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Absolute Resonance Chapter 1303: Heavenly Dragon Appears in the Falling Star Terrace

Absolute Resonance Chapter 1303: Heavenly Dragon Appears in the Falling Star Terrace

This made many of the Dragon's Blood Guardians members unhappy. If Li Zhihuo and Li Hongque had not targeted Li Luo and Li Hongyou, perhaps there was the possibility of discussing a deal with Li Luo too?

After all, it wasn't as if they couldn't afford the 30,000 dragon essences.

Unfortunately, that was impossible now.

Although they didn't dare to show it on their faces, they were all a little dissatisfied with how Li Zhihuo handled things this time.

Li Zhihuo sensed the dissatisfaction from the members of the Dragon's Blood Guardians and his face turned even more gloomy. This time, he had really lost more than he gained. Even his reputation within the Dragon's Blood Guardians had been affected.

"Grand Commander Li Luo, I hope that you really can refine all the Star Pearls for the other Guardian in the World End's River Falling Star Terrace 3 days later. If not, you may have to refund all the dragon essences. If that happens, I'll have to report this issue honestly, letting the elders know that you've taken a shortcut to cheat the Treasury."

Li Zhihuo retorted with an insipid tone before he turned around to leave directly.

The other members of the Dragon's Blood Guardians followed after him.

Looking at the back of Li Zhihuo and the other members, Li Foluo asked Li Luo with a frown. "Are you really confident of doing so? Refining the Star Pearls for all four Guardians will consume a significant amount of energy. You all were already on the brink of exhaustion when you did it for just the Dragon's Fang Guardians earlier. Are you really able to do it for the others too?" At the moment, the other members from the 3 Guardians were looking forward to it excitedly. However, this would turn into disappointment if Li Luo failed to fulfill his end of the bargain. The higher they thought of Li Luo now, the harder he would fall then.

Li Luo simply smiled back as Li Foluo looked at him out of concern.

"We'll know in 3 days time."

The Heavenly Dragon Five Guardian Armies felt more and more restless during the three days which pa.s.sed by in the blink of an eye. The day of the World End's River Falling Star Terrace opening had finally arrived.

Li Luo could feel that the atmosphere was different this time when he appeared in the World End's River Falling Star Terrace. During the first time, no one had paid any attention to him as he was just a newbie of the Dragon's Fang Guardians. Conversely, he was now the centre of attention no matter where he went right now.

And within these gazes was burning antic.i.p.ation.

Li Luo was undoubtedly the one whom everyone paid the most attention to in the entire Heavenly Dragon Five Guardian Armies right now.

"Li Luo, you'd better not screw up today..." Li Foluo reminded Li Luo when he felt the atmosphere which was almost boiling over. Instead of celebrating, his face had turned much more serious.

He wasn't sure if Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e would really have the strength left to refine Star Pearls for the other Three Guardian Armies after they're done with the Dragon's Fang Guardians.

After all, it was a really demanding task.

Everyone from the Dragon Scale Guardians, Dragon's Bone Guardians and Dragon's Horn Guardians were looking forward to the result. If Li Luo failed to deliver because he was out of energy, their antic.i.p.ation would flip into dissatisfaction straight away.

The Dragon's Blood Guardians would surely make use of this to stir up troubles. Things would turn ugly then.

Hearing Li Foluo's reminder, Li Luo nodded his head with a grin. He had actually discussed this possibility with Jiang Qing'e much earlier.

However, in the end, they didn't proceed as they didn't have extra energy to spare. Over the past few months, they had gotten stronger and more experienced in refining the Star Pearls. This was especially true for Li Luo. During his first refinement, his Heavenly Resonance Diagram was only 60,000 feet. Now, his Heavenly Resonance Diagram had reached 96,000 feet!

Most importantly, his Dragon resonance had also successfully evolved into the Heavenly Dragon resonance!

Li Luo dared to make such a promise because of all these factors combined. Only then did he revive the discussion and have things proceed to where it was today.

