Martial God Asura Chapter 1496 -2 _tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Martial God Asura Chapter 1496 -2

2024-04-01 20:11:01  浏览:73  作者:管理员
Martial God Asura Chapter 1496 -2

For a tiger like that, its robust tiger body would be in vain, as it would not possess the heart to risk its life to fight against its enemy; nor would it possess the techniques to do so. If it were to fight against the wild tiger, how could it possibly be able to prevail over its opponent?

This was the same for martial cultivators. While one could receive help from another, one could not rely on others for everything. One must experience trials and tribulations, fight against enemies while risking one’s own life, in order to truly mature, and obtain true transformation.

Thus, Chu Feng did not ask his headmaster Dugu Xingfeng for cultivation resources. However, there was a matter that he had no choice but to ask him for. As for that matter, it was the one about going to the Cursed Soil Sect to save Tantai Xue.

While Chu Feng was able to take care of this matter himself, it would be extremely dangerous, with a very high chance that he would die. Furthermore, not only would he likely die, Tantai Xue would likely die too.

He did not wish to cause Tantai Xue to die because of his own recklessness. Thus, Chu Feng had to find people to help him. As for Dugu Xingfeng, he was a great candidate to ask for help from.

Finally, Chu Feng spoke. “Lord Headmaster, this disciple has a matter that I wish to request help in. Might Lord Headmaster be willing to help this disciple?”

“What matter might it be? There is no harm in telling me,” Dugu Xingfeng said with a smile.

“I wish to ask Lord Headmaster to a.s.sist me in saving a person,” Chu Feng said.

“Where will we go to save that person?” Dugu Xingfeng did not even bother to ask who Chu Feng wanted to save, and instead directly asked for the location.

Chu Feng was a bit surprised by Dugu Xingfeng’s reaction. However, he still replied, “the Cursed Soil Sect.”

“Oh, the Cursed Soil Sect?” Hearing those words, Dugu Xingfeng’s reaction was still not very large. With the same sort of calmness, he asked, “Who is this person to you? Must you definitely save this person?”

“She is my friend. This disciple must save her,” Chu Feng nodded.

“Very well, I’ll help you save her. However, the Nine Powers Hunt has just ended. Thus, there are a lot of things that must be dealt with. I cannot set out to save her right away.”

“Furthermore, if we are to set out for the Cursed Soil Sect, we must do it in secret. Thus, it is unsuitable for us to set off together.”

“How about this? In two days, you are to leave the Cyanwood Mountain first and find a place to wait for me,” As Dugu Xingfeng spoke, he extended his finger, pointed at an empty region of s.p.a.ce and gestured.

In an instant, the outline of a map appeared. The starting point on this map was the Cyanwood Mountain. As for the destination, it was a village’s tavern.

“This disciple understands. Thank you Lord Headmaster for helping me out,” Chu Feng was grateful from the bottom of his heart. From the moment he had spoken till now, Dugu Xingfeng did not have any sort of unusual behavior.

Dugu Xingfeng’s reaction was extremely calm. It was as if Chu Feng’s request was no surprise at all. Furthermore, it seemed like Chu Feng’s request was also within the range of a request that he could accept.

Most importantly, Dugu Xingfeng had only asked Chu Feng a couple simple questions. In fact, he did not even ask Chu Feng who it was that he planned to save, or even what sort of enmity that person had with the Cursed Soil Sect. From this, it could be seen how deeply confident he was in Chu Feng.

“There’s no need to be this courteous with me. Remember, I am your headmaster and also your family. The Cyanwood Mountain is your home. When one’s family member has something that they need help with, how could I possibly disregard it?”

“It’s quite late now, you have also been deeply exhausted by this battle today. You should rest. We shall meet again in three days’ time.” Dugu Xingfeng patted Chu Feng’s shoulder while smiling. Then, he left Chu Feng’s residence.

As Chu Feng watched the direction that Dugu Xingfeng left in, he smiled lightly.

Home? Those words spoken by Dugu Xingfeng was something that the World Spiritist Alliance’s Alliance Master had also mentioned to him before.

And now, they were indeed like family to Chu Feng, offering him help and protection.

This sort of sensation was extremely good for Chu Feng. Chu Feng knew that the current him was no longer the him from the past.

In the Holy Land of Martialism, this place with experts like clouds and dangers in every corner, Chu Feng was no longer alone. He now also had families, as well as family members who would treat him with sincerity.

“I actually forgot this matter.”

Only when Dugu Xingfeng left did Chu Feng remember that he had yet to mention to Dugu Xingfeng that he had already requested Hong Qiang’s help, and was also planning to request the World Spiritist Alliance’s Alliance Master and Miao Renlong’s help as well.

As Dugu Xingfeng had left quite quickly, Chu Feng had not managed to mention this matter to him. However, upon recalling the att.i.tude Dugu Xingfeng had displayed toward him earlier, Chu Feng a.s.sumed that Dugu Xingfeng would likely not mind even if he were to request help from others.

However, Chu Feng still planned to inform Dugu Xingfeng. After all, it was better to inform someone about something like this.

If they were to meet later and Dugu Xingfeng became displeased, it would become awkward.

However, before doing that, Chu Feng decided to find the World Spiritist Alliance’s Alliance Master and Miao Renlong to tell them about this first.

As Hong Qiang said, the Cursed Soil Sect was no ordinary place. If one wished to proceed to that place to save someone, one must possess absolute certainty in being able to do so.

Every additional peak Half Martial Emperor-level expert would be an additional safeguard.


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