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Alchemy Emperor Of The Divine Dao Chapter 1386 - Appearance of a Netherworld Demonic Beas

Alchemy Emperor Of The Divine Dao Chapter 1386 - Appearance of a Netherworld Demonic Beas

Obviously, they had not wasted the slightest amount of time previously. They had all headed directly to this place, and their target was this Flower of Makara.

They had even made use of the rule that being in the palace hall would not decrease their time, and had made slight adjustments. That was why they had appeared here at such a coincidental time, guaranteeing that they would have enough time to attempt to s.n.a.t.c.h the flower.

Ling Han did not appear. Instead, he stood above the valley, and planned to first observe the situation.

Lin Zihong had come with the precious treasure of his clan. Obviously, his aim had also been this Makara Flower, and it was mere coincidence that he had used the battle drum during his fight with Ling Han. Since the Anyuan Branch could produce such a precious Tool, what about the other branches? And what of the other three great clans?

There were probably even more treasures that were like that battle drum.

Merely a battle drum was already so frightening, what more when these people all brought precious treasures with them. Even if only half of them had brought precious treasures with them, Ling Han would be having a headache.

Hence, he chose to sit by and watch. He had to observe the situation first.

After all, he did not have too much of a longing for this kind of poisonous flower. He was confident in his own invincibility. Worse come to worst, after a few hundred years, he was sure he could cultivate to the Eternal River Tier, and his own battle prowess would be overwhelming by then, so what need was there for him to rely on that whatever poisonous flower?

He did not deliberately conceal his figure. Thus, those like elites in the consummate level of the Heavenly Body Tier naturally discovered his presence at the first instant. However, they did not point him out, but merely looked disdainful. He was merely in the low extreme, so what if he planned to play the oriole[1]?

The hour quickly pa.s.sed, and the Flower of Makara had also reached the best time in which it could be plucked.

No one made a move. Now, whoever made the first move would definitely be attacked on all sides. No matter how powerful you were, if you were attacked simultaneously by about 100 people, you would still be severely wounded. After all, of the people who dared to come here, who among them did not bring some kind of deadly weapon?

This was only temporary. Very soon, a young man walked out. He wielded a large saber in his hand, his head covered with white hair. If it was not for the fact that his skin was as crystalline as jade, at first look, one would think that he was an old man.

When this man walked out, there were over a dozen people walking out behind him as well. Each of them was armed with a G.o.d Tool. There were sabers, swords, spears, and axes, and the most exaggerated part was that there was even one holding a torch.

“Hoho, since everyone is unwilling to move, then let I, s.h.i.+ Bin, come and pluck this Flower of Makara!”

He strode out, while there was over 10 people following his footsteps, forming an allied formation of both attack and defense.

Obviously, these people had reached some kind of agreement beforehand. Now, the others were all guarding s.h.i.+ Bin. If it was just two to three sole cultivators bravely approaching, they would definitely be blasted into nothing in an instant.

“The precious treasures of the heaven and earth belong to the strongest! s.h.i.+ Bin, you are still not qualified!” Another person stepped out, and similarly brought out a company of over a dozen with him as well.

s.h.i.+ Bin was not the only one who had formed an alliance of defense and attack by coming to a certain agreement.

“Then we will resolve it with battle!”

The two groups of people immediately came to blows. The moment this battle began, the fight rapidly spread out, causing more and more people to join in the battle royale.

Finally, the whole valley had become a complete mess. Over 100 people were fighting, all wanting to take this Flower of Makara for themselves.

It was obvious that there were four groups that were more powerful, corresponding to the respective four great clans. They had allied with their respective branches, and formed an alliance, advancing and retreating together. They began their charge towards that poisonous flower.

And thanks to the fact that there existed four such groups, they restricted one another. Otherwise, if there was only one such group, even if the others had the advantage of greater numbers, they might not be able to block them. After all, their hearts were not united, so it would be difficult to use their full battle prowess.

Ling Han nodded continuously as he continued to watch. These people had indeed brought deadly weapons with them. They were practically able to show the battle prowess that belonged to the middle stage or even the late stage of the pinnacle level of the Heavenly Body Tier, but due to the limitation of their consummate level, even those in the consummate level of Heavenly Body Tier were unable to show the battle prowess of the peak stage of the pinnacle level. At most, they only had the battle prowess of the Eternal River Tier.

