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Absolute Resonance Chapter 1217: Fourth Grand Commander Li Luo

Absolute Resonance Chapter 1217: Fourth Grand Commander Li Luo

On an individual basis, most of the Dragon's Fang Guardians were at the Heavenly Pearl Tier, but some of their hands were stained with the blood of Dukes. In terms of temperament and morale, they were capable of striking fear even in cultivators at the Greater Heavenly Resonance Tier.

They were the Dragon's Fang Guardians.

Li Luo carefully sized them up. He noticed some familiar faces as some of them were elites from the Twenty Banners.

Zhao Yanzhi, Li s.h.i.+, Mu Bi—the three who had followed him in the Green Nether Banner—were also there.

Their gazes met Li Luo's and looks of excitement stirred on their expressions. However, Li Foluo was strict with his men, so they did not dare to make a single sound.

"Greetings, Guardian General!" the entire field of ten thousand cried out in unison, their joint voices booming like thunder and causing the ground to quake.

On the field were several stone steps, each one with a stone seat. Clearly, the one at the top belonged to the Guardian General.

Beneath him were two seats, and two people were already occupying them. Further beneath them were another four individuals.

Those seats naturally belonged to the Dragon Fang Envoys and the Four Grand Commanders.

As Li Foluo led the trio down, his stern face didn't reveal any trace of emotion. At the same time, he did not delay and went straight to the topic at hand.

"There are some new arrivals to the Dragon's Fang Guardians. I have called you all to see them. However, things are a little different today."

Li Foluo pointed towards Li Luo. "This is Li Luo. I believe many of you have heard of him. He is the Dragon's Head of the most recent generation and has aided the Dragon's Fang Lineage in obtaining prestige after countless years of being trodden upon. I believe none of you have anything to say about his contributions?"

Numerous gazes turned towards Li Luo. A moment later, they cupped their fists and respectfully saluted him with a bow.

Li Luo was a little astonished by this sudden action, but just as he was about to speak, Li Foluo explained, "The Five Guardian Armies are one ent.i.ty, but compet.i.tion is stiff. You have led the Green Nether Banner to suppress the other four lineages and have also won much honor for the Dragon's Fang Guardians. Thus, this deserves our bow."

Li Luo could only helplessly receive this.

"Now you are part of the Dragon's Fang Guardians, and you have expressed your interest in becoming a Grand Commander even though you're only at the Greater Heavenly Resonance Tier.”

Li Foluo then turned towards the four and continued, “Now, out of the four of you, who is willing to relinquish their role?"

Li Luo felt his scalp turn a little numb. Li Foluo clearly had a rock for his brain. What Grand Commander would casually hand their position over to a newcomer?

He was basically stirring up trouble with his question!

Just as Li Luo felt a little helpless yet again, awaiting the four Grand Commanders' fury, the four of them briefly glanced at each other. A moment later, the one sitting at the end stood up and let out a hearty laugh.

"Dragon's Head Li Luo, if you feel that the position of the fourth Grand Commander is not too low, then I'll temporarily give my seat to you."

Li Luo stared at the man who had given up his position in surprise. This all felt a little unbelievable. Wasn't this too easy? Was this a trap?

In the field, Li Luo was looking at the beaming male who had just given up his position. For a moment, he did not know how to react. He had a.s.sumed that he would encounter some obstacles after arriving and was even prepared for an arduous battle today.

After all, in the Green Nether Banner, he had to establish his dominance through violence to intimidate the rest and consolidate his power.

But someone had just directly given up his position in the Dragon's Fang Guardians?

Things were progressing so smoothly, he wondered if there was a plot abound. Perhaps he was looking to retreat only to take advantage of the situation before advancing yet again?

When faced with Li Luo's surprise, the man couldn't help but smile. He took two steps forward and explained, "My name is Li Jian, and I'm the Dragon's Fang Guardians' Fourth Grand Commander. I'm a lower first-grade Duke. There is no need to feel confused over this, Dragon's Head Li Luo. The Dragon's Fang Guardians may prize strength over everything, but we also recognize one's contributions and achievements. We have not underestimated your importance in leading the Green Nether Banner into becoming the leader amongst the Twenty Banners. After all, the only other person who had managed such a feat was your father, Li Taixuan.

