Alchemy Emperor Of The Divine Dao Chapter 450 - The Dust has Settled_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Alchemy Emperor Of The Divine Dao Chapter 450 - The Dust has Settled

2024-03-31 17:23:56  浏览:69  作者:管理员
Alchemy Emperor Of The Divine Dao Chapter 450 - The Dust has Settled

He had to admit, in terms of the toughness of physique, the Corpse Soldier was absolutely on par with precious metal, and could compare to the Body of Iron Sheet. Furthermore, this was also because this Corpse Soldier had not been refined completely, and could only be considered as slightly above the level of a Level Two Silver-Armored Corpse Soldier, and had yet to reach the stage of Level Three. Otherwise, even Mysterious Three Thousand would not be able to inflict any damage to it. After all, this was a technique meant to attack a whole group, whereas 10,000 Techniques was the real devastating attack.

“This is a sword technique from the Heaven’s Sword Palace!” Yan Tian Zhao exclaimed in surprise, his brow slightly frowning. “That’s not right. There is a Heaven’s Sword Sect here. Could it be that you are a disciple of that place? No, you came from the Rain Country, so there should be no relation between you and the Heaven’s Sword Sect.”

“Could it be that you are the reincarnation of some powerful character from the Heaven’s Sword Palace?

His first words were actually spoken to himself, but his last few words were a question directed at Ling Han.

Ling Han smiled faintly, and said, “I don’t have any relation with the Heaven’s Sword Palace. On the other hand, you, who know of the existence of the Heaven’s Sword Palace—I a.s.sume that you are someone from the realm of G.o.ds, then?”

“Realm of G.o.ds?” Yan Tian Zhao suddenly laughed loudly after a moment of being stunned. With an expression filled with disdain, he said, “Ignorant fool of the lower realm, you are ignorant beyond compare! To tell you the truth, I am indeed Yan Tian Zhao. However, when I was young, I accidentally triggered a device which contained the memories of a G.o.d, and was thus slightly affected.”

Ling Han finally understood. Memories were something that should not be trifled with carelessly; why was he unwilling to use the art of searching another’s soul? That was because after he touched the memories of another, they would merge with his own memories. And once there was a large amount of such memories, he would not be able to differentiate which memories were his own, and which belonged to another. It would definitely affect him, and there might even be a great, dramatic change in his character.

( )

At that time, Yan Tian Zhao was only five years old, and his personal characteristic had yet to be fully formed. How could he then withstand a whole lifetime of memories of a G.o.d? As a result, his character naturally changed dramatically. He was practically the carbon copy of that G.o.d, and had become incredibly evil. That was why he had been sealed away.

“F***!” From within the Three Lives Corpse Casket, Rong Huan Xuan could be heard cursing.

He was really an unlucky one. First, he was possessed by Asura Demon Emperor, someone on the par of G.o.ds, and now, he encountered a monster that possessed the memories of a G.o.d. Moreover, it was very possible that Ling Han had some kind of relation with the ancient era.

However, Yan Tian Zhao did not even bother to give him any attention. In his eyes, Rong Huan Xuan was naturally the most minor character out of a whole batch of minor characters, and was absolutely unworthy of his notice. He looked at Ling Han seriously and said, “Is my sincerity enough? Ling Han, how about this? I don’t need you to hand the key over to me, but I want to enter the Sagittarius Palace Hall with you and take a certain item from inside.”

When he saw Ling Han frown, he immediately waved his hand and said, “Don’t worry, this item is absolutely useless to you!” He paused a moment, then continued, “I can also get rid of the brat inside the casket for you. Others may not be able to do anything to the Three Lives Corpse Casket, but it has no effect on me. I can drag him out of it!”

“F***!” Rong Huan Xuan cursed again. If it was anyone else saying that, he would naturally scoff in disdain. However, Yan Tian Zhao possessed the memories of a G.o.d, and could be considered as the reincarnation of a G.o.d, so who knew, he might possibly have a way to deal with the Three Lives Corpse Casket.

Yet Ling Han grinned and answered, “No way!”

“Why?!” Yan Tian Zhao was practically about to go crazy. He had already made enough concessions, yet Ling Han had still rejected his offer.

Ling Han said, “As for the brat inside the casket, I am indeed unable to kill him now, but it won’t take me too many years to be able to drag him out and kill him. It’s a good thing to let him live as a reminder to myself. As for that key… hehe, it is obviously mine, so why do I need to hand it over to you? Furthermore, even a G.o.d would place so much importance on it. Tsk tsk tsk, that is even more the reason that I can’t miss out on it!”

