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Martial God Asura Chapter 2068 - Desire To Return Home

Martial God Asura Chapter 2068 - Desire To Return Home

“Chu Feng, stop immediately!!!”

Seeing that the spatial crack was closing, the Compa.s.s Immortal tried his best to approach it while shouting at Chu Feng hysterically.

However, it was already too late. Chu Feng seemed to have already prepared for it. His world spirit techniques closed the spatial crack in the blink of an eye. By the time the Compa.s.s Immortal managed to reach the spatial crack, it had disappeared completely, and Chu Feng had disappeared with it.

“Idiot, an utter idiot!”

“What you’re doing will simply harm yourself!!!”

At that moment, the Compa.s.s Immortal shouted nonstop. The change in his mood even affected the weather.

Black clouds rolled about as violent winds surged and that region had darkened completely.

After all, spatial cracks were separated into benign ones and vicious ones. For benign ones, one would be able to successfully pa.s.s through them. However, for the vicious spatial cracks, one would undoubtedly die after entering them.

Chu Feng’s previous actions were equivalent to him cutting off his own way out. If it had been a benign spatial crack, then it would have been fine. However, it had been a vicious spatial crack, and thus, Chu Feng would have no way to return alive.


However, right at this moment, the Compa.s.s Immortal suddenly noticed that a faint light was s.h.i.+ning behind him. In this darkened region, that faint light appeared especially dazzling.

After approaching it, the Compa.s.s Immortal noticed that the light was a spirit formation. The Compa.s.s Immortal began to form hand seals with one hand. Only then did he dare to touch the light.


Upon touching the light, the light immediately scattered in all directions. It was extremely dazzling. At that instant, a piece of information also entered the Compa.s.s Immortal’s mind.

“Senior Compa.s.s, this key will lead you to the Transmogrification Gate. With it, you will be able to enter the Transmogrification Gate. You must absolutely proceed for the Transmogrification Gate. Only by entering that place will junior feel rea.s.sured. As for me… I will definitely return safely.”

After receiving that piece of information, the Compa.s.s Immortal noticed that there was a key when he looked at the light again. As for that key, it was the key the Heaven Reaching Immortal had handed Chu Feng, the key that was able to find the Transmogrification Gate and allow one to enter it.

“Chu Feng, you…” Holding that key, the Compa.s.s Immortal sighed, and was speechless after being overwhelmed with emotions.

It turned out that Chu Feng had already planned everything out. He had never planned to let him brave the dangers of spatial crack from the very beginning. The reason for that was because regardless of whether it was the key’s spirit formation or the spirit formation that had closed the spatial crack, neither of those could be formed instantly. This meant that Chu Feng had already prepared them beforehand.

Even though he was feeling very uncomfortable, the Compa.s.s Immortal did not wish to disregard Chu Feng’s kind intentions. Thus, he grabbed that key and entered the void. He began to search for the Transmogrification Gate as per the indication from the key.


As for Chu Feng, he was currently surrounded by pitch-black darkness. He was within a violent storm.

The lightning here was no ordinary lightning. They were black, extremely ear-piercing, and contained boundless might. It was as if they could split open everything.

The winds here were no ordinary winds. They were golden, and their whistles would rip s.p.a.ce itself apart. It was as if they could slice apart everything.

Chu Feng was a rank four Martial Emperor. And, after using his various techniques, possessed a body that was stronger than even rank eight Martial Emperors.

However, if he were to come in contact with the black lightning or the golden winds, he would be annihilated instantly.

At that moment, Chu Feng was certain that the spatial crack that Tantai Xue had entered before was definitely not as dangerous as this one.

The reason for that was because the black lightning and golden winds in this place were simply too frightening. Even for Chu Feng, he must be extremely cautious when moving about among them.

With the cultivations that Tantai Xue, Jiang Qisha and the others had at that time, this sort of place would most definitely be impossible for them to pa.s.s through. In fact, not to mention pa.s.sing through it, they would likely have instantly died upon entering the spatial crack.

Thus, Chu Feng knew that he was very unlucky; the spatial crack that he had entered was an extremely berserk one. However, even with this being the case, he still had to advance bravely.

At this moment, the Dark Hall’s Hall Master was ma.s.sacring the innocents in the Holy Land of Martialism. As such, Chu Feng did not have the time to wait for the next relatively safer spatial crack.