"When news of you becoming the Dragon's Head reached our ears, everyone was ecstatic. They felt that they could see the shadow of your father within you. During his time, Li Taixuan elevated the guardians to their most glorious era, having managed to win over four of the five mythic armaments. He was like an unstoppable force that struck awe in everyone. Under his guidance, the Dragon's Fang Guardians were the leaders of the Five Guardian Armies. Every Guardian General after him has looked up to him. Unfortunately, our strength was not up to par, and our generation is a little too weak; our Light and Dark Spear was lost to the Dragon's Blood Guardians. Thus, you represent a beam of hope for us, so we don't mind helping you out. If you feel that the position of the Fourth Grand Commander is not too low, then please take it."

Li Luo finally understood. It seemed that his reputation had preceded him and it was because of what he had achieved in the Twenty Banners.

It seemed that Li Jian and the others in front of him were acting kindly because they also saw it as a form of investment.

To that, Li Luo could only say that the Dragon's Fang Guardians truly lived up to their reputation. Their sights lay much further into the future when compared to those in the Twenty Banners, and it was no surprise they had managed to become Dukes.

"Thank you, Elder Brother Li Jian." Li Luo sighed in his heart. Li Jian represented the goodwill of the Dragon's Fang Guardians towards him, and he would naturally not reject it. Now that he had been able to achieve his goal effortlessly, he knew that he would have to fight even harder on behalf of them in future.

Alas, this group was still unaware that if they wished to pin their hopes on someone, perhaps Jiang Qing'e would have been the better option.

After all, no matter how one looked at it, embarking on the Path of Ascension meant that she possessed even more shocking talent.

Unfortunately, Li Jian did not know all this, instead smiling as he stretched his hand out to shake Li Luo's hand. He then pushed him on to the Fourth Grand Commander's seat.

It was at this point that the other three Grand Commanders looked at him, nodding in a.s.sent.

A lady garbed in red and black combat robes introduced herself as she gave him a warm look. "Grand Commander Li Luo, I am Xia Yu, a lower second-grade Duke, the Chief Grand Commander."

She had beautiful features, but a single scar on her cheek gave her a slightly ruthless air. Li Luo cupped his fist as he saluted her respectfully. "Greetings, Chief Grand Commander. I look forward to receiving your guidance in the future."

"I'm the Second Grand Commander, Li Shanlan, upper first-grade Duke." The one who spoke up next was a tall and upright male. He had a black hatchet by his side, and he emanated tyrannical and savage energy undulations. His features were coa.r.s.e and his gaze was focused on Li Luo. "Grand Commander Li Luo, every single member of the Dragon's Fang Guardians has high hopes for you. I hope you won't let us down."

Li Luo didn't know what to say. It wasn't his fault that they had high hopes for him! He was honestly more willing to prove his worth in a battle and rely on his actual strength... But none of them had reacted as he had expected and gave him a free pa.s.s.

"I'm the Third Grand Commander, Li Meng, upper first-grade Duke. Grand Commander Li Luo, you will have to get closer to us in the future as we are your new family." Third Grand Commander Li Meng was a rotund man who resembled a ball. That said, his smile was infectious and he had a kind look on his face.

It was at this point that the members of the Dragon's Fang Guardians thunderously shouted, "Greetings, Fourth Grand Commander!"

Li Luo hurriedly stood up and saluted the group in response. This first encounter had allowed him to feel the curiosity and goodwill the Dragon's Fang Guardians held towards him. They did not criticize nor scrutinize his every action, which was a far cry from what he had first experienced in the Green Nether Banner.

Clearly, his actions and contributions in the last two years in the Dragon's Fang Lineage had had an impact.

Amongst the soldiers of the Dragon's Fang Guardians, Li Fengyi, Li Jingtao, Zhao Yanzhi, and the rest of the old guard who had served under Li Luo revealed expressions of great joy when he obtained his position as the Fourth Grand Commander. Furthermore, it was rare for someone with Greater Heavenly Resonance Tier strength to obtain such a t.i.tle. This demonstrated that Li Luo was beginning to build a reputation of his own in the Dragon's Fang Lineage.

"Thank you, Guardian General." Li Luo then cupped his fist and expressed his grat.i.tude towards Li Foluo. He understood that if not for Li Foluo's approval in this matter, Li Jian's Fourth Grand Commander position may not have been ceded so willingly.