Furthermore, he did not overpromise them either. He wasn't refining close to the maximum of what he could do at 260,000 Star Pearls like what he did for the Dragon's Fang Guardians. This gave him a little breathing room.

With everyone's eyes on him, Li Luo walked up and looked towards the Dragon's Scale Guardians, Dragon's Bone Guardians and Dragon's Horn Guardians respectively. His clear and loud voice resounded in the air, "To the three respectable Guardian Generals, you can first secure the World's End River Meteors when the Falling Star Terrace opens. I will need you to hold onto them for a while. We'll come over and help you as soon as we finish our job at the Dragon's Fang Guardians."

Li Tingyue, the Guardian General of Dragon's Scale Guardians, smiled back at him. "We'll wait for the good news from Grand Commander Li Luo then."

The other two Guardian Generals also nodded their heads.

Compared to the burning and palpable excitement found in the other Four Guardian Armies, the mood at the Dragon's Blood Guardians was a lot more gloomy. Today was a huge occasion and yet they were simply spectators for the main stage.

Li Zhihuo's face turned dark as he sensed the dour atmosphere all around him.

On his side, Li Hongque tried to comfort him. "Don't worry, Guardian General. Li Luo is simply too greedy seeing how he accepted jobs from all three Guardian Armies. He's just a Greater Heavenly Resonance. How long does he think he can keep doing it? When he fails to deliver, we'll see how he answers to the others."

Li Zhihuo nodded his head slightly. He had gone through countless rounds of cultivation in this World End's River Falling Star Terrace and he knew just how tiring it was to refine even a single Star Pearl. Even if Jiang Qing'e had triple ninth-grade Light resonance and Li Luo had his special artificing methods, their strength would ultimately limit how many Star Pearls they could actually refine.

But... what if Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e really succeeded?

They would become the most sought after people in the entire Heavenly Dragon Five Guardian Armies. Everyone else would admire and respect them. The Star Pearls were directly linked to their cultivation and strength after all. Everything else was secondary.

If that happened, their reputation would be akin to an uncrowned Guardian General.

When they got even stronger in the future, their reputation would be supported by their strength. At that time, the desired position of the Heavenly Dragon Five Guardian Armies' Grand Guardian General would likely fall into their hands.

Li Zhihuo couldn't help but tremble at the thought of this.


As Li Zhihuo was thinking about all this, vibrations could be felt coming from the giant formation above the Falling Star Terrace sky. The clouds gave way and the mysterious and terrifying World End's River appeared in front of their eyes.

The formation was activated and a deafening draconic roar could be heard. An enormous amount of light condensed into a dragon's maw that devoured with a strong suction force. The water from the World End's River was forcefully wrenched down.

Filled with immense energy, World's End River Meteors began to descend from the sky.

As soon as Li Foluo saw this, he let out a loud battlecry and flew into the air as he began to collect the World's End River Meteors.

The cultivation in the World End's River Falling Star Terrace, where thousands were looking forward to, had successfully started.

Meanwhile, Jiang Qing'e took command of 5000 Guardians. Immense and pure light resonant power exploded outwards and she began to refine the meteors.

Li Hongyou took charge of 1000 Guardians and supported Jiang Qing'e with her support resonance.

Meanwhile, Li Luo took command of 2000 Guardians. He activated the Acquired Resonance Flame and helped Jiang Qing'e in refining the Meteors.

With their skilled cooperation, World's End River Meteors were repeatedly refined without any surprise. Their efficiency was also much faster than before.

Countless dazzling Star Pearls fell down from the sky, sparkling in everyone's eyes.

After seven rounds, the Dragon's Fang Guardians had completed their haul first. They had finished refining all the World's End River Meteors.

They had even attained 280,000 Star Pearls in the end.

Without a doubt, that was the maximum amount of Star Pearls that could be refined from their number of World's End River Meteors.
