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Absolute Resonance Chapter 1319: Hidden Danger?

Absolute Resonance Chapter 1319: Hidden Danger?

However the last one seemed to emanate much more vigorous spiritual energy. It was like an icy cold bead as cold air spread from it. Snowflakes and ice crystals continued to condense in its vicinity.

At the same time the group gasped as their gazes turned heated.

This was indeed a middle-grade Foundational Spirit Treasure!

Li Foluo sucked in a breath in shock. This demonstrated that Li Hongyou's ability to sense treasures was indeed genuine.

Furthermore, the odds of a middle-grade Foundational Spirit Treasure appearing in a small Other Dominion would usually be one in ten.

"We're going to strike it rich this time." Li Foluo emotionally spoke to himself.

Li Hongyou smiled slightly as she stretched out towards the three Foundational Spirit Treasures.

However at this point voices suddenly rang out.

"Wait. Don't touch it." The ones who had spoken were actually Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e.

Li Hongyou looked suspiciously at the two and noticed that the duo were warily inspecting the object.

This caused her eyes to shrink slightly.

Was there a problem with it?

Chapter 1319: Hidden Danger?

Li Hongyou's slender jade-like hand paused before the three Foundational Spirit Treasures. Although she didn't know what the problem was, she trusted Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e.

Li Foluo had also descended from the skies. He had heard them objecting and immediately asked curiously. "What's happening? Is there something wrong with the Foundational Spirit Treasure?"

Based on his own senses, he couldn't figure out that anything was amiss.

Li Luo then glanced at Jiang Qing'e before asking. "Sister Qing'e, do you also feel like something isn't right?"

Jiang Qing'e hesitated for a moment before answering. "My Heart of Light sensed that there is something peculiar going on with this Foundational Spirit Treasure. However I can't tell if this was just my imagination."

At the same time she cast out her senses yet again and that sense of disconnection had vanished.

Li Luo frowned. Truthfully speaking, at that point in time just now, the Auric Halo within his body had also let out a warning towards him, which caused him to speak up. The mysterious Auric Halo had a special origin and had often helped him escape from dangerous situations. Thus he trusted it immensely.

More importantly, even Jiang Qing'e had detected something was not right and thus it should not have been a coincidence.

However neither of them could come up with a reason why they felt this way.

"If you trust us, we should temporarily not come into contact with thie Foundational Spirit Treasure. We'll store it away and when we return, Sister Qing'e and I will closely examine it." Li Luo sighed after a few moments as he spoke carefully. "It's not about trusting you, you're simply looking out for our safety." Li Foluo said without a care for the treasures.

He might not know whether there was something truly wrong with the Foundational Spirit Treasure but in the World End's River Treasure Domain, it was best to be cautious. Otherwise if something unexpected occurred, it would be too late to even regret it.

Li Foluo was not a fledgling child anymore and he understood just how serious things could get over a moment of recklessness or greed.

In any case there was no rush to use these Foundational Spirit Treasures anyways so it would be best to keep them away and investigate it more closely later.

Thus they took out three jade spheres which were engraved with numerous runes, emanating unique energy fluctuations.

Li Foluo tossed the jade spheres outwards which then opened up and directly enveloped the three Foundational Spirit Treasures.

These jade spheres served as a simple seal, perfect for containing these potentially problematic items.

"Should I leave these Foundational Spirit Treasures in your care, for you to take a closer look?" Li Foluo glanced at the two as he asked for their opinion. "Give it to me then." Jiang Qing'e took the initiative to receive it. If they contained some inexplicable danger within, it would be best kept with her. Li Luo was still preparing to break into the Duke stage and it would be best that he was kept safe from unforeseen circ.u.mstances.

She stretched her hand out and placed the jade spheres into her own pocket sphere.

The rest retracted their gazes. Despite that, everyone's mood remained high as one thing was confirmed at least. Li Hongyou could sniff out treasures before entering the Other Dominions and find out just what sort of grade the Foundational Spirit Treasure was.

This was an incredible discovery as it could save them endless amounts of effort and time.

After vanquis.h.i.+ng the strongest True Devil Other within this small sized Other Dominion and retrieving the Foundational Spirit Treasures, the Other Dominion was no longer able to maintain its existence and the void began to distort. The dark dense forest also began to vanish.

A few moments later, the group was back into the previous environment, the plains.

the Other Dominion had been truly dealt with.

The group looked around and in the distance, they could sense ma.s.sive energy undulations rippling in all directions. It looked like several squads had begun to enter the Other Dominions and were engaged in furious battle.

"Let's not waste time." Li Foluo said as he began to lead the way with the Dominion Scouter.

The rest didn't have any comments, only excitedly following behind.

Thus Li Luo and the group continued to push ahead. The difference between them and the other teams was that whilst other teams would slowly push through all the Other Dominions in their way, randomly obtaining treasures, they would under Li Hongyou's guidance, circ.u.mvent the ones with more lacking treasures and only tackle the ones which had higher grade Foundational Spirit Treasures.

Thus they picked their targets carefully and as a result, their returns were vastly higher.

In just half a day, Li Luo's squad had vanquished four small Other Dominions and obtained five middle-grade and eleven low-grade Foundational Spirit Treasures.

When compared to other squads, some might not have found even a single middle-grade one.

This harvest caused everyone to be extremely moved, especially the usually stalwart Li Foluo. Even he couldn't help but beam happily. He had entered the Treasure Domain more than once and was thus clear about how difficult it was to obtain a middle-grade Foundational Spirit Treasure. Thus this efficiency displayed by the team was the most amazing he had ever seen.

However what dampened everyone's enthusiasm was that when every single Foundational Spirit Treasure appeared, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e prevented them from coming into contact with it.

Clearly they were able to sense that there was something not right with the objects.

That said the two of them continued to probe and attempt to discover the source of their unease. Yet no matter how hard they tried, they were unable to figure out the problem with it.

This left them feeling a little down.

That said, whenever every single Foundational Spirit Treasure appeared, their senses would both warn them and had never disappeared. From another point of view, this validated their guesses and they knew that there was definitely some hidden danger within these treasures.

Otherwise why would both their senses react the same way each time?

The probability was close to zero that there was nothing wrong. One had a Heart of Light and triple ninth-grade Light resonances while the other had the Auric Halo.

The origin of these objects were extraordinary and it couldn't have been a mistake.
