and like an ordinary person.

However, Chu Feng knew that the man before him was no ordinary person. He was the headmaster of the Cyanwood Mountain, Dugu Xingfeng.

“Disciple Chu Feng pays his respects to Lord Headmaster,” After Chu Feng arrived, he immediately bowed respectfully to Dugu Xingfeng.

“Chu Feng, only you and I are here. Thus, there is no need for those etiquettes. Come, sit over here,” Dugu Xingfeng waved his hand at Chu Feng while smiling.

At this moment, Dugu Xingfeng was like a completely different person. If Dugu Xingfeng was a very imposing headmaster when before the various other headmasters, then the current Dugu Xingfeng appeared more like one’s relative. His amiable appearance did not appear to be fake. Instead, it seemed to be coming from the bottom of his heart.

Thus, Chu Feng did not try to be modest, as he knew that there was no need for him to be modest. Therefore, he walked over to Dugu Xingfeng and sat down beside him.

“Chu Feng, back then, I was in closed-door training and unable to take charge of the situation in the Cyanwood Mountain. I have caused you to suffer a lot. You wouldn’t possibly be bearing grudge against me, right?” Dugu Xingfeng asked with a smile on his face. However, there was actually a trace of worry in his eyes. He was truly worried that Chu Feng would bear grudges against him and have a bad impression of him.

“Indeed, I have been bullied and humiliated in the past. However, I will not bear grudges against anyone. At that time, my strength was insufficient. Thus, I cannot blame anyone but myself for being bullied and humiliated.”

“As for Lord Headmaster, you are a person capable of distinguis.h.i.+ng right and wrong with acuity. You have handled matters fairly. You are a good headmaster. This disciple only has deep respect for you and holds no grudges toward you,” Chu Feng said.

“That’s good, that’s really good.” Dugu Xingfeng smiled a relieved smile. Then, he said, “Actually, I am actually not in favor of you becoming a nominal disciple of the World Spiritist Alliance. However, as the matter is already done, I also had to get over it.”

“Back then, my reaction might have been a bit drastic. However, that was because I thought highly of you. Thus, I hope that you will not take that to heart,” Dugu Xingfeng said.

“Selfishness… is something that everyone possesses. Lord Headmaster is no exception to that. This is something that this disciple can understand. However, the World Spiritist Alliance has truly treated this disciple very well, and helped him many times. I hope that Lord Headmaster will not have a bad relations.h.i.+p with the World Spiritist Alliance because of this disciple.” Chu Feng wished for the Cyanwood Mountain and the World Spiritist Alliance to coexist peacefully.

“Haha, you can rest a.s.sured about that. Not to mention that our Cyanwood Mountain has been allies with the World Spiritist Alliance this entire time, even if our relations.h.i.+p was not that good, I would still not make the World Spiritist Alliance into an enemy because of you.”

“Furthermore, as matters have developed to this state, I now think that you can become our Cyanwood Mountain and the World Spiritist Alliance’s bridge to a better relations.h.i.+p. Perhaps we might even be able to become alliance powers that enjoy honor and disgrace together and advance and retreat in unison,” Dugu Xingfeng said.

“If Lord Headmaster wishes for it, this disciple is willing to risk his life to help Lord Headmaster,” Chu Feng said.

“Haha, good, I knew that I did not misjudge you. Not only is your talent exceptional, your sense of loyalty and justice is also superb. Only a disciple like you is worthy enough for our Cyanwood Mountain to exhaust our all to nurture,” Dugu Xinfeng truly admired and appreciated Chu Feng.

This sort of admiration and appreciation was on the verge of extreme. Each and every word, each and every action that Chu Feng made would give Dugu Xingfeng an extremely good sensation of satisfaction.

After that, Chu Feng and Dugu Xingfeng chatted for a long time. From that, Chu Feng was able to sense that Dugu Xingfeng truly planned to nurture him.

Unfortunately, Chu Feng’s strength was completely different from before. Right now, if Chu Feng wished to reach a breakthrough, ordinary cultivation resources were simply unable to sate him. Only Natural Oddities or other rare cultivation resources were now able to sate Chu Feng.

Even though Chu Feng was very urgent to increase his cultivation, he did not wish to have others obtain cultivation resources for him.

After all, one must experience trials in order to grow.

This was akin to the difference between a wild tiger and a caged tiger.

The caged tiger possesses ample food and good living conditions. Thus, its body will grow ma.s.sive and from a glance, it would appear to be extremely mighty.

As for the wild tiger, it does not possess sufficient food, and will be very thin and weak-looking. From a glance, it would appear to be lacking the might of tigers.

To many people, they would think that the caged tiger would be stronger. From merely their outward appearances, they would think that the caged tiger would be several times more powerful than the wild tiger.

However, if the two tigers were placed together and told to fight, the victor would definitely be the wild tiger.

Although the wild tiger would not possess the great treatment that the caged tiger had received, it would still be a tiger that had lived in the wild. In the wild, if it didn’t kill, it would be killed instead.

It would have experienced countless close quarter battles in order to continue living and It would have only managed to survive because of its abilities.

However, the caged tiger would be completely different. Even though it would have fed itself to be extremely robust, it would have only relied on its master to feed it. It itself would have never once hunted another animal before. It would be the sort of being that would only open its mouth when food arrived before it. Thus, it would have long since lost its wild nature.


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