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Absolute Resonance Chapter 455 - The Strictest of Warnings

Absolute Resonance Chapter 455 - The Strictest of Warnings

Chapter 455: The Strictest of Warnings

The hall-wide format for the first half had come as a surprise for Li Luo.

All his plans had revolved around squad-work, but now he realized that he had set his planning horizons a little too near.

Still, this made sense. Ultimately, the Academic Federation fostered white-hot compet.i.tion among the schools so that the students would grow stronger. Unity among the students was also important, sometimes even more so than individual strength.

There were some in this world who had the strength to rival an army… but these students were laughably far from that level.

Working with the other Violet Vibrance squads wasn’t going to be a problem… except for w.a.n.g Hejiu and Duze Beixuan. Those two were t.u.r.ds the length of a baseball bat.

Li Luo glanced over at them. Both were frowning heavily at the moment. Sensing Li Luo’s eyes on them, they looked up uneasily.

At school, they had their fair share of conflicts, and their relations.h.i.+p had been strained and sour at best.

Not sabotaging each other might be as good as you could have hoped for when you put them in the same compet.i.tive environment. Working together? The notion was hilarious.

“Students, let me say this again.” Vice Princ.i.p.al Su Xin was speaking in the sharpest tone they had ever heard from her. “The Holy Grail Meet is of paramount importance to the Astral Sage College. I need each of you to act on behalf of the greater strategy. Put aside your petty and selfish interests. Any malicious deeds will be answered with the harshest of punishments, handed out by myself personally. And the school will never again take another student a.s.sociated with you or yours.”

That was a threat severe enough to make the students pale. The anger of a gentle woman was feared even by the wisest of them.

The threat of cutting all ties.

Li Luo swallowed nervously. The school was the ultimate training ground of the Xia Kingdom. If they barred a house or any faction from cultivating there, it would be a devastating blow indeed.

Even w.a.n.g Hejiu’s expression turned circ.u.mspect immediately. The w.a.n.g family’s dynasty ran far and deep, and they sent many disciples to the Astral Sage College each year. If he killed off that channel for the house, his father would probably strangle him to death with his own hands.

w.a.n.g Hejiu sensed Vice Princ.i.p.al Su Xin’s cool look directed at him, and he shuddered. It seemed like the kind vice princ.i.p.al knew of his enmity with Li Luo all too well.

Message received, loud and clear.

After all, Li Luo was deemed as a compet.i.tor for strongest One Star Hall student. If he pulled Li Luo down, the school would not stand for it.

At this point, he was feeling like a cornered rat. He forced a smile. “Don’t worry, Vice Princ.i.p.al. Li Luo and I might have fought childishly in the past, but I know this is different. I will definitely do my best to work with his squad.”

Duze Beixuan, in the meantime, was getting heat from a different direction.

His sister, Duze Honglian.

The younger Duze sibling quailed before his older sister. He knew her fiery temper, and she would not hesitate to punch his face in even before everyone here. He hastily nodded. “I’ll do my best as well.”

Duze Honglian nodded and then turned away, satisfied. She was worried that Duze Beixuan was too young and stubborn to lay down his pride. But when Vice Princ.i.p.al Su Xin made such a threat, their only choice was to respect it.

Not even House Duze could survive without the school.

“Seems like our friend Honglian over there knows what’s up,” Jiang Qing’e’s teammate Tian Tian noted.

Duze Honglian set the example herself. “I will do my best for the good of the hall,” she said, addressing Jiang Qing’e directly. “Jiang Qing’e, show us how deep your potential runs. Go take that strongest Three Star Hall student t.i.tle. None of us have seen you at your 100% yet. I hope to see it this time.”

Jiang Qing’e nodded back calmly. “I will do my best. With the help of someone as strong as yourself, things should be a lot easier.”

Duze Honglian’s eyes widened, and she could feel a sudden, hot p.r.i.c.kle at the back of her throat. To think the day would come when Jiang Qing’e would acknowledge her. Duze Honglian had seen Jiang Qing’e as a bitter rival from the day the two girls had enrolled, but the gap between them had only grown bigger and bigger. Duze Honglian held on to her anger and pride stubbornly, because if she let them go, all that would be left was despair.

But the reality in battle was clear cut. Duze Honglian had to respect Jiang Qing’e’s dominance over her. She herself did not know if she was hanging on so grimly just to earn Jiang Qing’e’s respect.

“d.a.m.n you, Duze Honglian,” she scolded herself inwardly. “How pathetic can you get? Just one kind word and you’re an emotional wreck. Shame!”

Compared to the One and Three Star Halls, the Four Star Hall was a lot more peaceful. Their cla.s.s had divided up into two clear sides over the years—the Gong Shenjun team and the First Princess team. Both had many followers, and both maintained a cordial relations.h.i.+p with each other easily, as politically-seasoned individuals.

They very quickly established their own understanding.

As for the Two Star Hall… Well, they were a little neglected.

Zhu Xuan and Ye Qiuding could tell that Vice Princ.i.p.al Su Xin had paid them little attention from the start, whether in the form of pointed warning or kind words.

Which made them a little troubled.

It meant that she held zero expectations for the Two Star Hall. Understandable. Compared to the others, this year’s Two Star Hall was painfully ordinary. And they had almost cost the school the ticket match as well.

Under such circ.u.mstances, who would even hold hopes for the Two Star Hall at the Holy Grail Meet?

In Vice Princ.i.p.al Su Xin’s mind, the Two Star Hall was probably just here to make the headcount.

Zhu Xuan and Ye Qiuding shared miserable looks.

Was this what it felt like to be the middle child?

d.a.m.n… the feeling sucked.
