Alchemy Emperor Of The Divine Dao Chapter 451 - A Noble from the Middle State_tiknovel-最新最全的nft,web3,AI技术资讯技术社区

Alchemy Emperor Of The Divine Dao Chapter 451 - A Noble from the Middle State

2024-03-31 17:25:19  浏览:75  作者:管理员
Alchemy Emperor Of The Divine Dao Chapter 451 - A Noble from the Middle State

“Nonsense. You yourself said that you can drag me out of the Three Lives Corpse Casket; whom else am I going to kill if not you?” Rong Huan Xuan smirked coldly. In comparison, he could still protect himself with Ling Han, and even if he did not manage to get the treasure inside the Twelve Heaven Mystery Realms, it was no great loss to him. It wasn’t his in the first place, so naturally he did not feel any bitter anguish about it.

Yan Tian Zhao felt very depressed. He had never imagined that someone that could only be considered a mere ant in his eyes would actually cause him such severe injury, but how could he die as easily as this? The upper half and lower half of his body actually moved on their own. One half broke out into a run with two legs, whereas the other pushed down onto the ground with both hands, then with a leap, his upper half landed on top of his lower half, as if they could be attached back.

“When the Mystery Realms open, I will definitely stop you, and you…” he said to Ling Han first, then pointing at the Three Lives Corpse Casket. “The next time we meet, I will definitely turn you into a corpse!”

After saying such, he broke out into a run and fled. Hong , two green-colored wings of light actually sprouted from his back, and as he stretched them out, he instantly shot into the skies and fled.

He didn’t die even from that?

Ling Han stood with the help of his sword. Yan Tian Zhao could absolutely be considered as the reincarnation of the spirit of an ancient G.o.d, and knew a shockingly large number of secret techniques. He didn’t die even from being cut in half, so the next time they met, would he have to crush his heart, or perhaps his head?

“Ling Han, don’t be too pleased with yourself. I will get myself a Gold-Armored Corpse, and will definitely take your life next time!” Rong Huan Xuan also threw out a line that fitted the situation, and was obviously intending to flee.

“I know, I know. Go on,” Ling Han said impatiently.

“You…” Rong Huan Xuan humphed. He was extremely displeased with Ling Han’s att.i.tude, as if he was some minor character of negligible importance. He swore to himself that he would definitely make Ling Han regret this.

Hong , the Three Lives Corpse Casket slid away, and Rong Huan Xuan left inside it.

Ling Han, meanwhile, was in deep thought.

For Yan Tian Zhao’s situation, was he the reincarnation of a G.o.d from his last life, or was he still himself? In his case, what category did he belong to then? Was he, too, in the situation that the memories of his last life had been transferred into this body?

This caused him to feel at a bit of a loss.

“Ling Han!” Hu Niu leaped over and tugged on Ling Han’s hand. This made Ling Han instantly break out into a smile, and chased away the confusion in his heart.

He was who he was. He was neither the Alchemy Emperor he had been in his last life, nor was he the useless young man of this lifetime. Rather, he was an existence formed from the merging of these two, possessing both their merits and their shortcomings—a real, living person.

And that was enough.

“Come, let’s go back!” Ling Han said with a smile.

“En!” Hu Niu nodded in earnestness.

On the way back to Extreme Yang City, Ling Han removed his disguise. Thus, when he reached Extreme Yang City, he had naturally regained his ident.i.ty as the owner of both Forget Not and Alchemist King Pavilion.

He had disappeared for ten days, and Liu Yu Tong and the others were all very worried. Thankfully, he had finally returned, which relieved their worries.

Ling Han went to the Spirit Treasures Pavilion again, thinking that Yin Hong must have finally managed to get the Nine Leaf Black Ganoderma for him by now, right?

“I’m really sorry.” The moment Yin Hong saw him, she hurriedly apologized, which gave Ling Han a feeling of foreboding. Indeed, he heard her continue to say, “That Spirit Herb that you wanted has been intercepted by another.”

“Who did it?” Ling Han’s killing intent soared. This Spirit Herb involved the crucial matter of whether Ling Dong Xing would be able to cultivate again, and for this reason, he would not hesitate to commit murder.

“The details are not very clear yet. They only mentioned that they sold it to someone by the surname of Tang, and coincidentally, according to my investigation, he has also come to Extreme Yang City, and is currently in the North Pill Pavilion,” Yin Hong said.

“I’m really sorry. I had originally come to an agreement with the seller, but this person with the surname Tang should have a very prominent background. That must be why the seller did not hesitate in offending me and still adamantly sold the Spirit Herb to another.”

