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Alchemy Emperor Of The Divine Dao Chapter 1458 - Where Are You Grabbing Onto?

Alchemy Emperor Of The Divine Dao Chapter 1458 - Where Are You Grabbing Onto?

More and more people charged up. Apart from Empress Luan Xing and Gu Daoyi—who were still locked in an intense battle—the remaining supreme king tiers all wanted a piece of the reward. Some of them were unable to withstand the violent winds that gusted through the final 30 meters, yet there were some who were still successful in charging up and grabbing onto the large black dog’s tail.

However, the large black dog’s tail was only two feet long, so how could it possibly house the hands of so many people? It wasn’t long before his tail was covered in hands. That being the case, those who arrived later all turned their attention to his two hind legs. And thereupon, his two hind legs were gradually transformed into skewers of candied hawthorn as well.

[1] This is a traditional Chinese snack, also called Bingtanghulu.

Upon seeing this, Ling Han was already at a complete loss for words. This was a strange and ridiculous sight.“Sh*tty dog, hurry up and let go of me! I’ll give you a portion of my reward, okay?” Ling Han said.

“Don’t let go!” the king tiers hanging onto the large black dog shouted in unison. They didn’t know what rewards were above the gigantic golden boulder, yet even so, none of them wanted to forfeit the opportunity to obtain them.

“Let go!”

“Don’t let go!”

Ling Han and the king tiers started a shouting match against each other. Just then, the large black dog had been detested by everyone, with the king tiers all wanting to stomp on his face whenever they saw him. Now, however, he had suddenly become their saving grace, with none of them showing a shred of hostility toward him anymore.

The spectators were all enthralled by this peculiar situation. Strange things would occur every year, but the strange events of this year were truly taking things to another level.

After all, had they ever seen a group of king tiers hanging off the tail and legs of a dog before?

They had been like three skewers of candied hawthorn before, yet right now, they were packed so tight that they looked like a hornet’s nest.

This was comical, far too comical.

However, even though the king tiers knew that they were being laughed at by the others, none of them were willing to let go of the large black dog. Once they let go, they would have forfeited their chance to obtain this tremendous opportunity.

They were all convinced that there was something extraordinary lying on top of the gigantic golden boulder.

If they ascended this boulder, they would have the opportunity to obtain a profoundly great opportunity.

The king tiers all exerted their full strength as they hung onto the large black dog’s tail and legs.

“Holy sh*t!” the large black dog wailed. Although his physique was far more powerful than his cultivation level, it wasn’t the same as Ling Han’s physique—it wouldn’t grow stronger as his cultivation level advanced. He had reached an extremely high cultivation level before, yet in order to maintain his life force, he had fallen into a deep slumber. At that time, his cultivation level had fallen dramatically. However, his physique hadn’t become weaker.

Thus, his physique wouldn’t grow any stronger until he regained his previous cultivation level. Even so, his physique was still incredibly powerful at this moment.

Right now, however, there were far too many king tiers hanging off from his body. Moreover, the regulations of this valley were especially peculiar, resulting in each king tier weighing as much as a mountain. Thus, it was as if there were almost two dozen mountains hanging off from his tail and hind legs. How could he endure this?

It hurt like h.e.l.l!

The large black dog’s face was twisted in agony. In fact, there were even tears starting to stream down his face. His teeth were bared, and his tongue was spasming in his mouth.

“Little black, let go,” Ling Han said earnestly. “Be a good boy, let go…” He had to forcefully suppress his laughter as he said this. After all, it was a rare chance to see the despicable dog suffering at the hands of others. This delighted him immensely.

“Don’t let go!” the other king tiers all shouted in unison.

In reality, Ling Han also couldn’t lift the weight of so many people. If this were under normal circ.u.mstances, lifting them up would be no problem at all. However, there were peculiar regulations here, and there were also far too many people hanging onto the large black dog. As such, it was a struggle for him to even stay put and prevent himself from being dragged down.

That being the case, Ling Han simply chose to stay still. At the same time, he also started to tell jokes to the large black dog. Once the large black dog let go, all of his problems would naturally be solved.