This was the only opportunity that he could grasp right now.

At that moment, not only had Chu Feng activated his Heaven’s Eyes, he had also mobilized all of his spirit power to carefully observe his surroundings.

Truly, this was what they meant by listening in the eight directions with six paths before one’s eyes. Chu Feng did not dare to relax in the slightest. The reason for that was because he would really be killed should he be struck by the black lightning or golden winds. After all, the spatial crack he had entered was a vicious one.

In that sort of situation, Chu Feng forgot about time, forgot about his friends and relatives, forgot about everything. The only thing in his mind was to continue onward as he dodged the dangers all around.

He didn’t know how much time had pa.s.sed and how many days and nights he had spent traveling in the spatial crack, when a long-awaited light finally appeared in the distance. It was an exit.

Upon seeing that exit, Chu Feng felt his blood racing, his heart and mind surging. In fact, he felt like shouting.

However, he did not do so. The reason for that was because he knew that the more crucial a time was, the more he must not relax. He most definitely could not ruin everything by relaxing his guard at this most important time.

Thus, in an extremely cautious manner, Chu Feng finally walked out of the spatial crack. When he saw light again, he felt completely liberated.

Chu Feng first closed his eyes in celebration for successfully pa.s.sing through that frightening spatial crack.

At that moment, Chu Feng truly felt as if he had just walked through the gates of h.e.l.l.

After alleviating his heart and mind for a long while, Chu Feng gradually opened his eyes. He looked to the familiar blue sky and white clouds. He looked to the surging ocean waves, as well as the sea breeze that was blowing through his clothes and long hair. While doing all that, Chu Feng felt a single sensation, only a single sensation -- comfort. Everything felt so very comfortable.

Suddenly, a smile that had not been seen for a very long time emerged on Chu Feng’s face. It was a smile of joy of returning home.

“Eastern Sea Region, I’ve returned.”

“My relatives and friends, I’ve returned.”

“I’ve returned. I, Chu Feng, has finally returned. Everyone, how are you all doing?”

Even though Chu Feng was not someone from the Eastern Sea Region, to him, the Eastern Sea Region and the Nine Provinces Continent were his home.

After being away for so many years, he was finally able to return home. That sort of excitement was something that Chu Feng was unable to contain.


Suddenly, Chu Feng turned around and set up a world spirit formation to hide the spatial crack.

Firstly, it would still be a long time till the Heavenly Road opened. As such, the spatial crack would be the only way for Chu Feng to return to the Holy Land of Martialism.

Secondly, the spatial crack was too dangerous. For it to be left there, it would be inevitable that there would be curious individuals who would attempt to enter it. However, with the cultivation of the people from the Eastern Sea Region, they would most definitely be throwing away their lives should they enter the spatial crack.

As such, Chu Feng had to seal off the spatial crack.

As for the spatial crack in the Holy Land of Martialism that Chu Feng had closed, that had actually been a trick to fool the Compa.s.s Immortal.

The entrance was not sealed. As such, Chu Feng could still return to the Holy Land of Martialism through it. After all, Chu Feng had planned everything since the very beginning.

“Everyone, are you all doing fine? Wait a moment, I will come and find you all right away.”

Suddenly, Chu Feng took a step forward. With that step, Chu Feng completely disappeared.

With Chu Feng’s current level of cultivation, even though the Eastern Sea Region was enormous, he was able to reach any place within it in a very short period of time.

Furthermore, Chu Feng’s speed was extremely fast because he was extremely impatient...

...Impatient to return home.

If one were to ask what place was most sacred in the Eastern Sea Region, then people would definitely answer the Misty Peak.

Not only was the Misty Peak a place that originated from the Ancient Era, with a current master, called Qiushui Fuyan, who was very powerful, most importantly, a major battle had occurred there several years ago.

Even now, that battle was still fresh in the memories of the crowd.

The reason for that was because not only did that battle a.s.semble the Eastern Sea Region’s several more powerful powers, it was reported that experts from the Holy Land of Martialism were also among the partic.i.p.ants.

What sort of place was the Holy Land of Martialism? That was a place of legends. Yet, several existences from the Holy Land of Martialism had appeared in the Eastern Sea Region not long ago.