“I had been intending to communicate with that person with the surname Tang and see if he would be willing to resell it to me. However, before I even began communicating, you have already rushed here,” Yin Hong continued.

Ling Han nodded, and said, “Still, thank you.” At least, he now knew the rough location of the Nine Leaf Black Ganoderma.

“You need to take care. This man was able to make the seller refuse to give me face. Either he boasts incredible ability and skill, or has an extremely prominent background,” Yin Hong said seriously.

“I know.” Ling Han stood up and left.

As Yin Hong watched Ling Han’s figure gradually disappear at the main doors to the courtyard, she could not help but support her chin and murmur, “That’s odd; is there any great person by the surname of Tang in the north region?”


Ling Han headed directly to the North Pill Pavilion.

Though he was already an Earth Grade alchemist, and had already been in Extreme Yang City for a great many days, there were not really that many times that he had ventured here. At most, he had come to select and buy some seeds of Spirit Herbs to enrich the s.p.a.ce in the Black Tower.

He made some queries about the person with the surname Tang among the staff in the Pill Pavilion, but every single one of them simply shook their heads, expressing that they did not know, either.

When he recalled that this person with the surname Tang could have come from a very prominent background, and that it was probably normal that these people at the lower ranks did not know of him, Ling Han decided to find some higher-ranked person and ask. But how could an ordinary person enter into the important areas of the Northern Pill Pavilion?

He was just about to reveal his ident.i.ty as an Earth Grade alchemist when he saw three people walk in from outside. Two of them walked slightly ahead, whereas the third walked a bit further behind.

One of the two people walking ahead was fully dressed in a simple, elegant white robe, with luxuriant black hair, and a white silken veil hiding her face. Though there might be uncountable numbers of women who dressed in this way in the world, there was only one person whose mere vague image could make one fantasize endlessly.

…Zhu Xuan Er.

There was a young man by her side who looked to be in his mid-twenties and was in the ninth layer of the Spiritual Pedestal Tier. A man with this kind of cultivation level could be considered as one of the top elite prodigies in Extreme Yang City. However, there was an elite cultivator of the Flower Blossom Tier following behind the both of them. He wore an expression of utmost seriousness and followed them closely.

From the looks of his att.i.tude, this elite cultivato of the Flower Blossom Tier actually seemed the be the servant of the two people walking ahead!

Ling Han knew that Zhu Xuan Er definitely did not have that kind of extravagance; then, that elite cultivator of the Flower Blossom Tier had to be the underling of that young man.

However, even in the case of the Winter Moon Sect and the Beast Emperor Sect, what sect could allow their disciples to make use of a Flower Blossom Tier cultivator as a mere bodyguard-c.u.m-servant? Flower Blossom Tier cultivators were definitely a pillar of support for any sect, and it was highly possible that this kind of person could become an ultimate elite cultivator of the Spiritual Infant Tier.

This young man appeared to come from an extremely prominent background!

When he remembered what Yin Hong had said previously, Ling Han was practically sure that this young man was that person with the surname Tang.

“Grandmaster Ling!” When Zhu Xuan Er saw Ling Han, it was as if she had seen her savior. Her beautiful eyes instantly lit up, and she walked delicately over to him. “If you have time, Xuan Er has something that I would like Grandmaster Ling’s help on.”

“Grandmaster?” When the young man heard this address, he instantly looked disdainful, and said, “Xuan Er, if you want to learn about alchemy, you can ask me as much as you like. As a Black Grade high level alchemist, I naturally would be able to answer all your questions.”

This young man was actually a Black Grade high level alchemist? Tsk, tsk, tsk, that was really exceptional; no wonder he was so arrogant. However, if he was merely a Black Grade high level alchemist, he probably was still not qualified to have an elite cultivator of the Flower Blossom Tier act as his guard, right?

Ling Han turned towards that young man and asked, “And who are you?”

“How dare you, you actually dare to speak to Young Master Tang in such a tone!?” that Flower Blossom Tier elite cultivator immediately rebuked angrily, his eyes sharp and piercing, filled with killing intent.

For a Flower Blossom Tier cultivator that had cast off their mortal sh.e.l.l, an angry rebuke accompanied with a fierce glare was naturally filled with power, and capable of scaring a Spiritual Pedestal Tier cultivator to their knees.

It was naturally a deliberate move on his part.

…His young master was currently in the process of pursuing Zhu Xuan Er, but from the looks of things now, Zhu Xuan Er seemed to bear affection for Ling Han. Then, he naturally had to greatly embarra.s.s the latter in front of Zhu Xuan Er and humiliate him in front of her.


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