“You!” Yan Tian Zhao was greatly enraged, and with a sudden leap, charged to attack Ling Han.

Since negotiations had failed, the only option left now was to settle things with one’s fists.

“Then you’ll just have to see the terrifying battle prowess of our Peac.o.c.k Race!” Yan Tian Zhao humphed frostily. As he waved both arms in attack, wings actually formed, but these wings were a hundred feet long and covered with closely woven patterns that shone with glorious light and looked to be extremely terrifying in might.

Ling Han used the Mysterious Three Thousand Sword Technique. He did not need to spend any time to acc.u.mulate power. It was enough for him to deliver a hundred-plus sword flashes with every strike to shatter all the wings that Yan Tian Zhao was shooting at him. The whole area was filled with shattered feathers that immediately transformed into a mult.i.tude of patterned designs which then quickly darkened and disappeared.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!” Yan Tian Zhao’s expression became evil beyond compare, and as his figure turned swiftly, it was as if he had really become a gigantic peac.o.c.k, his wings fluttering violently, and murderous intent as far as the eye could see.

Ling Han was neither shocked nor afraid. If he used the Mysterious Three Thousand Sword Technique, a hundred sword flashes would be tossed out, and it was enough for him to stand on equal footing with Yan Tian Zhao.

“d.a.m.n it. I am, after all, no longer in the body of a Peac.o.c.k, and am unable to display the might of the Bright King Secret Technique to its fullest!” Yan Tian Zhao roared in rage, but the madness in his eyes did not decrease in the slightest and rather seemed to be aroused even further. “Give me my key!”

Hong , green flames actually erupted from his whole body, and actually warped the s.p.a.ce.

Ling Han immediately felt an instant of dizziness. ‘Poison!’ he thought, quickly drawing out a petal of the Golden Flower of the Stone and swallowed it. Then he turned to look at Hu Niu. Thankfully, the little girl was some distance away, and so had not been surrounded by the flames.

However, after he swallowed a petal of the Golden Flower of the Stone, Ling Han felt that the dizziness that he was feeling was under control, but still did not feel any better. It was obvious that even the Golden Flower of the Stone was unable to cleanse the poison of these flames, and could only provide temporary relief.

Hiss, what kind of poison could this be, that even the Golden Flower of the Stone, something that was claimed to be able to cleanse 10,000 poisons, could do nothing against it!

Ling Han’s battle spirit did not decrease but rather soared. Gripping the Demon Birth Sword, he exclaimed, “Yan Tian Zhao, receive a strike from me!” Hong , the Thunder Battle Armor was activated and transformed into a barrier that isolated him from the flames.

At this moment, the Corpse Soldier was already rendered mostly useless. It was first heavily damaged by Ling Han’s Mysterious Three Thousand Sword Technique, followed by Yan Tian Zhao’s green flames, so its threat level could now be completely ignored. Thus, Ling Han needed only direct all his focus on Yan Tian Zhao.

With a flick of his sword, Ling Han once again used the Mysterious Three Thousand Sword Technique. Instantly, a thousand sword flashes appeared in a wave that hid the sky and covered the earth.

Yan Tian Zhao hurriedly stretched open his green wings and s.h.i.+elded himself within. When the sword flashes crashed into them, light from the multiple patterned designs flew everywhere, forcing him into a continuous retreat.

When the sword flashes gradually disappeared, the wings that he had used to protect himself were also damaged. When the sword flashes decreased to about two hundred, the green wings were also completely shattered. Pu, pu, pu . The sword flashes wreaked havoc, and instantly, blood sprayed like crazy.

Ling Han was secretly shocked. He really could not underestimate this guy; if it wasn’t for the fact that he had increased his original seven flashes of Sword Qi to nine flashes, even the Mysterious Three Thousand Sword Technique would not be able to penetrate Yan Tian Zhao’s defences.

As Yan Tian Zhao roared in rage, he continued to throw up blood. This time, he had suffered quite a serious injury.

Yet it was exactly this moment that peng , the Three Lives Corpse Casket opened, and Rong Huan Xuan charged out with a direct slash in Yan Tian Zhao’s direction. This was the moment that Yan Tian Zhao was at his weakest, and how could he have thought that Rong Huan Xuan would actually make a move against him? Thus, he was instantly hit.

Pu , green-colored blood sprayed everywhere. He had actually been sliced in two halves at the waist.

“You actually attacked me?” Yan Tian Zhao wore an expression of absolute disbelief.


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