In fact, there were also some smart people who tried to directly ascend the gigantic golden boulder on their floating rocks. However, following Ling Han’s arrival at the peak, the last few meters of s.p.a.ce had already been sealed. Apart from the “hole” that the large black dog had created, there was already no other path to reach the gigantic golden boulder.

In other words, grabbing onto the large black dog was the only way up.

The large black dog’s face had already become beet red.

This was primarily due to pain—swathes of fur had already been ripped off his tail. In fact, his tail was already close to becoming bald. Secondly, this was due to Ling Han’s jokes. He had used Origin Power to shut off his ears, yet Ling Han was using his divine sense to directly transmit his voice into his mind. As such, he had no option but to listen to his jokes.

Moreover, the large black dog was very easily amused, so he couldn’t help but laugh at Ling Han’s jokes. This pained him greatly. He continued to bite onto Ling Han’s foot, yet the corners of his mouth were involuntarily curling upward. This was the sight of him laughing. At the same time, however, tears were also streaming down his face. This was the sight of his pain. Put together, this was truly a very strange scene.

What had once been a battle between king tiers had now become a complete farce. In fact, even the great elite of the Star Sand Martial Arts Academy didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He was unsure what expression he should wear at this moment.

This was completely unprecedented!

This time, someone had finally managed to reach the peak. They were destined to open the door to a new golden age of cultivation. However, the scene before them… Ha…


At this moment, another king tier dashed up. However, he was instantly sent flying by the powerful winds. Even so, his floating rock gave rise to a significant event.

His floating rock allowed another king tier to rise upward, though this king tier was immediately defeated by another king tier, who had been bitterly awaiting an opponent for a long time. When the latter king tier rose up, he was also defeated by yet another king tier who had been bitterly awaiting an opponent.

In other words, the ascent of the first king tier had triggered a series of battles that allowed all of the king tiers above him to rise by another level. However, the cost of this was all of the lower level king tiers being defeated.

Finally, another king tier managed to ascend to a height just six meters below Ling Han and the others. He leaped up with all his might, reaching toward the large black dog as he did so.

“Don’t come up!” the large black dog wailed in agony. There was already nowhere left to grab on his tail and legs. So, what could this leaping king tier do?

The king tier’s eyes darted about, eventually settling on a small little thing. Although it was small, it was still large enough for him to grab onto.

He showed no hesitation as he reached over and forcefully grabbed onto it.

“Owww!” The large black dog’s expression changed drastically. In fact, his expression was so complicated that even words would fail to completely describe it.

Everyone was stunned. This was because in a moment of sheer panic, the king tier had actually grabbed onto the little buddy between the large black dog’s legs!

There was a mountain hanging off the large black dog’s manhood… What kind of concept was this?

Even with the astonis.h.i.+ng physique of the large black dog, he still hadn’t tempered that area to a very powerful level.

“F*ck you and your ancestors!” the large black dog shouted as he sobbed. He finally couldn’t help but let go of Ling Han’s foot.


The king tiers hanging onto the large black dog instantly plummeted down along with him. This was a spectacular sight to behold.

Zi Chenfeng: “…”

Long Xiangyue: “…”

Second in the World: “…”

All the other king tiers: “…”

‘Holy f*ck!’

“Hahahaha!” The spectators beneath all exploded with laughter. They finally couldn’t suppress their laughter any longer.

Meanwhile, Ling Han’s foot was finally able to step onto the gigantic golden boulder. At this moment, he had finally completed his ascent.


A streak of golden light enveloped him, and his body instantly vanished from sight. Meanwhile, sweet dew started to rain down from heaven and earth, nurturing all of the cultivators that were currently in the second stage. However, those king tiers that had fallen down with the large black dog were all stripped of this opportunity.

The compet.i.tion had come to an end, and even the battling Empress Luan Xing and Gu Daoyi were forced to stop their attacks. They were unable to overcome the regulations of this valley, and right now was more so a time to absorb the blessings of heaven and earth. Thus, they knew that they shouldn’t cause any more trouble.

Those in the second stage all sat down and crossed their legs, channeling their cultivation techniques to absorb as much of the sweet dew as they could. As for those below the second stage, they could only leave in bitterness and exasperation.
