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Absolute Resonance Chapter 70 - Li Luo's Arrow

Absolute Resonance Chapter 70 - Li Luo's Arrow

Chapter 70: Li Luo’s Arrow

Boom! Boom!

Within the wreckage, faint sounds of thunder boomed out. Some distance away, the other schools’ students were watching s.h.i.+ Huang throw his full strength time and again, constantly forcing Li Luo back.

If this continued, Li Luo would be eliminated before too long.

They shook their heads. Although Li Luo’s growth had been ferocious, he was just that bit of oomph short of taking on someone as strong as s.h.i.+ Huang. A pity.


Another brutal clang of sword and spear, and Li Luo was again sent flying, cras.h.i.+ng straight into a broken building.

s.h.i.+ Huang’s spear was upright as he stared into the wreckage, cutting a striking figure as electricity leaped and danced across his skin.

“Li Luo, trying to play a stamina game? I don’t think you’re quite there yet,” he said, a hint of contempt in his voice.

“If you want to keep some pride, hurry up and surrender.”

Inside the building, the light was dim. Li Luo was leaning against a wall, and he laughed to himself when he heard s.h.i.+ Huang’s voice. “Tough indeed,” he mumbled. “Seems like I was a little naive. I thought I could keep this in reserve, but it seems like I need some firepower after all.”

With an arrested expression, he grasped his two swords and hit them together, hilts first. Both hilts were engraved with snarling beasts, and now their fangs connected. With a light twist, they clicked into place.

At the same time, the curves of his blades began to deepen.

It looked… like a big bow made from his swords.

A silver-blue bow.

Li Luo pressed a finger at a spot on the blade, and a small hole appeared, silver string springing out. Li Luo twirled it out gently to string his bow.

This was the special resonant artifact he had custom-made. Usually in the mode of twin swords, others did not know that it had another form, a big bow that Li Luo had dubbed the Dewlight Bow.

He curled his hand tightly around the hilt-grip. He did not want to reveal his hidden ace just yet, but clearly if he kept his head down any longer, it would be chopped off.

He looked up at the figure of s.h.i.+ Huang outside, lips curled in a cold, cold smile.

Outside, s.h.i.+ Huang seemed to have sensed that something was wrong. Frowning, he transformed his spear into a silver bolt that flew into the building.


He was rewarded with a boom of resonant power. Someone leaped out, landing gently on a vine-covered rock.

Li Luo.

s.h.i.+ Huang clenched his fist, and his spear was called back. He was slightly worried, especially about the silver-blue bow in his opponent’s hands.

Both inside and outside Whitespirit Mountain, there was puzzlement. What was he intending to do?

“What d.a.m.ned trick are you up to this time?” s.h.i.+ Huang asked indifferently.

Li Luo did not reply, instead choosing to take a deep breath and drawing his bow. His resonant power formed a faint arrow of light on the strings.

Both arrowhead and shaft were glowing, formed by his light resonance. Only Li Luo himself knew that the light resonance structure was full of holes and gaps, which he then filled in with water resonance power, creating a synergy between them.

It was as if water was being carried forth by light, at an indescribable speed.

If water could reach such speeds, who would dare to call water resonance soft and weak?

Li Luo could feel the resonant power fading from his body, but there was a smile on his face. This resonance art was based on a high-grade water resonance art called Riverflow Art and another high-grade light resonance art called Flowing Light Art…

After numerous failures, Li Luo managed to express his dual resonant nature and successfully crafted this art.

This arrow, he called it…

The Dewlight Skystream Arrow.

This was Li Luo’s strongest attack now, and his final trump card.

s.h.i.+ Huang had been very composed this whole time, sure that there was nothing Li Luo could do. But When the arrow of light appeared on Li Luo’s silver-blue bow, his face changed.

He could feel a strange p.r.i.c.kling sensation, as though he was facing an incredibly strong opponent.

“Impossible! He’s just an Eighth Seal. How can he pose a threat?” s.h.i.+ Huang’s eyes were wide. He had the Voltaic Plating. He did not even fearLu Qing’er at full strength; what was a mere Li Luo?

What was that arrow of light?

Could it be a Duke Stage resonance art? But an Eighth Seal could not possibly activate such a resonance art!

But if it wasn’t a Duke Stage resonance art, how much damage could it do? 

s.h.i.+ Huang started to back off. Facing Li Luo’s unknown attack, he did not charge recklessly, but instead chose to retreat.

He believed that this was Li Luo’s final attack. As long as he could evade it, Li Luo would be at his mercy.

Li Luo looked calmly at the quickly retreating s.h.i.+ Huang. Lightning was fast, but could it be faster than light itself?

His bow now pulled to a full crescent, Li Luo released his hooked fingers.


A light humming rang out.

A bolt of light shot forth at a speed that confounded the eye.


His hairs standing on end, s.h.i.+ Huang shouted, “Lightning Steps!”

Electricity crackled to life at his feet, and he reached his maximum speed.


He could only watch as the light shaft sped into his vision, and a wall between them suddenly opened up with a hole. Evening sun filtered through it.

Sensing the danger he was in, s.h.i.+ Huang called forth his resonant power and hurled his spear forth in the form of an electric dragon.


A crystal-clear sound. Eyes wide, s.h.i.+ Huang watched as his lightning-charged spear shattered.

The light arrow continued on its path, punching through s.h.i.+ Huang’s extended left palm and leaving a clean hole.

His Voltaic Plating did not manage to hold up for even a breath before it was penetrated.


A scream of pain.

s.h.i.+ Huang’s left shoulder was gus.h.i.+ng with blood, and he fell to the ground, heavily wounded. Slumping against a broken wall, blood bubbled out from his mouth.

And all around Whitespirit Mountain, silence fell.