From the look of things, if one wanted to break through the restriction of the major tier, they could only do so with a Saint Tool.

In the valley, various lights shone brilliantly. Terrifying force spread out. Ling Han was sure that even with his physique, he would be battered and mauled in a few moments if he rashly rushed into the fray. Even G.o.dly bones would very quickly break and shatter.

Crack, a thunderous noise rang out from the ground. A ma.s.sive ravine appeared. At first, Ling Han thought that it had been created by the fierce battle of these people, but he soon realized that that was not the case.

A black-colored aura was spreading out of this ravine, and it quickly enshrouded the whole valley.


A colossal long spear protruded out of the ravine, and turned into a gigantic leg that stepped on one side of the ravine. Then, another long spear stuck out, and landed on the other side of the ravine. Subsequently, a humongous creature appeared, completely black all over.

It was a mantis, though it was really too huge. Previously, the two long spears were actually its two ma.s.sive legs. Not only was it completely black in color, a black-colored aura was also entwined all over its body, and there was an unspeakable evil air about it.

“A Netherworld Demonic Beast!” Everyone was astonished.

This was not the Two Realm Battlefield, so how was it that a Netherworld Demonic Beast appeared here?

Flash, this mantis would not be concerned about their shock. Immediately, it brandished its two ma.s.sive forelegs and slashed over. Even though it was astonis.h.i.+ngly ma.s.sive, the speed at which it struck was extraordinarily fast. In a mere flash, its forelegs had already reached one of the humans and swept across his waist.


Blood sprayed out. Firstly, that person had been in a state of shock, and secondly, this slash had really been too fast; it could completely match Ling Han’s Lightning Sword Technique. Thus, that man did not even have the chance to parry, and was directly severed into two halves.

He released a scream of agony. The blood that sprayed from the two halves of his body actually turned black in an instant, and it could be seen that the black-colored aura was endlessly expanding on his body. In an instant, his flesh and blood had withered.

The Regulations of the heaven and earth of the Netherworld represented destruction.

His spirit left his body, and his G.o.d Tool was activated. It wrapped around his divine sense and fled in panic. If he was. .h.i.t with another slash, his form and spirit would both be destroyed.

This scene happened in a mere instant. All of them were Heavenly Body Tier elites. Naturally, they immediately regained their composure. They brandished their respective G.o.d Tools and began to attack that mantis.

Now was naturally not the time for internal conflict. Furthermore, this mantis was obviously incredibly powerful. If they still did not unite against this external foe, it was probable that all of them would be killed off one after another.

A great battle began.

This mantis was truly very powerful. Its cultivation level should have reached the late stage of the pinnacle level. It stood strong against the united attack of about 100 people all on its own, and still did not fall into a disadvantageous position, proving its overwhelmingly powerful strength.

[1] This comes from a Chinese idiom: the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind—basically, it means that they would be aiming for the poisonous flower, unaware of the greater danger that the MC would be posing to them.

The 100 or so Heavenly Body Tier elites all unleashed their most powerful attacks. To say nothing of the Netherworld, they would still crush this praying mantis even if it had come from the Immortal Realm. It actually dared to prevent them from retrieving the G.o.dly medicine!

Numerous powerful G.o.d Tools were activated, all of them drawing on their user’s Origin Power or even lifespan as they unleashed devastating attacks. The formidable might of these attacks caused even Ling Han’s heart to palpitate in apprehension.

This praying mantis was incredibly close to reaching the Eternal River Tier.

A series of frenzied attacks rained down on the praying mantis. The 100 or so cultivators were all wielding Eternal River Tier G.o.d Tools, so even if they couldn’t unleash might at the Eternal River Tier, the attacks that they launched were still incredibly powerful. In any case, the praying mantis wasn’t at the Eternal River Tier, either!

Thus, it wasn’t long before the praying mantis was riddled with wounds. Its body was bathed in black-colored blood that evaporated into clouds of black aura. This black aura appeared extremely uncanny as it swirled in the air.
